zara_chronicles_ya_toxic zara_chronicles_ya_loyal zara_chronicles_ya_truth zara_chronicles_ya_vague zara_chronicles_ya_chaos zara_chronicles_ya_adore zara_chronicles_ya_crazy zara_chronicles_ya_blame zara_chronicles_ya_dream zara_chronicles_ya_power zara_chronicles_ya_jaded zara_chronicles_ya_trust
Full Name: Zara Summers
Series Name: The Zara Chronicles
Nationality: American
Organization: Spy School
Occupation Agent

Creator: Scarlett Haven
Time Span: 2018 - 2019


Zara Summers is a student at Spy School.

She is not an agent - yet. She is in training to become one, although when we first meet her just after she arrived at the prestigious boarding school in Switzerland, she does not yet know that it is Spy School, or that she is soon to be in training.

Confused? Probably not but she is. Our introduction to her finds her standing in the crowded hallway of a school she had only just arrived at, wearing a school uniform for the first time - and feeling ridiculous. She is still in shock, really. "About a week before I was going to start my junior year of high school, my parents informed me that instead of finishing my last two years with my friends, I would be coming here. Then they proceeded to tell me that coming to this school is an honor. Which makes me wonder even more-why was this school interested in me to begin with? There is nothing special about me. My parents, they are the special ones. I'm just the offspring."

Summers stands 5.2", is very pretty with lovely blonde hair as would seem to befit a girl raised on the beaches of Malibu in sunny Southern California. While she loved her life, she has had to deal with the likelihood that people trying to befriend her were only doing so to get close to her famous parents. Her mom is a very famous and successful Grammy-award winning singer; her father a well known former pitcher for the Giants; her step-father a highly regarded and like movie star. Summers is used to, though not so happy with, living in their shadows. Not so at Spy School where she finds she is just like everyone else, a new and enjoyable feeling for her. 

So, back to the subject of Spy School, which is what the other students call it much to Summers' confusion because to her it had another name and the whole business of 'spy' was never mentioned in the rush to uproot her and send her there. We are told that having someone other than a freshman show up to attend is absolutely unheard of and yet here she is.

Some of the classes are strange to say the least, such as Accent Class which most really detest and which Summers finds she does not need because she has always been great at picking up on the way people talk thanks to her travels with her mother. And then there is PE which she thought would be a breeze but then found doing a hundred pushups was way outside her capabilities. And what is this talk about learning to be "a spy, an assassin, a ninja" as a fellow student tells her?

There is a whole lot of changes headed Zara Summers way and a bunch of surprises. Such as who she really is and why she was sent to Spy School in the first place.


Number of Books:12
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2019

1 Loyal Loyal
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2018

"Hey. I’m Zara. I was just about to start my junior year of high school when my parents shipped me off to boarding school in Switzerland. Yep, you heard that right—Switzerland.
Now I’m at a mysterious school that everybody refers to as Spy School. Nobody seems to like me. Except them. Smart. Mysterious. Hot.
And they want to be my friends. Who could say no?"
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2 Truth Truth
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2018

"How far are you willing to go to keep a secret? My entire life has been a lie and the truth has finally come out. I’m in Tokyo with the guys and all I want to do is be able to prove myself. Somebody is after me. Somebody who knows the truth about me. Will the boys be able to protect me?"
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3 Toxic Toxic
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2018

"We’re back from Tokyo and I’m living with my dad. Zach is my dad… That’s still weird to admit out loud. Since we got back, the guys have treated me like I’m fragile. I am going to prove to them that I am stronger than they think.
Maybe I’m crazy to sign up for torture training. Maybe I’m crazy to think I can survive Spy School. There are some things not even the boys can protect me from."
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4 Trust Trust
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2018

"Kidnapped in the middle of the night. Kept in a cell with no explanation from my kidnappers. All I can do is wait. The guys will rescue me eventually, right?
If they know where I am. Or, maybe… Maybe it’s time to rescue myself."
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5 Chaos Chaos
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"Things with the guys are changing and I’m not sure what to do about it. It feels like no matter what I do, somebody is going to get hurt. Zach is gone a lot, trying to figure out who is after me. That means I am spending a lot of time with the guys for my safety. I don’t know what to do or how to act around them. I have to figure out something, and quick. If I don’t, it might rip my entire team apart."
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6 Dream Dream
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"What do you do when your heart is being pulled in five different directions?  Ignore it, of course. So what if three different boys have kissed me in, like, a week? It’s fine. I’ve got everything under control. Besides, there are more pressing things to worry about. Whoever is after me has now decided to take things a step too far and go after my guys. I will show them—they messed with the wrong team. If they want a fight, they’ve got it."
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7 Jaded Jaded
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"2 kidnappings. 2 concussions. 1 broken arm. 5 stitches. And 5 potential boyfriends... Nobody ever said Spy School was easy. It’s even more difficult because somebody is out to hurt me. But I’m ready to fight. Easy is boring anyway."
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8 Blame Blame
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"Welcome to New York. I thought it was over in Seoul, but it feels like it’s just beginning. Things are changing. The person who is after me has stepped up their game, but they don’t realize just how far the guys are willing to go to protect me. My relationship with the guys is getting stronger, and now they tell me that they don’t want me to choose. It’s unconventional, but I’ve always thought normal was boring anyway."
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9 Power Power
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"A far as missions go, I think I prefer ones where I am on a cruise ship. Bahamas here I come. Zach has gone back to Spy School, leaving me alone with the guys.
Everything is getting scary. It seems like we’re always one step behind. The truth is, I’m not safe anywhere."
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10 Vague Vague
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"Traveling the world sounds exotic, other than the fact that I’m literally on the run for my life. There is nowhere left to run, and nowhere left to hide. That doesn’t mean I’m ready to give up. I will figure out who is behind this, and when I do, I’m going to make them pay."
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11 Crazy Crazy
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"Tristan and I are separated from the rest of the team. For the first time since starting our journey, I am having to make decisions. I am learning exactly what it means to be a Spy School student. Even though I shouldn’t feel safe, for the first time, I do. Nobody is after me here. Nobody can find me. I just hope the rest of the guys can find us, but more than that, I hope they’re safe."
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12 Adore Adore
Written by Scarlett Haven
Copyright: 2019

"The time has come. I’ve got to fight. I just didn’t think I’d have to do it on my own. I need to end this. I’m ready for my happy beginning."
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This is what is known as a reverse-harem. Zara Summers is a very pretty young woman put into a spy training class with five handsome young men and each of them have feelings for her and vice versa and what could go wrong.

This series falls in the YA and NA range so it is meant for readers - largely girls but hey, I liked them! - from 14 to 24.

The writing is excellent and so smooth and enjoyable, I was reaching the end of the first one before I knew it and even though I had enough to do a write-up, I moved to the next one. Hey, I'm thorough.

And they are fun!


My Grade: B+


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