Merlin Arthur Dragon is an agent with Interpol.
His job inside that international policing organization is that of a Stopper. In fact he is the Stopper. Just him.
So, it does not take much imagination to discern what a 'stopper' is but to hear his new boss, Laurent, describe it, "The member countries [have determined] we need a new method to deal with an increasing number of bad players around the world. Specifically, the worst of the bad players". He adds, "The people we send you after will be a danger to a member country for any number of reasons. They may even be a threat to the entire world. But whatever the reason, all of your assignments will be threats we can't deal with effectively through the federal, state or local police forces of a member country. And these threats will have to be dealt with quickly. They will need to be stopped dead." The person doing the stopping is, obviously, the Stopper.
Dragon was chosen because after searching through a considerable number of candidates, the selection team came up with Dragon. His new boss states, "[You] have a high moral compass, Mr. Dragon. Your psychological tests indicate you are a man who will do the right thing. Always. Despite the fact you've been a paper pusher for five years with the Canadian Army and the last four years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, you have natural instincts for this job. Your talents were being wasted."
As an agent with Interpol, Dragon is issued a 'special passport' which allows him to "move freely across virtually every border in the world" as it is tied into the government offices of all 190 Interpol member countries. He is also in possession of what looks like a standard mobile phone with a few generic apps on it. Facial recognition of Dragon will open up a storehouse of additional useful apps as well as the ability to communicate 24/7 with Interpol's extensive database. "You'll be able to search and cross-check information on just about anything in a matter of seconds. Criminals profiles, stolen and lost travel documents or administrative documents, stolen motor vehicles, fingerprints, DNA profiles, stolen works of art, whatever you need."
Dragon is told in the single interview for a job he did not know about beforehand that he could opt to decline the new position but if he did, he would be "taken from here to a lonely spot in the woods and shot". At that, Laurent gave him a mischievous grin and said, "Just screwing with you". But then the grin disappears but the woods would be mentioned again later. Joke? Dragon was not sure.