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Full Name: Xander Ross
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: C. Elyana Brooke
Time Span: 2020 - 2022


Alexander 'Xander' Ross is an agent with MI6.

He is a new one - a quite new recruit because he has tired of his previous line of work and wanted to do some more meaningful and interesting and exciting and, well, different.

His old job that he wanted to leave behind? He was a cellist.

You are reading that correctly. He was a cellist.

When we meet him in the first recorded adventure, again, to be honest, the first adventure ever for him, he is just landing in New York City to perform at Lincoln Center and he has gone many hours without sleep, has a rotten headache from the long flight and a long delay from Heathrow, and he is not that anxious to be performing a brand new piece of music with a conductor he has never met and other musicians he knows nothing about.

Ross is quite well known in the symphony business, known as the Dark Cellist, "that musician who has singlehandedly popularized strings to such an extent, that cello is now viewed as the coolest instrument to play in our grammar and high schools," to quote that conductor. Of course, the role of that 'Dark Cellist' is just a persona according to Ross, one prepared for the stage and not at all like the Ross the outside world sees complete with "a hard intense sexual gaze [he] used all the time - a look that had felled thousands of female fans".

Ross is honest enough with himself to know that as popular as that Dark Cellist is with the audience, especially female members, it was something he regretted creating. Every woman he meets expects the same harsh "love-em-and-leave-em" near-brute they imagine they see on the stage. He knows it is not really him and he has tired of that fellow.

It is a Xander Ross who enjoys his music but has found the life of performing it not as satisfying as it used to me who looks for something else to do with his energies and surprises everyone, including himself, by applying to MI6.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2022

I read one blurb that describes this set of three adventures as a trilogy and I would agree with that description. The first book deals with Ross's life before the Service and his very early years in it. The second takes place a good number of years down the road from then. The third has him nearing the age of giving it all up.

1 Symphony Fantastique Symphony Fantastique
Written by C. Elyana Brooke
Copyright: 2020

"Threatened by the beautiful ISIM agent, Amal Said, and intrigued by the shy MI-6 researcher, Chloe Staten, Xander wonders if he can ever get over his first love and survive the deadly secretive spy game. Danger and betrayal lurk behind every turn and when he is sent on his most important solo mission, code named, "Symphony Fantastique", all is not what it seems and who can he really trust? In the espionage world of duplicity is Love the only certainty?"
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2 The Wolves of December The Wolves of December
Written by C. Elyana Brooke
Copyright: 2020

"When tragedy strikes Notre Dame de Paris for a second time, [Xander Ross] is drawn deeper into a game of duplicity and danger that neither he nor his family can escape. Suspense builds when the "Wolves of December", ISIM's even more extreme Islamic terrorist offshoot, attacks the very heart of Europe. Yet, Imogen Brown, the new Director of MI-6, does nothing!
As international disasters mount and tragedy strikes close to home, Xander joins forces with a rogue team of former current and ex MI-6 and CIA agents .. to deal with the crisis"
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3 The African American King The African American King
Written by C. Elyana Brooke
Copyright: 2022

"Struggling to extricate himself from the emotionally numbing pain of personal grief and loss, Xander Ross, the famous “Dark Cellist” and undercover MI-6 agent, once again faces challenges on the national and international stage. A horrific event involving almost the entire British royal family puts him front and center into the crisis as dangerous and evil forces conspire to overturn the government of Great Britain and the geo-political world order.
While tasked with protecting the welfare of the young legitimate heir to the throne whom Xander hides and acting as MI-6 Liaison with No. 10 Downing Street, Xander is forced to compromise his ethics to survive in this world of espionage and is left questioning if his actions will ultimately cause him to lose himself."
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"I'm bored with the cello. I think I'll be a spy!" No, Xander Ross never actually states that anywhere but the essence is there. On the one hand, that sounds silly. On the other, it is pretty ... well, different. That makes it so cool and makes the series have an interesting and novel approach. 

Plus, Yo-yo Ma made the cello pretty cool and the idea of a 'Dark Cellist' sounded unusual so I gave the series a chance and I was glad I did.

The really interesting parts came in, IMHO, when he decided he wanted to settle down and leave this second career behind and found he was not really allowed to. Then things got ... as I said ... interesting.


My Grade: A-


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