Ralph Wells, aka the Perfect Warrior, is an agent of the American President.
The other man listed above, Sammy Gorase, is his partner who also serves at the pleasure of the Chief Executive. The two men are best friends and have gone through a good deal together before Wells offers his talents 'in person' and before long the two are heavily involved in missions directly sanctioned by that leader.
I put quotes around a phrase because 'in person' would mean the two were in close proximity to each other which is true but this meeting was different in that Wells could see the President quite clearly but the reverse was not true; Wells was invisible.
Now you likely understand the reason for the word 'perfect' above; a warrior that can see the enemy but who himself cannot be seen might now be totally 'perfect' but it is one immense advantage.
To provide some history to this remarkable ability, we head back to 1999 and a man named Steve Vining who had just earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from MIT, his thesis being "the study of chemicals created by animals' brains to defend themselves". He got a job teaching in a college and had his life planned. Then 9/11 and the loss of his father in the Towers changed all that.
Vining, who was in excellent shape thanks for a love of martial arts, joined the Marines and was sent to OCS at Quantico. There he met fellow Gorase, a former SEAL who switched services. The two hit it off immediately and though their assignments would take them different placed, they remained friends.
Fast forward a few years and we find Vining determined to find a way to turn his expertise in animal camouflage abilities to work to fight terrorism. That is when he came upon his solution, literally.
Now for reasons best read in the adventures, Vining would change his identity, with the help of the President, to become a new man; taking his new name from Ralph Ellison and H.G. Wells, both authors with books titled The Invisible Man. He would get assigned to work with him his old friend and experienced Marine, Gorase, and the two would become a powerful weapon in the President's arsenal.