Jack Hunter is a treasure hunter.
Okay, he might prefer archaeologist since that is what he went to university to study but - what we watch him do is hunt for treasure. It would be hard to imagine him at a traditional dig site working on his knees using a small brush to uncover small fragments. Hunter, who has likely been working in his chosen occupation for at least a decade, being around 35 years old when we meet, is definitely a man of action and far prefers to be in the thick of things.
One thing that Hunter is definitely not and has absolutely no desire to become is a spy. Nor does he go out of his way to look for ways to save the world. That does not mean, of course, that he isn't pulled into situations where he has to work with spies and take part in said globe saving. The intelligence organization in question is the NSA. Hunter has no idea when he gets pulled into the extensive operation that he will play such a major role in that a department of his country was so deeply involved but he definitely gets up to speed quickly.
NSA is trying to get their hands on a potentially very powerful weapon from the ancient past of Egypt. Hunter is not that pleased that such a power, if it really exists, might be in their control but he is very much against the item falling into the hands of the Russian olygarch who is spearheading and bankrolling its own search for an object call the Star of Heaven. To keep the Russian from getting it, Hunter has to help the NSA.
Hunter is a tall, slender man with impressive speed and agility and apparently a high threshold for pain and discomfort because he spends a good deal of time racing away from people shooting at him, often needing to leap through windows or off roof tops or onto or off of moving vehicles.
He is also a very good looking man with thick brown hair and a perpetual five-o'clock shadow. He has a good eye for the ladies and they definitely like what they see in him.