jones_unofficial_nv_rendezvous jones_unofficial_nv_yellowdeath jones_unofficial_nv_deathdraws jones_unofficial_nv_treason
Full Name: Unofficial Jones
Nationality: American
Organization: U.S. State Department
Occupation Agent

Creator: Lee Fredericks
Time Span: 1941 - 9412


Unofficial Jones is an agent with the U.S. State Department.

That very unusual first name, obviously not one his parents named him back in the day, is the only one I have found for this individual. Interestingly, sometimes when it is used in the text of the recorded adventures we have of his activity, it is not surrounded by quotes while other times it is - not sure what that means. Mostly when he is mentioned, it is just as Jones.

We are given a nice description of him in the adventures. "Jones was not a newcomer to the ranks of the United States Secret Service (more on this in a bit) by any means. The Puerto Rico Indian was one of Uncle Sam's most successful agents particularly where Central and South American enemies of the United Nations were his adversaries. The Caribbean area was his particular oyster."

"There was nothing about 'Unofficial' Jones to tell [anyone looked at him] that he was the same Jones who had won medals and broken track records while attending college in the United States. Those who looked upon him as a disreputable looking Indian, would have been surprised to learn that he was a descendant of the last of the Caciques of Puerto Rico, the fierce Carib Kings who had resisted Spain valiantly. Jones' carriage was kingly, and the fierceness of his traditional strain was tempered with a knowledge that made him an invaluable servant of the United States Government."

In addition to his impressive physical conditioning, Jones is trained in the FBI's academy where he learned various forms of hand-to-hand combat including being especially trained by a fellow operative, an Oriental, in ju-jutsy. Jones would much prefer to not have to result to violence in the course of his missions but should the need arise, he is never one to hesitate.

Good Lines:
- Said by Jones to an attractive woman to lead the way into a building, "A man's place in the world is to follow a beautiful woman".


Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:1941
Last Appearance:9412

1 Yellow Death Yellow Death
Written by Lee Fredericks
Copyright: 1941

Published in Exciting Detective, Winter 1941.
[plot unknown]

2 Rendezvous with Death Rendezvous with Death
Written by Lee Fredericks
Copyright: 1941

Published in Exciting Detective, May 1941.
[plot unknown]

3 Treason in Numbers Treason in Numbers
Written by Lee Fredericks
Copyright: 19412

Published in Exciting Detective, Winter 1942.
[plot unknown]

4 Death Draws a Full House Death Draws a Full House
Written by Lee Fredericks
Copyright: 1944

Published in Thrilling Mystery, Summer 1944.
Unofficial Jones is in Cuba where he is looking into a spate of saboteur by Axis agents as these operative do whatever they can to prevent American scout planes refueling in that country from heading out on search patrols looking for, among many things, German submarines out to attack shipping.


There are only 4 adventures in the saga of Unofficial Jones and they are hard to get hold of.  I have a hard time justifying $30 for a copy of a magazine in which I would desire only one story. However, considering how much I enjoyed the one Jones tale that I could get, I have rethought this often.

Jones is an enjoyable character and it is a shame that more stories about him were not written. I can see, though, that with the Second World War just pulling the U.S. into it, attentions were understandably elsewhere.


My Grade: B


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