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Full Name: Cari Porter
Nationality: American
Organization: Dark Sky
Occupation Agent

Creator: Mike Ryan
Time Span: 2021 - 2022


Cari Porter is an agent with Dark Sky.

Was, perhaps, is better, but do not ask Porter because when we first encounter her she is in a very dingy, hotel room (and that is being generous) with no memory of who she is or how she got there; all she can remember is a list of names and the urgent need on her part to kill them. She is experiencing a nasy headache and fighting to keep panic at bay from not remembering but she shows an impressive amount of ingenuity in learning a bit more about her circumstances. And while her conscious memory might be failing her at the moment, her muscle memory is just fine as she demonstrates to the trio of hard men who immediately come after her.

If Porter is unable to recall anything, the same cannot be said for the people at Dark Sky.

We are told that Project Dark Sky was a "black ops unit that had been in existence for about five years. Agents were recruited from other government positions, though the applicants never knew exactly what they were being recruited for, unless they were offered a position. They were only told it would be dangerous, the job would take them around the world, and they would be invisible".

"Dark Sky was basically a hit squad, directly responsible for eliminating targets in foreign countries that were identified as a problem, either now or in the future. Their targets ranged from dictators, warlords, drug dealers, terrorists, and politicians to worldwide wanted criminals. Their job wasn't just to kill, though. They could get anyone to do that. The agents in the field had to make each kill look like the United States had no involvement. Each target had to be infiltrated or killed in such a manner that there was no possible way the US would even be considered in having a hand in it. If it couldn't be done to look like a local killing, the organization usually passed on it. They had a very successful record, not failing often in their tasks. The problem they had right now was probably the biggest stain on their record.

"Before any agent was put out in the field, they had to have a tracking chip implanted into the back of one of their shoulders. Once a job was finished, they were usually directed to return to the United States, where they could undergo testing. They were also injected with several shots, a mixture of drugs that were supposed to keep them performing at an optimum level. Up until that point, there had been no known ill effects. No one had experienced headaches, dizzy spells, loss of energy, memory issues, nothing. And they weren't sure what the issue was now. They didn't know if it was drug related, Porter had gotten injured, or she just decided to take a powder.

As we watch the leadership at Dark Sky discuss their immediate concern with Cari Porter, we learn that "she was their top target at the moment". "She was one of their best agents. She had always gotten the job done in her four years at the agency. She'd never failed at an assignment yet. Until now. She'd been off the grid for several days, her tracking chip either malfunctioning or having been taken out. They didn't know if she was alive or dead. Though they probably would have preferred her to be dead as opposed to the problem they now had. Now, they had a rogue agent on their hands".

So Dark Sky is worried she may be a loose cannon while she cannot remember who she is or why people are after her and since Dark Sky would rather she just die to resolve the situation and she would rather that she did not, the situation grows more ... intense.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2022

1 The Porter Complication The Porter Complication
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2021

"Cari Porter has just woken up in a motel room. She doesn’t remember anything about her past, how she got there, where she’s going, or even who she is. But she does have a list of names that she has a burning desire to kill.
But those aren’t her only problems. There are also people after her. She doesn’t know them, either. But they’re coming… and they plan to kill her."
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2 The Porter Predicament The Porter Predicament
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2021

"Porter is still on the run after barely escaping the grasp of Dark Sky. After narrowly avoiding danger by a local gang, Porter winds up at a motel in Mozambique. It’s there that she receives a mysterious call from someone who seems to know all about her.
The caller turns out to be Jason Chesney, also an agent in the Dark Sky project. Is he a friend from her past that wants to help her get out of the CIA’s crosshairs? Or is he just trying to get close to her, so he can be the one to put an end to her running and bring her back in?"
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3 The Porter Incident The Porter Incident
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2021

"Cari Porter’s made it to Italy. But she hasn’t escaped. Dark Sky is still coming for her. Hidden in a safe house, Porter continues her search for answers about her past. Unfortunately for her, her past catches up with her.
Just like everywhere else she’s been, people connected to her are killed, and she goes on the run again. This time, though, she’ll come face to face with someone who seemingly knows who she is. Will he give Porter the answers that she’s seeking, or will he be the one to finally bring her in… dead or alive."
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4 The Porter Dilemma The Porter Dilemma
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2021

"Porter has made her way to the UK. She finds the hotel that she and Chesney supposedly stayed at, hoping that the room would somehow bring back a few of her memories.
But Dark Sky is still in pursuit of her, and this time, after leaving a few dead bodies in their wake, they finally catch up to her. Will Dark Sky finish Porter off for good? Or will they try to bring her in to help her regain her memory, and put her back into the program?"
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5 The Porter Obstruction The Porter Obstruction
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2022

"Cari Porter's in France. She's hoping that her former apartment holds some answers in helping her to remember who she used to be. And maybe she's found something. There's a name, a passport, and a bank account. But is it actually hers? Or is it something that Dark Sky has planted in her apartment, hoping to draw her into a trap?"
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6 The Porter Resolution The Porter Resolution
Written by Mike Ryan
Copyright: 2022

"Porter, with the help of some new friends, escapes from the grasp of the police, and immediately seeks to find Evan again. And she won’t stop until she frees him from the clutches of Dark Sky. Before she’s able to do that, and disappear again, she’s going to have to contend with Dark Sky agents, as well as several traps that are set for her to step into.
Will Porter be able to rescue Evan before one of those traps ensnares her? And will she ever be able to finally figure out what exactly happened to her? A mysterious key may hold all the answers."
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When you look at the really impressive list of other series that the terrific author, Mike Ryan, has penned, it would not be unexpected to wonder if he has it in him to make a new, interesting character who is not a carbon copy (remember those? I do) of the others.

Fear not! (Okay, you probably weren't trembling.) Cari Porter is wonderfully, deliciously her own person and while she can kick butt like some of Mr. Ryan's other characters, she is unique and a whole lot of fun following. 

Here's an interesting dilemma for a reader; when an author gives you several choices of 'tasty dishes' (series, in case you missed it) and you get to pick which one to ask for more of, which do you pick? I don't know myself but I think Cari Porter.


My Grade: A-


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