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Full Name: Jack Hunter
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Rawlin Cash
Time Span: 2018 - 2022


Jack Hunter is an agent with the CIA.

To narrow it down even more, he is an assassin with the Agency. Of course, they would be the first to swear that they were no longer in the assassination business. That had been prohibited by Congress so, of course, they stopped. Except reality showed they still did it and Hunter is the most real thing you can get

We meet Hunter after he had stopped being the finger on the trigger, at least not when the target is a human and the orders came from Langley. He had tired of all the killing and the memories that came with it so he walked away and would have gladly stayed away, contentedly living with a young woman he met after quitting and the little girl she was raising alone. The three made a very happy family; up to the time some sick people did some sick things to the two women he loved. That would bring the killer back in full force.

This return would also get him noticed by his old handler at the CIA, Jeff Hale, and his younger and very determined protegee, Fawn Aspen. She had never heard of Hunter before he began his revenge trail but Hale was more than familiar with him and his impressive and frightening history.

'Praying Mantis' was the name of the Enhanced Operative program he and nearly two dozen others had been in. They had "been trained by the CIA's most sophisticated operative program to be as lethal as it was physically possible to make a man. When rappers said there were six million ways to die, [these guys'] methods were what they were talking about". There had been 8 in the group that Hunter was in but a particularly bloody [operation] in Afghanistan had seen the death of seven of them. Only Hunter remained. After his return, he went AWOL and the program was shut down.

Now that he has resurfaced, Hale, who has a need for his talents, has a way to get the man to 'volunteer' yet again. Hunter had earlier learned the names of three of the powerful leaders who had engaged in the horrific torture and murder of Hunter's family and has already removed them from this life. Hale knows a lot more names.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2022

I would strongly recommend that the first novella, Jack Hunter: Origin Story, be read first to understand later events.

1 Headshot Headshot
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2019

The nation is under attack. There are more bodies in the streets than at any time since the Civil War. The airports are closed. The borders are sealed. The president has been evacuated.
His country needs him. But he's in no shape to be the man they want him to be. He's haunted by his past missions. The things they made him do.
But if one headshot could end this war, he knows he has no choice. 
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2 Super Sniper Super Sniper
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2019

"An adversary more powerful than Russia at the height of the Cold War. A CIA drone strike on Capitol Hill. The new president is in hiding, terrified to go anywhere near the White House.
And a new breed of Super Sniper, trained abroad with smart bullet technology stolen from American labs, is killing politicians like it’s going out of style. Hunter didn’t ask for it, but he’s the one they call in. As an outsider, he’s the only one they can trust. "
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3 Hollow Point Hollow Point
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2020

"The North Korean Supreme Leader is dead. A rogue general has seized power. And the only man who can stop it is falling apart. 
When the President is kidnapped and a nuclear bomb explodes off the coast of Hawaii, Jack Hunter is brought back to the CIA. The operation is called: Hollow point. The mission is simple: Kill the general, rescue the President."
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4 Defector Defector
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2022

"Jack Hunter is on the hunt. Margot is missing. A mysterious and powerful agency has her.
He must work with a man who has defected. A man who has little power. But he's the only man, Jack can trust."
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Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2019

As mentioned above, I recommend reading the first novella below before anything else. It gives a terrific introduction to the character and what drives him and helps explain events in the books.

The second novella can be read, again IMHO, whenever is desired as it gives information about the character's early days.

1 Jack Hunter: Origin Story Jack Hunter: Origin Story
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2018

"Jack Hunter was the wrong guy to piss off.
A trained CIA assassin, he’d taken out dozens of high-value targets.
Then he fell off the grid. And he would have stayed there.
He was done with Washington, the corruption, the hypocrisy, the self-serving politicians who didn’t give a f**k about the men they sent to die."
He came back onto the grid when someone went after his wife and daughter.
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2 First Blood First Blood
Written by Rawlin Cash
Copyright: 2019

"Everyone remembers their first. Their first kiss. The first time a bullet bit into their flesh. The first time they killed a man.
This is a story about a couple of things.
It's about my grandpa and the Nazi memorabilia he keeps hidden in the barn.
It's about the time he killed my dog and knocked me near to death.
It's about my daddy's rifle and the first time I really used it.
It's called First Blood, and that's an apt title."
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If you have an ex-employee you really want back, I guess a pretty good strategy is to find something that person wants more than anything else and offer it. In the case of Hunter, it is the identities of those who killed those he loved the most. Need your best killer back? That is a good way of getting him.

Of course, the trick that Hunter's boss uses is to give him the names over time. Want another name? Here is someone else I really want eliminated.

That is coldblooded manipulation at, well, truthfully, its finest. I should deploy such behavior. Instead I reach for the next book! Says something about me, huh?


My Grade: B+


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