perfect_cb_p2 perfect_cb_p1 perfect_cb_p3
Full Name: Perfect
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Barnaby Eaton-Jones
Time Span: 2021 - 2022


Perfect is an agent with British Intelligence.

The period of time for her activities is the mid-60's. The exact year is not mentioned so for this purpose let's settle on 1966. That would make Perfect 24 years old since she was born in Gloucester in 1942.

Perfect is a definitely a child of the 60s, being the - um - perfect age for dressing in mod clothes of bright, often clashing colors, shin-high tall-heeled boots, and a floppy beret-ish hat covering dark shag-cut hair. Some might describe her as impish at times while others get a lot closer to the true with comments like her narrator who said she was a combination of Emma Peel sexiness and Inspector Clouseau clumsiness.

Thanks to that narrator, we learn that when she had a bit of a troubled educational history - expelled from several different schools over the years: from Grammar school for wilful myopia from one and wilful hyperopia from another (what?), from Mrs. Boggs' High School for Awkward Girls for being, well, awkward. At the age of 18 she tried to join the W.R.A.F. but was rejected for bad eyesight (kinda proven when she mistakenly got herself locked in a broom closet. She then turned to the Wrens but they had already heard about her so was not accepted. Needing a job, she went into retail as a clerk.

When she was 23, she was at a major department store in London when she chased down a suspected shoplifter and ended up tackling a British Intelligence traitor with vital secrets on him. "Suspected of complicity, taken in for interrogation, but after hours of questions, they let her go on the condition that she stop asking questions." This was followed by something wonderfully typical of Perfect: "Inducted for training for the Women's Intelligence division of MI6. had no idea what was going on. Thought she's been sent to prison. Baffled at being given a car, a gun, a lovely flat, and not being told off."


Number of Stories:11
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2022

1 Perfect Style Perfect Style
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Kenton Hall (writer), Simon A. Brett (artist)
Copyright: 2021

1st of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 1, Nov. 30, 2021.
The six top models in Milan are being blackmailed and Perfect is told to enter the fashion world undercover to find out who is behind it.

2 Perfect Shot Perfect Shot
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Joy-Anny Wigman (writer), Gary Andrews (artist)
Copyright: 2021

2nd of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 1, Nov. 30, 2021.
[plot unknown]

3 Perfect Getaway Perfect Getaway
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Anna Keirle (writer), Jessica Martin (artist)
Copyright: 2021

3rd of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 1, Nov. 30, 2021.
[plot unknown]

4 Perfect Copy Perfect Copy
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Barnaby Eaton-Jones (writer), Robin Grenville-Evans (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2021

4th of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 1, Nov. 30, 2021.
[plot unknown]

5 Perfect Combination Perfect Combination
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Nazma Nina Haque (writer), Robin Grenville-Evans (artist)
Copyright: 2021

1st of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 2, Dec. 2, 2021.
Perfect deals with a set of mystical code-breaking saris.

6 Perfect Pitch Perfect Pitch
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Gary Abdrews (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2021

2nd of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 2, Dec. 2, 2021.
Perfect has to handle the dodgy goings-on at an international music concert.

7 Perfect Landing Perfect Landing
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Chloe M. Green (writer), Simon A. Brett (artist)
Copyright: 2021

3rd of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 2, Dec. 2, 2021.
Perfect is told to look into a moon landing conspiracy.

8 Perfect Ten Perfect Ten
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Rehannah Mian (writer), Chris Geary (artist)
Copyright: 2021

4th of 4 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 2, Dec. 2, 2021.
To catch a bad guy, Perfect must pose as "an air hostess with the mostest".

9 Perfect Accessories Perfect Accessories
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Robin Grenville-Evans (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2022

1st of 3 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 3, Aug. 17, 2022.
How much trouble can moustaches cause? Perfect can let you know after this adventure.

10 Perfect Gentleman Perfect Gentleman
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Robin Grenville-Evans (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2022

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 3, Aug. 17, 2022.
Perfect gets to join the circus. What could possibly be wrong with that?

11 Perfect Performance Perfect Performance
Published by Oak Tree Books
Contributors: Robin Grenville-Evans (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2022

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in Perfect - Volume 3, Aug. 17, 2022.
Perfect seems to have a lot of trouble in the present. Will she have more or less when she heads into the future?


Number of Items:4
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2022

1 Perfect Start Perfect Start
Item Type: Character Intro
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2021

Printed in Perfect - Volume 1 and written by Barnaby Eaton-Jones.
The Introduction that explains how and why the creator came up with the character of Perfect.

1 Perfect Start Perfect Start
Item Type: Character Intro
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2021

Printed in Perfect - Volume 1 and written by Barnaby Eaton-Jones.
The Introduction that explains how and why the creator came up with the character of Perfect.

2 Perfect Introduction 2 Perfect Introduction 2
Item Type: Series Info
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2021

Printed in Perfect - Volume 2 and written by Robin Grenville-Evans.
The author writes about his thoughts on the series and how much fun he had contributing to it.

2 Perfect Introduction 2 Perfect Introduction 2
Item Type: Series Info
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2021

Printed in Perfect - Volume 2 and written by Robin Grenville-Evans.
The author writes about his thoughts on the series and how much fun he had contributing to it.

3 Introduction By Perfect Introduction By Perfect
Item Type: Letter
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2022

Printed in Perfect - Volume 3 and written by Perfect.
Perfect writes a letter that she decides should not be read and starts to burn it.

3 Introduction By Perfect Introduction By Perfect
Item Type: Letter
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2022

Printed in Perfect - Volume 3 and written by Perfect.
Perfect writes a letter that she decides should not be read and starts to burn it.

4 Future Perfect Future Perfect
Item Type: Article
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2022

Printed in Perfect - Volume 3.
A look into the world of the future

4 Future Perfect Future Perfect
Item Type: Article
Made by: Oak Tree Books
Copyright: 2022

Printed in Perfect - Volume 3.
A look into the world of the future


Just how much trouble can one not-so-perfect agent with the name of Perfect get into? Well I would have imagined before reading these hilarious adventures it would be quite a bit. I would have underestimated her, though, as she gets into even more.

The imagination of the various writers and the drawing styles of the different artists who have worked on this series are all terrific and work together beautifully to make a series that I had a lot of fun reading.

And perhaps they are not done with poor Perfect - or she might not be done causing chaos.


My Grade: B


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