Amelia Kidd, aka Agent Amelia, is an agent with, well, no one.
In her own words at the beginning of the first recorded adventure, "I'm Amelia Kidd and I'm a secret agent. Well, I'm not actually a secret agent. I don't work for the government or anything. But I've saved the world loads of times from evil geniuses and criminal masterminds. There are loads of them around if you know what to look for." She also adds, "I'm really good at disguises. I make my own gadgets (which sometimes work), and I'm used to improvising in sticky situations - which you have to do all the time when you're a secret agent."
She has strawberry-blonde hair cut fairly short to hang straight down the side of her head to just below her ears; the hair has no curl of any sort and often has no orderly pattern other than down. She is fond of single-colored tee-shirts with an emblem in the center which looks like something between an aiming sight and a life preserver. Her lower half is housed in camo pants with several pockets include a large pouch above and the side of each knee, great for holding all sort of smal stuff. For bigger things, she has a backpack regularly full of 'stuff'. She tells her mom the heavy satchel contains 'boring school-trip stuff' but it is really full of 'secret agent stuff'.
I am not exactly sure how old Kidd is except she is still of elementary school age and based on the illustrations we find liberally strewn about the narratives of her many adventures/missions, she is likely in the last year attending that level. Tat makes it 5th or 6th grade depending on what state you are in and we are not told what state she is in except the state of always being on the lookout for those adventures/missions.
She has a couple of friends but for the most part she operates alone because secret agents need to be alone to stay secret. And being by yourself means you do not have to cajole or tease or beg those with you to sneak into those buildings you are not allowed to enter or climb over fences to enter places you are not supposed to be. And you have to do these things because villains and bad guys and other stuff that needs stopping do not always show themselves out in the open. What would be the fun in that?
Good Lines:
-Said by Amelia, "Being vague is the best thing to do when you're under interrogation". Sound advice, even if the questioner is your mother, or maybe especially then.