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Full Name: Hiram Holliday
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Copy Editor

Creator: Paul Gallico
Time Span: 1939 - 1961


Hiram Holliday is a proof-reader for a major New York newspaper.

The Sentinel, as a matter of fact.

He is not a spy nor does he want to be nor does he even have any fantasies in that regard. He does dream of traveling at some point in his life to exotic places he has read about and which he studies and knows a good deal about but he has never done any of that; he has sat at his unimpressive desk in the copy-room and every day reviewed the text about to hit the presses to make sure they are written to the Sentinel's high standards and "for fifteen years [he has] sat on the rim of the Sentinel copy-desk; correcting copy, writing headlines and checking up the work of men of action, the reporters and correspondents and feature-writers who went out into the world and got the news". Certainly not the sort of person one would expect in a compendium of secret agents and covert operatives and the like.

Holliday was often referred to as 'Old Holliday' at the Sentinels even though he "was not yet quite 39, it was just that he had been with the Sentinel so long", a "stick-in-the-mud" who, "if you cut him, he'd bleed commas and semi-colons". Physically, he was also quite unimpressive and largely unmemorable. He was inevitably seen as a rather stoutish little man, odd since he actually was a good 5'10" tall. He was by nature a shy man who did not want to make a scene or be the center of attention or push himself on anyone. But through all those elements of almost insignificance, it was said that "once you knew him well", which few actually did up until now, "you wondered how he had ever escaped you".

That last statement should let you know that there is a whole lot about Holliday that no one else knew, a fascinating man with those "eager, excited eyes behind steel-rimmed glasses", a man who "seemed to miss little of what was going on". "Outside office hours Hiram Holliday was a gentleman adventurer [who had] laboriously, with infinite pains and patience, acquired knowledge in and skills at things that would astonish those at the Sentinel. "He went to fencing salle and shooting school and took lessons in foil, epee and saber, pistol and rifle". He took martial arts classes and became quite good at judo and ju-jitsu and even learned how to box. He joined the National Guard and learned how to drill. He mastered the art of flying a plane. There are just a few of the things he studied during his off hours over those nearly two decades at the Sentinel. He was never a master at any of them, he just knew enough to satisfy himself before moving on something else. It is just that he never had the opportunity - or the need - to use any of these.

Until the $500,000 comma.

It involved a particularly nasty libel lawsuit that the Sentinel looked in danger of losing. Would have lost for certain, it seems, until it was noted that "the placement of a comma in the story in question" changed everything and got the paper out of trouble and saved it a half million dollars. It seems that when the original copy submitted was pulled up for examination, no comma was in the needed place but had been inserted by the clearly discernable hand of Hiram Holliday. In gratitude, the publisher awarded him "$1,000 and a month's vacation with pay". Coupled with all the money he had saved over the years (minus that paid for all those various lessons) and the money he routinely won in head-line prizes, he had a tidy sum and in a flash of wild impulse, he booked passage on the Britannique cruise ship and into a whole new world.

And, oh, the adventures that Hiram Holliday would find himself in!!! Would-be kings and beautiful princesses, frightening Nazi agents and saboteurs and assassins, pompous government officials and embassy delegations, and so on. Such would be the things that Holliday would find himself almost impetuously thrown up against. In typical Hiram style, he did not really go after any of it; he just did not step back from it either.

Good Lines:
- Hiram at one point has "to reflect upon the value to his paper of a reporter who permits his curiosity to outweigh his prudence".
- An observation by Hiram, "The first adjunct of the secret police in the dictator countries was the hotel help".


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1939
Last Appearance:1940

1 The Adventures of Hiram Holliday The Adventures of Hiram Holliday
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

A collection of the first six Hiram Holliday adventures originally published in Cosmopolitan Magazine earlier that year. The stories were:
Crisis In London
Sanctuary In Paris
Illusion In Prague
Death Notice In Berlin
Flight From Vienna
Duello In Rome
Hiram Holliday has earned a special bonus from his work as a copy editor for The Sentinel in NYC and he decides to fulfill a life-long desire to travel to Europe despite the almost certainty of war there. He never could have imagined the strange and frightening things that would befall him, or the changes in himself he would undergo.

2 The Secret Front The Secret Front
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

A collection of the next six Hiram Holliday adventures originally published in Cosmopolitan Magazine earlier that year. The stories were not individually named, only identified as 'Parts'. They are:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Hiram Holliday is thrilled to be named a War Correspondent for The Sentinel, stationed initially in Warsaw, Poland as WWII begins. Then he comes face-to-face with the reality of not only living in a war zone but making sure he is at the forefront to report on it. And then there are the myriad of dark alley and back rooms where intrigue dwells that he has already learned first-hand can be just a deadly.


Number of Stories:15
First Appearance:1939
Last Appearance:1942

In the March issue of the prestigious Cosmopolitan Magazine published by the Hearst corporation, the first of the 15 stories of Hiram Holliday was released.

The stories would be released in three sets and each set could be viewed as either a collection of individual adventures which led from one to the next or as one long adventure serialized. The first and third collections look like the former because each part is individually named. The second collection looks like the latter because each part is named only as "Part" though each of these parts have what I would consider an ending.

I have chosen to list them below as individual stories, noting the collection name and order each was given.

1 Crisis In London Crisis In London
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

1st of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, March 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "Who Hiram Holliday Is", "Who Hiram Holliday War", "What Hiram Holliday Saw in London", and "How Hiram Holliday Met a Girl Named Heidi and Became an Adventurer".
Click here to read the story.

2 Sanctuary In Paris Sanctuary In Paris
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

2nd of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, April 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "How Hiram Holliday Left Paris, "How Hiram Holliday Came to Paris" (in that order), "How Hiram Holliday Killed a Man and Created Laughter in Paris", and "How Paris Laughed at Hiram Holliday for the Last Time".
Click here to read the story.

3 Illusion In Prague Illusion In Prague
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

3rd of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, May 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "How Hiram Holliday Sought a Princess and Found a Man with a False Beard", "How Hiram Holliday Sought the Man with the False Beard and Found the Princess", "How Because He had Looked upon the Beard, Hiram Holliday was Blind", and "How Hiram Holliday Pulled the Beard and Saw Again".
Click here to read the story.

4 Death Notice In Berlin Death Notice In Berlin
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

4th of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, July 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "How Hiram Holliday Was, but Was Not in Berlin", "How Hiram Holliday Saw a Pogrom in Berlin and Met a Woman with Red Hair", "How Hiram Holliday Was Not but Was in Berlin", and "How Hiram Holliday Was No Longer Anywhere".
Click here to read the story.

5 Flight From Vienna Flight From Vienna
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

5th of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, August 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "How Hiram Holliday Listened to Folk-Song in Vienna and a Princess Obeyed Orders", "How Hiram Holliday Puzzled a Small Duke and Patronized a Shooting-Gallery", "How Hiram Holliday Met the Ancestors of the Princess Heidi", "How Hiram Holliday and the Princess Were Cornered on the Roof of the World", and "How Hiram Holliday Led the Princess Down From the Roof and Made His Apologies".
Click here to read the story.

6 Duello In Rome Duello In Rome
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1939

6th of 6 Tales of Six Cities adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, September 1939. Reprinted in the collection The Adventures of Hiram Holliday later that year.
Answers "How Hiram Holliday Listened to the Voice of Rome and Acquired an Ancient Sword", "How the Forces of Evil Challenged Hiram Holliday to a Duel He Could Not Win", "How Hiram Holliday Accepted the Challenge and Named His Weapon and was Visited by a Princess", and "How Hiram Holliday Duelled with the Forces of Evil and Learned that there are still Honourable Men".
Click here to read the story.

7 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 1 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 1
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

1st of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, June 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

8 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 2 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 2
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

2nd of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, July 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

9 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 3 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 3
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

3rd of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, August 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

10 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 4 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 4
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

4th of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, September 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

11 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 5 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 5
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

5th of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, October 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

12 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 6 The Strange War of Hiram Holliday - Part 6
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1940

6th of 6 Strange War of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, November 1940. Reprinted in the collection The Second Front later that year.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

13 Terror Leaves Port Sheridan Terror Leaves Port Sheridan
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1942

1st of 3 The Return Of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, August 1942.
Hiram Holliday is in the throws of despair as his life has suddenly looked meaningless since he had returned to the States. Even the chance of reuniting with his beloved Heidi was not enough to give him spark again. Until he read the Nazi-sponsored newspaper in the small city of Port Sheridan and had an idea!
Click here to read the story.

14 The Enchanted Forest The Enchanted Forest
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1942

2nd of 3 The Return Of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, September 1942.
"When Hiram Holliday's romantic nature leads him into an intrigue that seems too terrible to be true, he follows a reporter's hunch to trap a secret agent."
Click here to read the story.

15 Mission to Mexico Mission to Mexico
Written by Paul Gallico
Copyright: 1942

3rd of 3 The Return Of Hiram Holliday adventures published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, December 1942.
"Hiram Holliday started for that exciting land of adventure on a wild-goose chase - but he caught bigger game." Hiram was heading to Mexico for a health vacation and asked a man in the State Department if there was anything that needed looked at. The man half jokingly mentioned a unknown Nazi spy had just arrived in that country and maybe Hiram could hunt him down. Hiram thought that a great use of his time.
Click here to read the story.


Number of Episodes:23
First Appearance:1956
Last Appearance:1961

Wally CoxHiram Holliday [ 1 ]
Ainslie PryorJoel Smith [ 1 ]

Fresh off the success of his Mr. Peepers television show, Wally Cox was hired to play the proof-reader Hiram Holliday in the show for NBC. It apparently ran into issues with its primary sponsor and was pulled before all the episodes actually ran, showing 20 and leaving 3 unaired.

It must be stated that the Hiram Holliday portrayed so pleasantly and amusingly by Mr. Cox was totally different than the man in the magazine adventures. Physically there was no similarity though the wallflower-ish quality  was close. Television Holliday did not have the same set of learned skills, like boxing and such, that Prose Holliday had, and vice versa.

If you have an opportunity to watch any of these shows online, do so and enjoy but do not expect anything remotely like you get in the written tales.

Oh, a strong recommendation - do not think about binge watching these shows. Sometimes having at least a week between these 30-minute adventures, such as viewers endured before the days of streaming, is a good thing!

1 The Adventure of the Attache Case
Episode 1-1, first aired 10/03/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

As a reward for saving his publisher a lot of money in a lawsuit, Hiram Hollicay is given an around-the-world cruise. As he and a reporter prepare to depart, Hiram gets cast in a supposed espionage film.

2 The Adventure of the Lapidary Wheel
Episode S1-2, first aired 10/10/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

On the first leg of their around-the-world tour Hiram and Ainslie make landfall in England prior to traveling to Scotland. Immediately after arriving the two men become involved with a murder, a stolen gem and a poisonous snake.

3 The Adventure of the False Monarch
Episode S1-3, first aired 10/17/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

During his visit to Scotland, Hiram is convinced to impersonate the King of Rovaki who looks exactly the American tourist. Hiram soon discovers the reason for the identity change, after someone attempts to kill him.

4 The Adventure of the Hollow Umbrella
Episode S1-4, first aired 10/24/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

After finding a mysterious message in the hollow handle of his umbrella, Hiram finds himself chased by foreign spies and the Paris police. In order to throw his pursuers off his trail, Hiram performs in a circus as a trapeze artist and an exotic dancer.

5 The Adventure of the The Sea Cucumber
Episode S1-5, first aired 10/31/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writers: Philip Rapp, John Kohn, Bernard Drew

Foreign agents are convinced that Hiram's search for a underwater plant is merely the cover for espionage.

6 The Adventure of the Gibraltar Toad
Episode S1-6, first aired 11/07/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

Hiram's efforts to study the wildlife on the Rock of Gibraltar are interrupted by gypsies, Scotland Yard and the British army.

7 The Adventure of the Monaco Hermit Crab
Episode S1-7, first aired 11/14/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

While visiting Monte Carlo, Hiram uses his surefire system to win a yacht in a roulette game, which leads to the discovery of a plot to flood the United States with counterfeit currency.

8 The Adventure of the Hawaiian Hamzah
Episode S1-8, first aired 11/21/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

Hiram uncovers foreign agents plan to freeze the Pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor with their diabolical weapon.

9 The Adventure of the Swiss Titmouse
Episode S1-9, first aired 11/28/1956
Director: William J. Hole, jr.
Writers: Philip Rapp, Robert Riley Crutcher

Hiram's efforts to record the mating call of the elusive Swiss Titmouse are put on hold when he discovers a young king's life is in danger.

10 The Adventure of the Wrong Rembrandt
Episode S1-10, first aired 12/05/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

Hiram's skill as a painter gets him in trouble when his copies of the Old Masters are mistaken for the real paintings which have been stolen from the Louvre.

11 The Adventure of the Dancing Mouse
Episode S1-11, first aired 12/12/1956
Director: George M. Cahan
Writer: Philip Rapp

Hiram visits a carnival in Genoa, Italy to take a picture of a rare type of mouse. Unfortunately, his photograph captures a pair of camera-shy revolutionaries on the lam from the French authorities.

12 The Adventure of the Christmas Fruchtbrod
Episode S1-12, first aired 12/19/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writers: Philip Rapp, Robert Riley Crutcher

Hiram's plans to spend a quiet Christmas in Vienna are disrupted when King Peter is kidnapped.

13 The Adventure of the Romantic Pigeon
Episode S1-13, first aired 12/26/1956
Director: Philip Rapp
Writers: Philip Rapp, Doris Gilbert

Hiram learns that spies have kidnapped a scientist's daughter in order to wrest atomic secrets from the old man.

14 The Adventure of the Sturmzig Cunieform
Episode S1-14, first aired 01/02/1957
Director: William J. Hole, jr.
Writer: Richard M. Powell

While visiting a small but strategically important European kingdom, Hiram is accidentally selected as the nation's new monarch. He must defeat an evil nobleman and his henchmen in order that the proper ruler be selected.

15 The Adventure of the Moroccan Hawk Moth
Episode S1-15, first aired 01/09/1957
Director: Philip Rapp
Writers: Joel Malcolm Rapp, Sig Herzig

While searching for a new species of moth in the Moroccan desert, Hiram uncovers a plot to assassin four world leaders.

16 The Adventure of the Pasto Duro
Episode S1-16, first aired 01/16/1957
Director: William J. Hole, jr.
Writer: Joel Malcolm Rapp

Taking a vacation from his around-the-world tour, Hiram Holliday is heading back to the States when he is duped into not only transporting stolen diamonds into the country, he takes part in a phony wedding to keep a pretty girl from being deported.

17 The Adventure of the The Vanishing House
Episode S1-17, first aired 01/23/1957
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram learns that a gang of bank robbers plans to access the vault of the Bank of France via a tunnel from a nearby building.

18 The Adventure of the Shipwrecked Ancestor
Episode S1-18, first aired 01/30/1957
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

While searching for evidence of one of his ancestors, Hiram is shipwrecked on the African coast. Hiram meets an evil Berber sheik and a lot of men who look remarkably like the globetrotting proofreader.

19 The Adventure of the Unkissed Bride
Episode S1-19, first aired 02/06/1957
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram gets in trouble when he innocently agrees to enter into a phony marriage and carry stolen gems across the U.S. border.

20 The Adventure of the Ersatz Joel
Episode S1-20, first aired 02/13/1957
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Joel Malcolm Rapp

As part of a plot to earn Hiram's trust, a foreign spy undergoes plastic surgery in order to look like his friend Joel.

21 The Adventure of the Hiram's Holiday
Episode S1-21, first aired 02/20/1957
Director: William J. Hole, jr.
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram becomes involved in Scotland Yard's investigation into the theft of engraving plates used to print the British pound notes.

22 The Adventure of the Misguided Missile
Episode S1-22, first aired 02/27/1957
Director: George Cahan
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram switches identities with a French scientist in an attempt to keep the secret of the first Earth satellite from foreign agents.

23 The Adventure of the The Surplus General
Episode S1-23, first aired 12/11/1959
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram dons a disguise to rescue a Balkan King from captivity.

24 The Adventure of the Diamond Eater
Episode S1-24, first aired 12/18/1959
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

A Frenchman impersonates a Hindu ruler in order to claim his weight in diamonds.

25 The Adventure of the Amontillado
Episode S1-25, first aired 03/20/1959
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Philip Rapp

Hiram is accused of attempting to assassinate the French Prime Minister.

26 The Adventure of the Invisible Man
Episode S1-26, first aired 06/21/1961
Director: Philip Rapp
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hiram adds to his repertoire the ability to make himself invisible.


Number of Episodes:1
First Appearance:1945
Last Appearance:1945

John DrainieHiram Holliday [ 1 ]

1 Adventure In Berlin
Episode 1-1, first aired 1945

Aired as an episode on the Canadian version of Curtain Time, April 25, 1945.
A 30-minute adaptation of Death Notice In Berlin.


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2021

1 The History Of Hiram Holliday The History Of Hiram Holliday
Written by Ian Dickerson
Copyright: 2021

"With exclusive access to production paperwork, and a full history of Hiram’s adventurous career, come now, discover The History of Hiram Holliday and meet one of fiction’s more unusual heroes."
This is an excellent source of information concerning the television show filled with fascinating intel and looks at the various producers, writers, and actors. (I devoured it.)
buy from Amazon


I had watched a couple episodes of the Wally Cox television version of Hiram Holliday and was mildly entertained. Had I been an adult back in that day, I might have enjoyed them a bit more, who knows.

Then I got hold of the book collecting the first set of his magazine adventures and was STUNNED! Nothing at all the same. And the prose stories were so, so excellent! My word!! Okay, his words but gee!

The Hiram of the excellent, truly top-notch stories published in Cosmopolitan, sandwiched occasionally between equally eloquent prose by Faith Baldwin and Pearl Buck, contains the smoothest and delicious of writing. It is made more compelling by the knowledge that the writer had been a sports reporter who wanted to try his hand at something else. Oh, what terrific 'else' the man came up with; sufficient to earn a place in that illustrious Hearst publication, the first story appearing ahead of ones by Ernest Hemingway and Dorothy Kilgallen!

I beg of any lover of gourmet literature to pay no mind to the silly antics of the gifted Wally Cox's unfortunate interpretation of Hiram. Watch them for the light-hearted episodes they were designed to be, if you must, but do not for a moment think that the skinny miniature Hiram which Cox gave us was anything like the rather plump but still truly non-mouselike fellow Paul Gallico wrote about.

If you get a chance - and you can since the collection is available today in eBook form - grab a copy, find a comfy chair, and go back into another time and place and enjoy.


My Grade: A


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