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Full Name: Jackson Black
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: James Tindall
Time Span: 2012 - 2023


Jackson Black is an agent with the CIA.

He has been a field operative for quite a few years by the time we first encounter him. He has wisely spent that time becoming friends with the inventive and imaginative folks at DARPA, especially a tech geek named Mitch, head of the Tactical Technology Office for that DoD division. This will get him access to some pretty nifty toys which will not only come in extremely handy for keeping him alive, they will also up his wow-factor a lot.

The abilities and successes of Black have made the news, so to speak, in the intelligence communities around the world enough that when the President of Russia is told Black was involved in a matter, that leader not only was familiar with the name, he knew that "he's their best from what I've heard". His top Intelligence man corrected him with "he's the best there has ever been", adding that some of his exploits are required study in their training classes.

Considering the fame that would cause the Russian leader to know the man's name and successes, it is not surprising that American's Chief Executive is also well aware of Black and his abilities such that he seems somewhat relieved to know that Black has been put onto a sticky situation. And sealing the deal on Black's reputation is the fact that even the Chinese Premier is quite up on the history of Jackson Black and knows that the CIA must really be serious if they put him on a matter because they would not "throw him under the bus".

I now turn our attention to a man named Genesis Motlow. We first meet this Seminole Indian, long before we come across Jackson Black, when he is a constable for the tribal on their land near the Big Cypress reserve. Genesis (he almost never uses his last name) is described as a man with "severe, weather-beaten features" who "liked like the meanest man alive" though we are told "underneath his stoic and foreboding features was a kindness that knew no bounds".

He was a former sergeant it the U.S. Army where he was a part of its specialized Long Range Recon Patrol seeing considerable action in Afghanistan before heading to other areas before ending up back in his native southwest Florida. We meet up with Genesis when he comes to the aid of a friend of his named Billy Panther, a tribal councilman who is having trouble with some unscrupulous 'investors' who have a landfill scheme going.

We keep up with Genesis as he, and Billy, have a follow-up adventure with some folks from Hong Kong who are involved in quite a bit different activity but one that brings with it a whole lot of action and mayhem, much from the hands of a woman named Li Na Lui.

Why are we discussing Genesis when the subject of this entry is Jackson Black? We watch this deadly woman Li Na become very close to Genesis and together they make a very formidable team. In the third adventure we have with Genesis a part, we learn that Genesis apparently takes the occasional time off from his being a constable to go on "many missions" for the CIA working under the immediate control of its Director. During these operations, he used the alias of JB. We would soon learn that this "JB" was in fact "the infamous" Jackson Black.

Before closing this entry, I want to discuss a bit more about Li Na. We learn very early this woman is not someone to trifle with because she plays her own game and she wins. She is a very capable and extremely experienced operative, formerly with the Hong Kong police in their Organized Crime and Triad Bureau. While working undercover, an op went wrong and her identity became known so she "quit the force and joined the private sector where [she could] work on long-term strategy, security, and intelligence protocols", which seems to be a euphemism for some pretty gnarly activity.

Standing at 5'8" with ivory pale but quite muscular legs, "voluptuous breasts [which] looked small on her frame", jet-black hair falling to her waist, and tiger-brown eyes that "noticed everything", she is described as "dominating". This beautiful woman is not only quite athletic and agile, she is apparently also very nasty with a sword. When she talks about sometimes needing the use of a ornate walking cane, do not take that at face value.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2023

When I first saw a 'Jackson Black Thriller' book, it was For President and Country, marked by Amazon as Book 1 of 2 in the series. I snatched it up and started reading, attracted by the interesting cover which I later decided had nothing to do with the book.

Reading that book, however, I came across references and indications that there was a history that I was missing. I first thought someone had flipped the order so that FPAC was second but that was not the case.

That is when I remembered that there had been a mention of Jackson Black being a Seminole and I happened to notice the author had previously published a Seminole Trilogy.


I got the first of the Trilogy and saw nothing about Jackson Black, though I did meet the secondary, albeit very important, character of Genesis. I got the second and still saw nothing. However, I did see immediately that Li Na was there playing a major role and she got quite friendly with Genesis, who played a much bigger role. Grabbing the third in the Trilogy, I saw immediately on the cover a reference to it being "A Jackson Black Spy Thriller" with the sub-blurb of it being "The Beginning". In it I see Genesis being called JB and at the very end the announcement that "Jackson Black had returned". 

1 Jagged Grass Jagged Grass
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2012

Book 1 of the Seminole Trilogy.
"Billie believed he had found a better way. For years he had sought sustainable employment for his people; on the remote Reservation of Big Cypress, jobs were difficult to find, hope even harder. Nearing completion of negotiations with business mogul Paul Lorio, Billie was about to realize long-term employment for his people, the accomplishment of his dreams. Or was he? Billie was thrust into a course of events that would lead to intrigue, mystery, romance, and murder, from which there was no turning back. An airboat ambush culminates in a fatal struggle between two men who would stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

2 The Transparency The Transparency
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2012

Book 2 of the Seminole Trilogy.
"Billie Panther took charge of the new power plant project the tribe had partnered on with two others, one of whom was Ki, unknown to them, backed by the largest Chinese triad in Hong Kong. The project brought legitimate money and jobs as energy prices soared. Disaster quickly followed when 24K and two other triads discovered the strategy and kidnapped Billie’s son and a partner’s daughter. Plunged into intrigue and sabotage, Ki was forced to deploy all his resources to stop an imminent war. Using the transparency, Billie Panther teamed with Ki’s people and went to work. With assistance from intelligence officer Li Na, Genesis, the FBI, and MDPD, they faced a deadly and bloody timeline to prevent death of the hostages, war, and hostile takeover. After days of tracking with high-tech drones, human intelligence, and a final use of the transparency, a confrontation in the Florida Everglades would decide the outcome."

3 Indian Law Indian Law
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2022

Book 3 of the Seminole Trilogy.
"It had taken Li Na years to find her family’s killers with the help of Genesis of the FPF, whose fiancé had also been ordered killed by the same man. It shocked them to discover they were on the trail of General Ye Bocheng of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Force and leader of multiple Chinese triads. He wielded power with an iron fist and was as ruthless as he was intelligent. Entrenched near the Chinese coastline on a military outpost, he was virtually untouchable. A CIA deep cover operative discovered the general was planning an annihilating attack on the U.S. power grid. He had been killed directly after sending his message to Langley. The mission of revenge had changed to a critical matter of saving a nation’s infrastructure and the chaos that would ensue if the general succeeded. Li Na and Genesis would need to use every spy craft trade in the book to succeed and stay alive."

4 For President And Country For President And Country
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2022

Jackson Black saw the missiles coming and prepared to die. Weeks later he awakens in a rehab center and is told that the organization, Club Dread, had recreated him, making him better but also putting in a chip controlling his actions. They were going to use him as a weapon but Black is determined he would find a way to stop them.
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5 Daughter Of The Premier Daughter Of The Premier
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2022

The kidnapping of the teenage daughter of the Chinese Premier brought that government ready for war and since there is evidence that America is behind it, that is where they are looking. The US rebukes that accusation and sends Jackson Black to work with the MSS to find the young woman and prevent a war.

6 The Stonehenge Effect The Stonehenge Effect
Written by James Tindall
Copyright: 2023

"Mysterious metal monoliths randomly pop up around the world linked to Ley lines and a super collider from which mysterious signals are sent to the great Pyramids of Giza and relayed to Stonehenge. A quiet meeting is held in the Oval by President Armstrong, the Vice President, and Mitch Daniels, technical lead for DARPA who informs the two leaders about a global catastrophe within 250 days. Jackson Black is assigned to solve the problem. Only Jackson and his partner agent, Sonja Erickson can prevent global cataclysm and eliminate those causing it."
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As you can tell from my comments in the Book section, the sequence of events reading this series was somewhat unusual but nevertheless fun. It was like a minor mystery which I felt pleased to have solved - if I did.

That aside, the series is a lot of fun to read and Jackson Black is a very interesting fellow. Toss is, as I do, the addition of Li Na and we have a really fun series that I hope sticks around awhile. 

I was a bit surprised at the twist in subject matter that the 6th book presented. Not sure where the series will go from there, but I think it will be fun to find out.


My Grade: B+


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