xiii_cb_xiii_mys01 xiii_cb_xiii25 xiii_cb_xiii11 xiii_cb_xiii14 xiii_cb_xiii22 xiii_cb_xiii16 xiii_cb_xiii_mys04 xiii_cb_xiii07 xiii_cb_xiii04 xiii_cb_xiii17 xiii_cb_xiii23 xiii_cb_xiii18 xiii_cb_xiii05 xiii_cb_xiii_mys09 xiii_cb_xiii08 xiii_cb_xiii09 xiii_cb_xiii_mys05 xiii_cb_xiii21 xiii_cb_xiii02 xiii_cb_xiii15 xiii_cb_xiii06 xiii_cb_xiii03 xiii_cb_xiii19 xiii_cb_xiii13 xiii_gm_2003
Full Name: XIII
Codename: XIII
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jean Van Hamme
Time Span: 2008 - 2023


XIII is an agent with no one.

I dislike putting it that way but I was at a loss to know how to describe who he works for as that really changes a lot as he learns more about who he is and what he does and why he does it.

Sound confusing? Does to him, too, because XIII has no idea who he is.

His life starts, well, his current memory of his life, when he found on the shore by an elderly man heading to fish accompanied by his dog. XIII - more on that name in a moment - was lying sprawled partially in the water unconscious with an obvious head wound. The man and his also aged wife decide for their own reasons to not call the police but to summon a neighbor friend who was once a doctor and together they nursed him back to health.

Naturally one of their first questions was who are you followed by how did you come to be shot, both of which the wounded man would love to be able to answer but his memory is gone, obviously the result of the head trauma. He had nothing on him to provide any clue, except for the tattoo on his left shoulder of the Roman numerals 'XIII'. Why was it there? Yet another mystery.

The adventures that we will have to follow this man on will consist mostly of his trying very hard to learn who he is, an endeavor made extremely difficult because there are some very powerful people out to shut his mouth permanently and others wanting to get hold of him to lock him away for the assassination of the late President of the United States!

We will learn fairly early that his real name is Steve Rowland and he is a war hero who vanished a couple years prior to the events we follow. That is when we also learn Rowland is indeed the prime/only suspect in the assassination. And then we learn he is not Rowland but was someone who was made to look like Rowland and then we learn that that person was not who we thought ....

Again, confusing, right? But fascinating.

What can be said for sure about this man who bears the unusual tattoo and whom some people actually address as XIII is that he is a man in his likely mid-30s, in exceptional physical shape able to handle a wide variety of weapons including his fists and feet, and he is no stranger to violence - giving or getting. And wherever he goes, there is a lot of violence.


Number of Movies:1
First Appearance:2008
Last Appearance:2008

1 XIII: The Conspiracy XIII: The Conspiracy
Director: Duane Clark
Writers: Philippe Lyon, David Wolkove
Actors: Stephen Dorff as XIII, Caterina Murino as Sam, Stephen McHattie as General Carrington, Val Kilmer as The Mongoose, Lucinda Davis as Jones
Released: 2008

A two-part television movie based on the comicbook series. The episodes were aired Feb, 8 & 15, 2009.
"Female US president Sheridan is killed from a mile by a masterly sniper who leaves no trace. The vice-president, now having succeeded for a short end of term, is contested by her brother, governor Wally Sheridan, who plays the national insecurity card, as the murder is only the first of series of terrorist strikes. Colonel Amos and his team are given a free hand to track down and catch the killer at all cost. Ross Tanner, who is found by a retired couple and lovingly nursed after a bad fall from a helicopter, comes to realize trough serious amnesia he's probably the sniper."


Number of Episodes:26
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2013

Stuart TownsendXIII [ 1-2 ]
Greg BrykColonel Amos [ 1-2 ]
Stephen McHattiePresident Carrington [ 1-2 ]
Aisha TylerAgent Jones [ 1-2 ]

According to Wikipedia: "In 2011, a TV series called XIII: The Series aired in Canada and France, which is a continuation of the 2008 mini-series. It starred Stuart Townsend and Aisha Tyler. The first season followed the storyline constructed in the aftermath of Volume 5, concentrating on XIII's past as in the comics while the second season develops beyond the plot of all the existing materials with an original story arc unrelated to the source material."

"The first season of XIII consists of 13 episodes with Gil Grant as showrunner. It premiered in France on 18 April 2011 on Canal+, where two episodes were shown on Monday nights. The North American debut for the series was 19 April 2011 in Canada on Mystery TV, where the series was shown at 10:00 am ET on Tuesday mornings. The series was shown in prime-time in Canada on Showcase, where episodes were shown Wednesday nights at 10:00 pm ET and were also available in HDTV. The twelfth and thirteenth episodes were shown Tuesdays at 10:00 pm ET on Showcase due to the return of Weeds seventh season. In the United States it was shown on prime-time on Friday nights more than a year later on the ReelzChannel starting 29 June 2012."

Note: the metadata, including the plots, are taken from the Wikipedia entry for the television series.

1 Pilot
Episode S1-1, first aired 04/19/2011
Directors: John Stead, Duane Clark
Writer: Gil Grant

After the events of the mini-series, NSA Director Amos creates elaborate cover-up for the Sally Sheridan assassination by changing XIII's face (now played by Stuart Townsend) and placing him in a brutal rendition camp. Two years later, XIII is sprung from the rendition camp in a daring escape by mysterious allies. These allies turn out to be former President Sheridan and psychotic freelance killer Irina Svetlanova. When Sheridan promises that if XIII retrieves the contents of a safe deposit box only he can access, Sheridan will give him information about his past life.

2 Green Falls
Episode S1-2, first aired 04/26/2011
Director: Philippe Haïm
Writer: Philippe Lyon

XIII and Sam follow a clue from Sheridan to Green Falls, a small town where XIII may have grown up. As XIII begins to ask questions about himself and his father, who is a local reporter, XIII stirs up old secrets and modern-day violence. In the end, XIII learns his boyhood name, but also is driven to solve the murder of the father he never knew and a corporate scheme to hide the deaths of hundreds of workers. XIII also learns that he was conscripted into a CIA training program when he was away at college. The more answers he gets, the more mysterious his past seems to be.

3 Lockdown
Episode S1-3, first aired 05/03/2011
Director: Duane Clark
Writer: Charles Heit

Chasing another lead from Sheridan, XIII gets himself thrown into a brutal Venezuelan prison in search of a prisoner who might have worked with XIII when he was a CIA operative. The problem is getting to this prisoner – Sanchez – a powerful personality who inspired the prisoners to fight for their rights. He's been declared insane and locked away in a high security area. XIII must fight off attacks from both prisoners and guards as he attempts to sneak into the secure medical ward and get the information he needs. When corrupt CIA chief, Giordino gets involved and forces XIII to do a dangerous side mission for him in the prison, it seems that even if XIII gets the information he needs, he might wind up spending the rest of his life behind the bars of this brutal institution.

4 The Irish Version
Episode S1-4, first aired 05/10/2011
Director: Xavier Palud
Writer: Denis McGrath

XIII follows the piece of information he learned from Sanchez in the Venezuelan prison. It leads him to Ireland in search of Seamus O'Neal, an ex-IRA operative who was inducted into the CIA at the same time XIII was. In Seamus' home town, XIII begins to ask questions about Seamus and opens up old hostilities... and a possible connection between Seamus and a new breed of IRA killers. XIII must fight to find out what Seamus was involved in… and the secrets of what it has to do with XIII's own life.

5 Training Camp
Episode S1-5, first aired 05/17/2011
Director: Duane Clark
Writer: Pamela Davis

XIII follows the trail of his identity to a paramilitary training camp in the Pacific Northwest named Bitterroot where he supposedly trained. As XIII tries to discover the nature of the secret mission he was being trained for, he runs afoul of the camp's owner, Rech. It's all XIII can do to stay alive through the vicious training regime... and the ever-present danger of being discovered and executed as a spy. In the end, XIII finds some of the information he was looking for, but at a deadly cost.

6 Costa Verde
Episode S1-6, first aired 05/25/2011
Director: Michael Robison
Writer: Peter Mohan

Having learned in Bitterroot that he was trained for a corporate intrusion mission in Costa Verde, XIII and Jones head off to investigate. As they dig deeper into XIII's possible involvement there, they make stunning discoveries. Not only might XIII have been involved in an explosion that killed hundreds of workers at a plant, but he was also involved with a revolutionary movement... and its beautiful and charismatic leader. In the end, what XIII finds out, might not just get him killed, it might change the course of the country's history.

7 Undertow
Episode S1-7, first aired 06/01/2011
Director: Paul Shapiro
Writer: Andrea Stevens

XIII and Jones travel to Chicago in search of Robert Simons, one of the other agents sent to break into the plant in Costa Verde. Desperate to find out what really went on there... and in search of the information hidden in the other two watches he knows about, XIII is frustrated to learn that Simons disappeared two years ago. Even worse, XIII's search seems to have attracted the attention of others who are looking for the information from the watches, including the lethal Irina. In the end, XIII finds out what really happened to Simons and attempts to recover one of the watches. The trick will be to keep himself, Jones and Simons' daughter alive long enough to accomplish it.

8 Hunting Party
Episode S1-8, first aired 06/08/2011
Director: Alain Tasma
Writer: Grant Rosenberg

When Irina approaches XIII with a proposal for him to hand over one of the watches in return for the identity of the man who killed Sam, XIII makes a deal with the devil.

9 The Bank Job
Episode S1-9, first aired 06/15/2011
Director: Lee Rose
Writer: Denis McGrath

XIII is hot on the trail of now-exposed CIA director Giordino and tracks him to a safe deposit box in Moscow where Giordino has secreted money, documents and blackmail materials in case of an emergency. XIII and Jones plan a daring bank robbery to get to Giordino's stash before he does, but on breaking in, find more mysteries than answers. What XIII finds out is that keeping the team he put together in one piece might be harder than he ever thought. In the end, XIII may have to let the deadly Giordino get into the box so they can find out where his next move will take him. And that move might prove fatal to XIII and Jones.

10 The Train
Episode S1-10, first aired 06/22/2011
Director: Steve DiMarco
Writer: Charles Heit

Following Giordino as he makes use of the mysterious information from his burn box, XIII and Jones find themselves looking for a young boy whose parents Giordino has brutally murdered. As they chase Giordino and the boy to a secret meeting on a train travelling across Canada, they learn the stunning truth about who the boy really is. They also learn the earth-shaking consequences of Giordino or the mysterious Gerhardt controlling him. Eventually, XIII will have his long-awaited confrontation with Giordino from which only one of them will walk away.

11 The Bunker
Episode S1-11, first aired 06/30/2011
Director: Ken Girotti
Writer: Peter Mohan

From information XIII and Jones learned from the boy Giordino kidnapped, they travel to Montana, the site of a de-commissioned blast chamber full of deadly traps... and potentially, the hiding place of Max Serle and the information from the final watch. Max, one of the conspirators in the Costa Verde mission and a dangerous paranoiac, has walled himself in the blast chamber, having tricked it out with deadly traps. It's up to XIII and Jones to fight their way through the installation to get to Max and convince him of who XIII really is before Irina and her team of mercenaries can get there first.

12 The Key
Episode S1-12, first aired 07/05/2011
Director: Alain Tasma
Writer: Grant Rosenberg

Having retrieved the final watch from Max Serle, XIII fits the pieces of the encrypted file together to find that it requires a password. As Amos and his team try to preemptively take back the information before XIII can use it, XIII and Dillon work frantically to break the password. Throughout this, XIII realizes that the mysterious Gerhardt has led him through the facets of his previous life for a reason. The password is somewhere in what he's re-experienced over the last weeks of his quest. In the end, unless he breaks the code in time, the forces that shape his destiny may cheat XIII out of the answers he so desperately needs.

13 Revelation
Episode S1-13, first aired 07/12/2011
Director: Clark Johnson
Writer: Denis McGrath

Gerhardt has stolen the information weapon from XIII and is bent on using it to undermine world powers to his benefit. XIII and Jones enlist Dillon to help them track Gerhardt's operations to Paris where Gerhardt has a stronghold. But in Paris, XIII must fight his way through the layers of protection that Gerhardt has set up to find Gerhardt's base of operations. Finally, XIII and Gerhardt have their confrontation as they chase through the streets of Paris. As they work through their final meeting, the fate of the information weapon, of XIII's life… and the future of society itself will hang in the balance.

14 Phoenix
Episode S2-1, first aired 04/09/2013
Director: Alain Tasma
Writers: Roger Avary, David Martinez

Having been betrayed by his country, XIII trusts no one. He is believed dead and lives off the grid. Stumbling upon an anti-globalization protest, he meets the beautiful Betty Barnowsky and through her reluctantly becomes involved with The Veil, a radical activist group led by the enigmatic Max Vargas. When it seems that XIII goes mad and commits heinous crimes, his old enemies train their sights on him.

15 Rampage
Episode S2-2, first aired 04/16/2013
Director: Alain Tasma
Writer: Roger Avary

Headquarters of the multi-national Synequanon are bombed, resulting in the death of innocents. Authorities and the media hold The Veil and XIII responsible and label them as terrorists. XIII is captured and tortured by a mysterious figure, who seems to know him intimately.

16 Defender
Episode S2-3, first aired 04/23/2013
Director: Duane Clark
Writers: Denis McGrath, Peter Rowley

On the eve of the American election, XIII is hunted by powerful enemies: the Government, which now realizes he was never terminated; Synequanon, clamouring for revenge for the bombing of their headquarters; and by the mysterious figure who is after a set of equally mysterious letters. While evading these factions, XIII seeks to unravel the mystery behind the letters.

17 Tempest
Episode S2-4, first aired 04/30/2013
Director: Robert Lieberman
Writer: Christina Ray

Caught in the permanent storm surrounding Ariella Island, XIII is shipwrecked. Posing as a fisherman, he is befriended by Dr. Westlund who holds critical information about the letters. The aging scientist and his daughter Gale hide XIII from the Synequanon security forces holding them prisoner. On the mainland, Harriet Traymore wins the presidential election but Carrington refuses to leave office.

18 Joust
Episode S2-5, first aired 05/07/2013
Director: Bruce McDonald
Writer: Denis McGrath

XIII and Amos grapple physically and mentally, as they try to uncover the truth behind the bombing of Synequanon's headquarters. Fueled by grief and rage, Amos tortures XIII's body and attempts to manipulate his mind. XIII strives to prove his innocence and escape from Amos' twisted grasp.

19 Gauntlet
Episode S2-6, first aired 05/14/2013
Director: David Winning
Writer: David Martinez

XIII crashes an ultra-exclusive birthday party to find the final letter. The host of the party, and the owner of the letter, is a Russian Oligarch with a penchant for collecting expensive items such as rare weapons and beautiful women, and using the former on the latter. Part of his collection includes one of the Tesla letters, and XIII finds he isn't the only person who's come looking for it.

20 Breakout
Episode S2-7, first aired 05/21/2013
Director: Rachel Talalay
Writer: Karen McClellan

XIII, Betty and Mozambique rush to free Vargas before he's deported to Guantanamo, as they believe he must have information about the letters. Synequanon's tests of their newest technology have unforeseen, cataclysmic results.

21 Mousetrap
Episode S2-8, first aired 05/28/2013
Director: Rachel Talalay
Writer: Roger Avary

Betty and XIII both question the reality of their situations: concealing his true identity, XIII sails to China, searching the ship for the final letter which has been hidden somewhere on board; Betty is abducted and delivered to her father in London, who claims that her experiences with XIII and the Veil have been nothing but the narcotic-induced hallucinations of a runaway.

22 Pong
Episode S2-9, first aired 06/04/2013
Director: David Winning
Writer: Christina Ray

XIII is delivered into the hands of Xu Corporation, who believe him to be Victor Gong, also known as XIII.2. While XIII allows the deception to continue, he is plagued by memories that force him to question his true identity. President Carrington imposes a state of martial law, halting the transfer of power to Harriet Traymore.

23 Black Widow
Episode S2-10, first aired 06/11/2013
Director: Pascal Laugier
Writer: David Martinez

Xu Corporation gives XIII the face of agent Victor Gong (XIII.2), which only intensifies his struggles with identity. Betty plots revenge against her father by trying to sabotage his efforts in China. Carrington watches his empire crumble around him.

24 Punchout
Episode S2-11, first aired 06/18/2013
Director: David Wu
Writer: Karen McClellan

XIII is thrown into The Pit, an underground dungeon where prisoners are forced to fight to the death in matches broadcast live online. XIII tries to rally the prisoners, which include Amos, Mozambique and Grier, while staying alive long enough to attempt an escape. XIII.2 and Betty mastermind a hostile takeover of Xu Corporation.

25 Berzerk
Episode S2-12, first aired 06/25/2013
Director: Bruce McDonald
Writer: Gala Avary

XIII, Betty and Amos escape from The Pit and into Shanghai but are trapped in a mysterious and sinister riot that has spontaneously formed around them. Thirteen-year-old Yen-Boi and his father Ping help them find and fight their way through the chaos. With access to a Navy Seal helicopter, Amos leads them towards the extraction point. Carrington is pushed further into the bunker by Traymore's forces, and makes a last-ditch effort to rally support.

26 Battlezone
Episode S2-13, first aired 07/02/2013
Director: Duane Clark
Writer: John Smith

The safety of the world is at stake. The Chinese HEARPE is now fully operational. With the help of Betty and Barnabis, XIII tries to destroy HEARPE while XIII.2 attempts to unleash its destructive force – a terrifying array of natural disasters – on the United States. But only one man will triumph. Only one man will survive. Making his last stand in the bunker, Carrington contemplates extreme measures.


Number of Stories:38
First Appearance:2010
Last Appearance:2023

In 1984, two Belgian comicbook creators joined to bring to glorious life the adventures of a man with no memory, XIII. 

According to Wikipedia: "XIII was released in 1984 as a serial in the popular Spirou magazine, and it was popular among Spirou readers. The first three episodes were released as a single hardcover volume by Dargaud the same year. This continued for later issues, and, by the time of the eighth issue, Thirteen to One, sales of the hardcover had reached 140,000 copies. Promotion for the series included a special draw by the French national lottery in 2000 with 1,500,000 tickets and a €13,000 grand prize."

I do not have the release dates for the original French-Belgian comicbooks. The dates shown below are those of the Cinebook releases of the English translations.

Check out the terrific Wikipedia entry on XIII to learn so much more about the adventures and their publishing histories.

Note: the 25 volumes of XIII adventures are really divided into two sets. 1-18 are in the Original Series collection while 19-25 are in the New Series.

One last note, though. There are 25 volumes in the set of adventures about XIII. As they were being created and released, Jean Van Hamme allowed other people to create fascinating stories of the key people in XIII's life, often back-tales of who they were before they encountered XIII. These adventures were released under the title of XIII Mystery and are listed after the main 25.

1 The Day of the Black Sun The Day of the Black Sun
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2010

Published in XIII vol. 001, 2010.
"A man washes ashore near an old couple’s house, barely alive. When he comes to, he has forgotten everything, including his name. The only clues to his identity: a key sewn into his clothes, a bullet wound to the head… and the number XIII tattooed on his shoulder. A meagre start to reconstruct one’s self."

2 Where the Indian Walks Where the Indian Walks
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2010

Published in XIII vol. 002, 2010.
"XIII is looking for a certain Kim Rowlands, a woman with whom he saw himself in a photograph. His search will yield a name—his, perhaps—and take him to a place that may be home. All families have secrets, though, and they can get a man killed. And what exactly do General Carrington and his beautiful aide Lieutenant Jones want with him?"

3 All the Tears of Hell All the Tears of Hell
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2010

Published in XIII vol. 003, 2010.
"Convicted of murder and sent to a high-security prison for the criminally insane, XIII finds himself not only unable to continue searching for his past, but also at the mercy of his enemies. Unbeknownst to him, though, General Carrington and the beautiful (and deadly) Lieutenant Jones are still trying to unravel the mystery of the presidential assassination. All they have to do is find a way to help him before he loses his life–or his mind."

4 Spads Spads
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2010

Published in XIII vol. 004, 2010.
"Now called Ross Tanner, XIII joins the elite SPADS (Special Assault and Destruction Squads) to try and learn more about Captain Rowland, his last identity. As if the shadowy threats hanging over his head weren’t enough, he also has to contend with gruelling training and a hostile instructor. Meanwhile, in Washington, investigations continue, and a series of clues emerge, pointing towards people XIII thought his allies. Can he trust Colonel Amos, General Carrington or… Lieutenant Jones?"

5 Full Red Full Red
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 005, 2011.
"XIII, Jones and Betty Barnowsky escaped the deadly trap set by Colonel McCall. Lost in a hostile jungle, they must now make their way back to America. And they must be quick: In Washington, every ally the fugitives ever had has been arrested in preparation for the conspirators' master stroke, coinciding with a general exercise of all American armed forces: Operation Full Red. Suddenly, XIII's quest becomes a last-ditch fight for the freedom of an entire nation."

6 The Jason Fly File The Jason Fly File
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 006, 2011.
"With the conspiracy that nearly claimed his life dismantled, XIII can finally turn all his attention towards uncovering his own distant past. Armed with everything he could find on Jason Fly-the man he seems to be-he heads to Green Falls, where he grew up. The problem with amnesia is that you never know exactly what you'll dig up when you go home again. And... is everything really solved concerning the presidential assassination that cost him his memory?"

7 The Night of August Third The Night of August Third
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 007, 2011.
"XIII and Jones are on the run. Hunted by local authorities, they're suspected of three murders, including that of The Mongoose's hired killer. The sheriff of Green Falls, henchman to the town's biggest landowner, is all too happy to accuse the fugitives: The two men don't want certain details from the past to surface. XIII is going to have to survive long enough to dig up the truth about what really happened on the night of August 3rd long ago."

8 Thirteen Against One Thirteen Against One
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 008, 2011.
"XIII survived the trip back to his childhood home. The Mongoose has finally been caught and is in a high-security jail. But there is still one piece of the puzzle missing, and when President Sheridan asks him to discover who the Number I is, the man now known as Jason McLane doesn't hesitate for long. His best chance: finding Kim Rowland wherever she may be hiding. But the Mongoose has powerful allies and won't stay locked up forever."

9 For Maria For Maria
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 009, 2011.
"Jason McLane is on holidays with Jones at some friends’ in Central America, when a peculiar priest offers him startling news: He may very well be a married man! And because nothing is ever simple in XIII’s life, his apparent wife is none other than the leader of the democratic guerrillas in neighboring Costa Verde, Maria De Los Santos—currently awaiting execution in a maximum security fortress."

10 El Cascador El Cascador
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2011

Published in XIII vol. 010, 2011.
"Captured and imprisoned in the Roca Negra fortress, XIII is being tortured by the sinister Colonel Peralta. But, for all his pain and suffering, he’s also in the same building as Maria, the woman who may be his wife. And they have plenty of dedicated, resourceful friends outside… as well as at least one traitor. Still unsure of his past, Jason McLane will have no choice but to become the man known as “El Cascador” to clean up Costa Verde once and for all."

11 Three Silver Watches Three Silver Watches
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 011, 2012.
"XIII has freed a country, exposed a traitor, reunited with his wife… and found his father. As he deals—somewhat against his will—with the aftermath of the revolution in Costa Verde, Sean Mullway recounts for him his family’s history: Irish immigrants, remorseless Mafiosi, Mexican gold, and three silver watches. New answers will also bring new questions and a whole new set of potential enemies just as old ones come back to the fore."

12 The Trial The Trial
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 012, 2012.
"Called back to the USA by the frantic government, McLane and Jones discover that General Carrington has kidnapped Wally Sheridan, President of the United States! Holed up in a secret base he’s turned into a fortress, Carrington intends to put Sheridan on trial on live TV and expose him as the Number I of the conspiracy. To do that, he’s going to need XIII’s help in bringing in his main witness: the Mongoose!"

13 Top Secret Top Secret
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 013, 2012.
"The Mongoose is dead. So is Number I. But, since he was the President of the United States, XIII’s friends are all on the run again. McLane, though, has been arrested, and he’s being judged in secret by the heads of the American intelligence community. Sentenced to life in a secret prison, he has no illusions that he’ll ever reach it. The ruthlessness of the NSA Director proves him right—but he’s not the only one who wants XIII dead."

14 Release the Hounds! Release the Hounds!
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 014, 2012.
"Having escaped from the clutches of Irina’s organisation, XIII is on the loose in America but still hunted by both Giordino’s NSA and Irina’s top assassin, Jessica. As he tries to return to his friends in San Miguel, he’s forced to dodge bullets and outsmart various traps and ambushes. With the odds stacked against him, he will have to rely on help from an enemy and his own mounting anger at the constant string of attacks."

15 Operation Montecristo Operation Montecristo
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 015, 2012.
"Arrested by the Costaverdean authorities because of pressure from the US, XIII and his friends are awaiting their extradition. Instead, they’re freed by Costaverdean troops in disguise. But they can’t afford to stick around, as they’re still on the run from the most powerful nation on Earth. Desperate for money, McLane decides to go after Maximilian’s gold, as Mullway believes he’s found the location of the third silver watch. The problem is that the location is under 150 feet of water..."

16 Maximilian's Gold Maximilian's Gold
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2012

Published in XIII vol. 016, 2012.
"XIII and his friends, still in hiding from the NSA, now have the riddle from all three silver watches… and Maximilian’s gold is within their reach. But the treasure is well hidden. Not to mention that $15 million is enough to attract a lot of unwanted attention. Meanwhile, in Washington, an increasingly desperate Frank Giordino can feel the noose tightening around his neck—and men are at their most dangerous when desperate. All he needs is someone to bring him the right information..."

17 The Irish Version The Irish Version
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2013

Published in XIII vol. 017, 2013.
"Little by little, XIII has reconstructed most of his life and figured out who he is. With one exception: There is still a gap in his college years, when Jason McLane became Kelly Brian. A gap that may mean the amnesiac adventurer is in fact an Irish terrorist, Seamus O'Neil. This flashback brings us back to Boulder, Colorado, and before that to Northern Ireland, to reveal the last piece of the XIII puzzle, and his final identity."

18 The Last Round The Last Round
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2013

Published in XIII vol. 018, 2013.
"XIII and his friends have failed to recover Maximilian’s gold and are tired of hiding, running and struggling. When two books come out in the USA relating all the events of the amnesiac’s life and the details of the Conspiracy of the XX, they see it as a possible chance to come out in the open and trust in their country’s justice. But they still have enemies, at home and abroad, and everyone is set on a collision course..."

19 The Day of the Mayflower The Day of the Mayflower
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Published in XIII vol. 019, 2014.
"After all his adventures across the American continent, after defeating his many enemies, XIII is trying to live a simple life in the house he inherited, where it all started. It's not always easy - not everyone is happy to have such an infamous man in the area, and his skills are in high demand with some people of varying integrity. His memories are still locked away, too, and some people want to keep it that way."

20 The Bait The Bait
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2015

Published in XIII vol. 020, 2015.
"XIII is hiding in France at the Prseaus, after a past more nebulous he even believed possible caught up to him again. But the organisation that's after him hasn't said its last word, and has considerable means at its disposal. It lures Jones, on duty in Afghanistan, into a terrible ambush, for the sole purpose of serving as bait for the amnesiac - who immediately rushes to her rescue. Meanwhile, Betty Barnowsky-Prseau is off to Maine to dig into XIII's past."

21 Return To Green Falls Return To Green Falls
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2016

Published in XIII vol. 021, 2016.
"XIII returns to his childhood home once more - butthe stakes have never been so high. The agents of the organisation that was hunting for XIII have finally captured him, along with his friends, but he's still refusing his captors' job offer. Forced to give in after they commit an appalling act just to coerce him, he's discreetly brought back to the USA, where he finally learns what they're really after. Meanwhile, Betty Barnowsky continues her own investigation under the FBI's very noses. For both of them, the road leads, once again, to Green Falls..."

22 The Martyr's Message The Martyr's Message
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2017

Published in XIII vol. 022, 2017.
"Jason has managed to give his captors the slip, but he was forced to leave Betty behind, severely injured. After a short but tense episode dealing with the north-eastern mafia, he's off to the next step in his quest: Leiden, Holland, from where half of the Mayflower expedition left, and where his godfather appears to live. But his enemies haven't given up, and the young local guide he's picked brings her own heap of troubles..."

23 Jason McLane's Inheritance Jason McLane's Inheritance
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2018

Published in XIII vol. 023, 2018.
"Still with Annika, Jason McLane has the documents his godfather left for him to find in the Netherlands deciphered. Once translated, the text offers revelations of breathtaking importance - enough to change the geopolitical map for ever. But the killers sent by the Mayflower Foundation are still after them, while in Afghanistan, Jones and Carrington's situation goes from bad to worse. XIII will have to be on his best game to sort it all out."

24 2,331 Yards 2,331 Yards
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII vol. 024, 2021.
"Jason McLane, a.k.a. XIII, seems to have finally accepted his true destiny. Tired of fighting the powerful elite who control the world, he has apparently joined them. Of course, he supposedly did so on orders from General Wolf, so as to bring down the sinister Mayflower Foundation at last, but... what if the temptation of power proved too strong? Janet Fitzsimmons, the Foundation's president, too beautiful? Or the price of integrity too steep for him... or his friends?"

25 Reloaded Memory Reloaded Memory
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Jean Van Hamme (writer), William Vance (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2023

Published in XIII vol. 025, 2023.
"Jason McLane - XIII - has just taken a shot at the pope during an official visit to Washington DC. If he hadn't, two innocent hostages would have paid the price. Granted, General Wolf's orders were always to maintain his cover at all costs, but the plans of the Mayflower conspirators - the same people that XIII was supposed to infiltrate but now control him through blackmail - are appallingly more complex and dangerous than just this assassination attempt. American democracy itself is in danger..."

26 The Mongoose The Mongoose
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Xavier Dorison (writer), Ralph Meyer (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 001, 2014.
"He was XIII's most dogged enemy from the start, but who really was the Mongoose, that mysterious assassin-for-hire who nearly killed the amnesiac hero so many times? During an encounter between him and Kim Rowland - an event that took place just before the start of the XIII series - the merciless hitman tells the story of his childhood and how he became a contract killer. ‘Anyone would have in my circumstances', he claims. But would they?"

27 Irina Irina
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Eric Corbeyran (writer), Philippe Berthet (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 002, 2014.
"Belarus, in Soviet times. Irina is an unremarkable young woman growing up in an orphanage. One night, a mysterious visitor demands to see her and her best friend Julia. The latter goes first, then Irina is told she won't be needed after all. The next day, Julia has vanished without a trace... Thus begins a quest for truth and vengeance, from Minsk to Moscow to Washington – one that will lead Irina to discover her true calling."

28 Little Jones Little Jones
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Yann (writer), E. Henninot (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 003, 2014.
"Chicago, the Seventies. Life is tough when you're an orphan in the streets – and even more so if you're black. Little Jones, 10, doesn't even know her real name. All she has is a brother who flirts with the Black Panthers, a streak of cunning and determination a mile wide, and a dream: that of some day enlisting into the Army. A chance encounter with war hero Major Whittaker will change her life forever..."

29 Colonel Amos Colonel Amos
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: D. Alcante (writer), Francois Boucq (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2015

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 004, 2015.
"Colonel Amos is the head of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division. His current investigation sends him on the trail of an agent of Mossad – Israeli intelligence. The ensuing operation – a joint FBI/CIA effort – will prove to be a difficult one. Not only because of the agent's skill, or because the colonel and his CIA counterpart Giordino don't get along, but also because before coming to the USA, Samuel Amos was a founding member of Mossad..."

30 Steve Rowland Steve Rowland
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Fabien Nury (writer), Richard Guerineau (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2020

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 005, 2020.
"Steve Rowland. It's under that name that XIII received the fateful wound that deprived him of his memories, while attempting to infiltrate the Conspiracy of the XX. By then the real Rowland was already dead, breathing his last in his wife Kim Carrington's arms. But what had driven that man, a patriot and war hero, to betray his government? What events, what trauma – what manipulations – had made him into someone capable of assassinating the President of the United States?"

31 Billy Stockton Billy Stockton
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Laurent-Frederic Bollee (writer), Steve Cuzor (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2020

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 006, 2020.
"He's a disturbing fellow, that Billy. A man with the face of an angel with whom XIII briefly shares a cell during his incarceration in a prison for the criminally insane … A kid you couldn't believe guilty of anything – yet who soon reveals that behind bars is exactly where he belongs. Find out, now, what Billy Stockton was convicted of, but also why, exactly, he happened to be in that exact prison at the same time as XIII …"

32 Betty Barnowsky Betty Barnowsky
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Joel Callede (writer), Sylvain Vallee (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 007, 2021.
"Betty Barnowsky's life, after crossing paths with the eminently dangerous XIII, eventually reached calmer waters and a happy ending, with her marriage to French aristocrat Armand. But it wasn't smooth sailing all the way! After all, before her time with XIII and becoming a marquise, Betty was in her own right a member of the elite SPADS—a unit corrupted by its traitorous commander McCall, and which General Carrington has decided to clean up through any means possible…"

33 Martha Shoebridge Martha Shoebridge
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Colin Wilson (writer), Frank Giroud (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 008, 2021.
"Martha Shoebridge [is] the doctor who saved XIII and diagnosed his amnesia in “The Day of the Black Sun.” Readers will find out what was at the source of her addiction to alcohol, and the life she led before crossing paths with XIII—including an unsuspected link with William Sheridan, the progressive president assassinated by Steve Rowland…"

34 Felicity Brown Felicity Brown
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Matz (writer), Christian Rossi (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 009, 2021.
"Statuesque, alluring and a literal femme fatale… Felicity Brown, former waitress and call-girl and pretend nurse, nearly caused the end of XIII when she murdered the man he believed to be his father. But crime doesn't pay in the end, and Felicity is forced to flee from the FBI. So begins a bloody escape that will take the “black widow” to Costa Verde, into the arms of a dictator and in the middle of a revolution that will soon draw in none other than… XIII!"

35 Calvin Wax Calvin Wax
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Fred Duval (writer), Coretin Rouge (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 010, 2021."
"Within the Conspiracy of the XX, Calvin Wax was nominally only number two. But how accurate was that? What was the real responsibility of this utterly unscrupulous man, who was – openly or secretly – adviser to three presidents? Now, discover the birth of the Conspiracy, through a few very difficult days in the life of Wally Sheridan, caught in the merciless schemes of the true brain behind the plot …"

36 Jonathan Fly Jonathan Fly
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: Luc Brunschwig (writer), Olivier Taduc (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 011, 2021.
"Jonathan Fly, XIII's official father, was once a respected, famous journalist. Unfortunately, his radical ideas, deemed anti-American, led him to be discredited, arrested, and eventually sent to jail. Having served his sentence, he moved to the small town of Green Falls with his son Jason … who grew up mostly on his own, as Jonathan had never given up the fight and remained driven and distracted. Until, one day, a powerful man arrives in Green Falls, and the tragedy begins …"

37 Alan Smith Alan Smith
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: P. Pecqueur (writer), Buchet (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 012, 2021.
"When XIII washed up on that beach one day, with the head wound that robbed him of his memory, he was rescued by Abe and Sally Smith. The old couple took him in and nursed him back to health out of kindness, but also because he looked a little like their son Alan, killed in operation in Vietnam. In fact, however, Alan's story is a bit more complicated than that, and his fate closely tied to XIII's. Now, discover the birth of the Conspiracy, through a few very difficult days in the life of Wally Sheridan, caught in the merciless schemes of the true brain behind the plot …"

38 Judith Warner Judith Warner
Published by Cinebook
Contributors: O. Grenson (writer), O. Grenson (artist), Jerome Saincantin (translator)
Copyright: 2021

Published in XIII Mystery vol. 013, 2021.
"Judith Warner. Once the pharmacist in Green Falls, where XIII spent part of his childhood. Once his ally, and his lover of one night. The beautiful, independent Judith, having had her life turned upside down by hurricane Jason McLane like so many others, left for California and a new, quiet, routine existence. Until the day a woman she's never met before rings her door, and everything is thrown into chaos once more as the past resurfaces …"


Number of Games:1
First Appearance:2003
Last Appearance:2003

Game Type: Video Game
Published by: Ubisoft
Copyright: 2003

Developed by Ubisoft Paris for the Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and OS X platforms.
A man is rescued by a lifeguard on Brighton Beach. He has suffered a head wound and has no memory of who he is. His only clues to his identity are a tattoo of a roman numeral, XIII and a key to a bank deposit box.
The game was loosely based on the first five volumes of the comicbook.


The idea of a main character suffering a head injury and forgetting his identity is a very familiar trope in the entertainment world. I remember several different television series back in the 60s who used it for a particularly dramatic episode. A couple of westerns did it with the bad guys still out there searching for the hero, private detective dramas loved the storyline, and so on.

So I was pretty familiar with the concept and was into it with XIII and enjoyed watching him learn who he really was. And then we find he really wasn't. And then he was someone else and then maybe not so much! It got confusing at times to me (and really crazy for him!) but it was all done with one exceptionally skilled hand.

And then there is the absolutely brilliant artwork that accompanied the terrific writing. Boy, did I love the art!


My Grade: A-


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