Jane Blonde is an agent with SPI.
Janey Brown is not. Janey Brown is a new student at the Winton School and not having a very good time with it since she knows no one there yet really and therefore has no friends and there is someone leaving her nasty notes for no reason and this morning (that's the day we first meet her) her sneakers (trainers) have melted so PE is out of the question. As she puts it, a spectacularly bad day. It is about to get worse and a whole of weirder.
Why are we talking about Janey Brown when the subject of this entry is Jane Blonde? Good question. The answer starts with Brown sitting on the bleachers when some lady she has never met shows up claiming to be her god-mother and talking about how Brown's actual mother is on a building roof going up against some very nasty people and it is time for Brown to do something about it since she is a Spylet.
That last bit was not the least bit helpful because Blonde, aka Brown, had no idea what it meant and when she is told she should know since it is her job, she sort of balks at having a job, not yet being in secondary school and all. I am in agreement with that since it seems she is around 11 years old at the time and really shouldn't be considering long term employment.
Then again, she shouldn't be thinking too hard about being a Spylet, which, if I understand correctly, is a young spy as in still a kid. And the whole Jane Blonde business is just her codename and Janey Brown's mother is probably the best spy there ever was at least until Janey Brown finishes her required training and then Brown/Blonde will become one impressive operative herself. And she will do it while working for Uncle Solomon (whom she had never met) and his spy organization SPI which stands for Solomon's Polificational Investigations. By the way, I have no idea what Polificational means and search engines have not helped.
What we do know about SPI is that it has its archnemesis in the Sinerlesse Group and those guys are always out to get one over on SPI and they do not play nice so Brown/Blonde is going to have play just a little bit harder, once she finishes training and knows how to 'play' those sorts of games.
Note: we also know that after we are able to follow Jane Blonde on just over a half dozen wild adventures, we can follow her continued activities when she joins with three other young people who also had wild adventures of their own, though not spy-related; all of them now having a few wild adventures together.