Anna Goode is a student.
In the fact sheet above she is listed as associated with the CIA and she will be but first and foremost she is a high school student. She is a very unhappy one, at least at the school where she had once been, if not popular at least not tormented, but since the b***h Amber showed up, the halls of the building were a minefield of terror. But in the lab, or at home where she also did her tinkering, well, there she was in her element.
Goode is an inventor. She is also a genius. "Her intelligence wasn't something she bragged about. With an IQ of a hundred sixty-eight, eight points higher than Einstein's, a part of her felt special. Proud that she stood out. But another part of her hated it. More and more often, she felt like it isolated her. Anyone who found out would stare at her like she was an alien. They would avoid her and whisper as she passed, calling her a freak." That is the word that Amber especially loved to fling at her - 'freak'. In truth, the only thing different about her, the only freakish aspect to her, was that she was way smart.
Well, that and she is incredibly introverted, possibly from having people stare (gawk) at her when she said or did something to show just how intelligent she was. Over time, especially ever since b***h Amber transferred into the school, she had lost most of her friends and was down to just a couple. But when one of them is the hunky football-playing Jake, that isn't a bad thing.
Still, her being very smart and very shy is not why she gets connected to the Agency. That comes in when someone (you need to read the first adventure), a very nasty Russian, learns of something she had invented and decides she is the one to finish a project another man had started and that the Russian needed to do some very bad things. That other man couldn't finish because he was killed, along with his wife whom the Russian was holding as leverage.
So, bad Russian will try to coerce her into working for him by kidnapping her family and the CIA will step in to stop the Russian and that is how they learn how way smart she is.
And just in case you were wondering, once Langley learns something or someone useful, they don't forget.