pussycat_cb_53_men_jul_1971 pussycat_cb_57_men_nov_1971 pussycat_cb_12_menann2_1968 pussycat_cb_42_men_aug_1970 pussycat_cb_45_men_nov_1970 pussycat_cb_65_men_jul_1972 pussycat_cb_01_maleann3_1965 pussycat_cb_15_maleann6_1968 pussycat_cb_26_men_jul_1969 pussycat_cb_33_men_nov_1969 pussycat_cb_13_stagann5_1968 pussycat_cb_40_men_jul_1970 pussycat_cb_18_taop_1968 pussycat_cb_16_male_sep_1968 pussycat_cb_17_male_oct_1968 pussycat_cb_38_men_apr_1970 pussycat_cb_08_male_apr_1968 pussycat_cb_32_men_oct_1969 pussycat_cb_55_men_sep_1971 pussycat_cb_11_male_jul_1968 pussycat_cb_30_men_aug_1969 pussycat_cb_46_men_dec_1970 pussycat_cb_02_stagann3_1966 pussycat_cb_27_menannual3_1969 pussycat_cb_66_men_aug_1972
Full Name: Pussycat
Nationality: American
Organization: S.C.O.R.E.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Wallace Woods
Time Span: 1965 - 1972


Pussycat is an agent of S.C.O.R.E.

That acronym stands for Secret Council Of Ruthless Extroverts. Now, why an organization out to defeat bad guys who are out to take over the world would decide the use of the word 'extroverts' was important enough to use in their title remains a mystery. Well, other than it helps make up the word 'SCORE' which for the men's adventure magazines in which the graphic adventures appears is a pretty important objective.

When we first meet this drop-dead gorgeous, extremely well-endowed alluring young woman, she is not yet an agent and is not looking to be one. She is a secretary at S.C.O.R.E. headquarters and doing everything she can think of to remain safe from the ogling eyes of male agents who seemed to have nothing better to do with their time than hang around the HQ she she works.

Her transformation from adminitrative assistant to a field agent comes when yet another female operative is uncovered and dispatched by the department's key opposition, L.U.S.T., and the powers that be fretted that they would never be able to vanquish their foes as L.U.S.T. knew the identities of all their secret agents. "If only we could find someone they'd never suspect! Someone totally innocent-looking."

And with that lament, all eyes went to the beautiful sexy but innocent looking Pussycat with her shoulder-length blonde hair and extremely form-fitting short skirt and tight blouse - okay, their eyes were already on her but now it was for yet another reason. "It would have to be a girl who doesn't seem like an agent. A girl who could take a man's mind off his job!"

"Pussycat", the Chief exclaims, "would you like to be engage in espionage?" She responds, "Engaged? That's even better than going steady!" During the requisite security check, he points out that "this job calls for someone too dumb to be frightened" at which time she worried that she could not give them her fingerprints because they were attached! And thus she was okayed for duty!

The bad guys we mentioned above that were the primary concern for S.C.O.R.E. is the Legion of Undesireable Sinister Types (thus the L.U.S.T.) which is not a bad name at all and would be used a few later by the good guys (well, gal) in another series. These fellows are all about the money and ways to make lots more but luckily for the good side, they are mostly all men and when going up against someone like Pussycat, other deadly sins start trumping greed.

Pussycat never really has to do anything spy-ish to get the job done; she just keeps being the wonderfully naive and sweet person she's always been and the bad guys (and the good guys as well) fall all over themselves to make her happy.

There are a ton of adventures for Pussycat to deal with over the few years her stories were recorded but only about the first fifth of them had the lovely lady working for S.C.O.R.E. Apparently L.U.S.T. gave in and Pussycat went on to other things. Most of those other things, we are told, had her being an investigative reporter. Luckily for the readers, that gave her ample opportunities to get into sticky situations where, gosh darn it, she keeps having those pesky wardrobe malfunctions!


Number of Stories:66
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1972

I have read an anecdote that the power behind Atlas Publishing, owner of the popular Marvel Comics, Martin Goodman, decided he wanted something to compete with the recurring adventures of Little Annie Fanny of Playboy fame. He turned to very popular comicbook writer and artist Wally Wood to come up with something.

That something is the lovely and innocent and largely naïve Pussycat. The second adventure of the voluptuous miss even shows one of her fellow S.C.O.R.E. agents reading a magazine with Annie Fanny in it, albeit with the name a bit swapped ('Little Fanny Annie') to avoid litigation.

Wally Wood apparently ceased working for Atlas/Marvel immediately afterwards over a pay dispute. The duties of writing and drawing would fall to other people over the next few years of her adventures. Two people repeated mentioned in comments on the web as occasional writers were the very prolific and soon-to-be-great Stan Lee and his also quite busy brother Larry Lieber. Two artists known to do the pleasant task of depicting her were Jim Mooney and Bill Ward.

Pussycat was initially just an occasional visitor to the pages of mens-adventure magazines Male and Stag and only in the annuals. The first was in Male Annual #3 which came out in 1965. Her next adventure would be a few months later in Stag Annual #3 in 1966 and another later that year Male Annual #4. The following year of 1967 would see her grace the pages of Stag Annual #4, a newcomer to the stands Men Annual #1, and Male Annual #5.

Regular appearances on a monthly basis would come in 1968, three years after her initial story. The standard edition of Male had an adventure in March of that year and then two months later, in May, she starred showing in almost every issue that year.

April 1969 saw the lovely Pussycat make the transition from Male to the sister publication of Men and she would remain in that magazine with monthly appearances (except for an occasional 'vacation') until August 1972.

The Annuals of Stag and Men would see reprints of her stories pop up now and then and other Atlas publications devoted to cartoons would carry reprints as well; however, after that August 1972 appearance, Pussycat would have no new adventures.

1 The Mirthful Misadventures Of A Merry, Mixed-Up Miss! The Mirthful Misadventures Of A Merry, Mixed-Up Miss!
Published by Magazine Management Company
Contributors: Wally Wood (writer and artist), Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1965

Published in Male Annual #3 (1965). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
S.C.O.R.E. is in need of a new female agent who L.U.S.T. agents will not suspect. They find her in their own secretary, the sexy but innocent Pussycat. They immediately dispatch her to work her magic on enemy spy Ivan Passion!
Click here to read the story.

2 The Mirthful Misadventures Of A Naughty Nonsensical Nymphet! The Mirthful Misadventures Of A Naughty Nonsensical Nymphet!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1966

Published in Stag Annual #3 (1966). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
Wondering how L.U.S.T. always seems aware of what S.C.O.R.E. is up to, the Chief decides it might be because of the camera club across the street. He sends Pussycat to investigate.
Click here to read the story.

3 The Madly Mirthful Misadventures Of A Lively Little Lass! The Madly Mirthful Misadventures Of A Lively Little Lass!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Male Annual #4 (1966). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
S.C.O.R.E. has received reports that L.U.S.T. is planning on stealing Coney Island and the Chief wants to send their best agent to 'foil their evil plans'. He picks Pussycat and the secret weapon he gives her to pull it off is a very, very skimpy bikini!
Click here to read the story.

4 The Cool and Carefree Capers Of A Curvy Cuddly Chick! The Cool and Carefree Capers Of A Curvy Cuddly Chick!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Stag Annual #4, (1967). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

5 The Madly Mirthful Misadventures Of A Most Generously-Endowed Modern Miss! The Madly Mirthful Misadventures Of A Most Generously-Endowed Modern Miss!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Men Annual #1 (1967). Reprinted in Laugh Parade vol. 10 #1 (Jan. 1970) and Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

6 The Cavortin' Case Of The Booby-Trapped Bra! The Cavortin' Case Of The Booby-Trapped Bra!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Male Annual #5 (1967). Reprinted in Stag Annual #7 (May 1970), in Cartoon Capers vol 5 #3 (June 1970), in Popular Cartoons vol 12 #50 (Apr. 1980), and in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

7 The Mischievous Memoirs Of A Merry Little Miss! The Mischievous Memoirs Of A Merry Little Miss!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (March 1968). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
[plot unknown]

8 The Capricious Capers Of A Curvy Cutie-Pie! The Capricious Capers Of A Curvy Cutie-Pie!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (April 1968). Reprinted in Adventures of Pussycat (1968).
[plot unknown]

9 The Sizzlin' Saga Of A Secret Agent Swinger! The Sizzlin' Saga Of A Secret Agent Swinger!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (May 1968).
[plot unknown]

10 The Pin-Up Calendar Caper The Pin-Up Calendar Caper
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Jun. 1968).
[plot unknown]

11 America's Favorite Dynamite Blonde America's Favorite Dynamite Blonde
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (July 1968).
[plot unknown]

12 Another Capricious Caper Of The Country's Most Cataclysmically Cuddlesome Curvaceous Cutie! Another Capricious Caper Of The Country's Most Cataclysmically Cuddlesome Curvaceous Cutie!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Men Annual #2 (1968). Reprinted in Cartoon Laughs vol. 9 #1 (Jan. 1970) and Cartoon Fun and Comedy vol. 15 #98 (Oct. 1980).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

13 Damsel In Disguise Damsel In Disguise
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Bill Ward (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Stag Annual #5 (1968). Reprinted in Cartoons and Gags vol. 16 #6 (Dec. 1969) and Cartoon Fun and Comedy vol. 15 #99 (Jan. 1981).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

14 The Crazy Case Of The Crazy Cases! The Crazy Case Of The Crazy Cases!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Aug. 1968).
[plot unknown]
Note: this is the last mention of S.C.O.R.E.

15 The Bombshell And The Bank! The Bombshell And The Bank!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male Annual #6 (1968).
[plot unknown]

16 The Computer And The Cutie The Computer And The Cutie
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Sep. 1968).
[plot unknown]

17 The Mixed-Up Model The Mixed-Up Model
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Oct 1968).
[plot unknown]

18 The Hidden Hippie Caper The Hidden Hippie Caper
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Adventures of Pussycat (Oct 1968).
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

19 A Peach On The Beach A Peach On The Beach
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Nov 1968.
[plot unknown]

20 Frenzy In France! Frenzy In France!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Male (Dec 1968).
[plot unknown]

21 The Spaceman And The Sweetie! The Spaceman And The Sweetie!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Male (Feb 1969).
[plot unknown]

22 The Castaway Cutie The Castaway Cutie
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Jim Mooney (artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Male (Mar 1969).
[plot unknown]

23 The Lady On The Late Show! The Lady On The Late Show!
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Men (Apr 1969).
[plot unknown]

24 My Album My Album
Published by Atlas Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Men (May 1969).
[plot unknown]

25 How Groovy Is My Movie How Groovy Is My Movie
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, June 1969.
[plot unknown]

26 The Kid Flips Her Id! The Kid Flips Her Id!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, July 1969.
[plot unknown]

27 Look Ma... I'm Flyin'! Look Ma... I'm Flyin'!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Stag Annual 6, 1969.
[plot unknown]

28 The Newest Merry Mis-Adventure Of Our Cuddly Little Cutie! The Newest Merry Mis-Adventure Of Our Cuddly Little Cutie!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Male Annual 7, 1969.
[plot unknown]

29 The Swingin' Statue! The Swingin' Statue!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men Annual 3, 1969.
[plot unknown]

30 It's A Gas, Lass! It's A Gas, Lass!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, Aug 1969.
[plot unknown]

31 The Lady Is A Star The Lady Is A Star
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, Sept 1969.
[plot unknown]

32 The Gal Gets Her Goal! The Gal Gets Her Goal!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, Oct 1969.
[plot unknown]

33 For Better Or For Nurse For Better Or For Nurse
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, Nov 1969.
[plot unknown]

34 The Joke's On Her The Joke's On Her
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1969

Published in Men, Dec 1969.
[plot unknown]

35 Twas The Night Before Xmas... Twas The Night Before Xmas...
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Jan 1970.
[plot unknown]

36 Her Wild, Wild Wheels! Her Wild, Wild Wheels!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Feb 1970.
[plot unknown]

37 Two Weeks With Play Two Weeks With Play
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Mar 1970.
[plot unknown]

38 Pandemonium At The Company Picnic Pandemonium At The Company Picnic
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Apr 1970.
[plot unknown]

39 Why The West Was Wild Why The West Was Wild
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, May 1970.
[plot unknown]

40 But Don't Go Near the Water! But Don't Go Near the Water!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, July 1970.
[plot unknown]

41 It Happened In Paris</i>, The Crazy Capers Of Our Curviest Chick) It Happened In Paris, The Crazy Capers Of Our Curviest Chick)
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men Annual 4 (1970.
[plot unknown]

42 She Makes It With The Mafia! She Makes It With The Mafia!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Aug 1970.
[plot unknown]

43 The Hostess with the Mostest! The Hostess with the Mostest!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Sept 1970.
[plot unknown]

44 She's Out In Front! She's Out In Front!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Oct 1970.
[plot unknown]

45 No News Is Good Nudes! No News Is Good Nudes!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Nov 1970.
[plot unknown]

46 Temptress In A Taxi! or, Caught With Her Flag Down! Temptress In A Taxi! or, Caught With Her Flag Down!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1970

Published in Men, Dec 1970).
[plot unknown]

47 Sex And The Single Spy! Sex And The Single Spy!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Jan 1971.
[plot unknown]

48 Circus Siren or, The Biggest Top Of Them All! Circus Siren or, The Biggest Top Of Them All!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Feb 1971.
[plot unknown]

49 Bust Out At The Big House! Bust Out At The Big House!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Mar 1971.
[plot unknown]

50 A Racy Tale A Racy Tale
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Apr 1971.
[plot unknown]

51 Hijack Havoc! Or, Foiled In The Fuselage! Hijack Havoc! Or, Foiled In The Fuselage!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, May 1971.
[plot unknown]

52 Scandinavian Sexplot Scandinavian Sexplot
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, June 1971.
[plot unknown]

53 Maid In Paris! or, The Hottest Jewels In Town! Maid In Paris! or, The Hottest Jewels In Town!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, July 1971.
[plot unknown]

54 Venus and Venice Venus and Venice
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Aug 1971.
[plot unknown]

55 My Fair Fraulein! My Fair Fraulein!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Sept 1971. Reprinted in Best Cartoons From The Editors of Male & Stag (Vol. 3 #1 - Jan. 1972).
[plot unknown]

56 High Voltage! or, I Get a Charge Out of You! High Voltage! or, I Get a Charge Out of You!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Oct 1971.
[plot unknown]

57 I, A Spy! I, A Spy!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Nov 1971.
[plot unknown]

58 Crime and Lusciousment! Crime and Lusciousment!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1971

Published in Men, Dec 1971.
[plot unknown]

59 A Two Round-Knockout! or, Saved by the Belle! A Two Round-Knockout! or, Saved by the Belle!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, Jan 1972.
[plot unknown]

60 Cycle Siren, or, Hand Me That Wench! Cycle Siren, or, Hand Me That Wench!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, Feb 1972.
[plot unknown]

61 The Sexpot and the Sultan The Sexpot and the Sultan
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, Mar 1972.
[plot unknown]

62 Bullets, Boodles, and Broads! Bullets, Boodles, and Broads!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, Apr 1972.
[plot unknown]

63 Vegas Vixen! or, The Gal With The Winning Pair! Vegas Vixen! or, The Gal With The Winning Pair!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, May 1972.
[plot unknown]

64 The Phantom Of The Uproar! The Phantom Of The Uproar!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, June 1972.
[plot unknown]

65 Mobster Mayhem! or, The Most Chased Girl In Town! Mobster Mayhem! or, The Most Chased Girl In Town!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, July 1972.
[plot unknown]

66 Maid On A Mountain, or, Dig Those Peaks! Maid On A Mountain, or, Dig Those Peaks!
Published by Atlas Publications

Copyright: 1972

Published in Men, Aug 1972.
[plot unknown]


If you start with the spy-fi concept and throw in gorgeous ladies with a tendency to lose vital pieces of apparel, well, you have the formula for grabbing my attention. Toss in "madcap" and you have sealed the deal.

This is true now and it was true back in 1965 when this series first started and it has been true in the 55+ years in between.

Unfortunately for my immature libido back then, I never saw this. I visited the newsstands almost daily so I would have like seen the titles of Male and Stag and later Men on the top row but I was 13 years old at the time and my gaze was directed to traditional comicbooks. But boy! I would have loved these!!

There is not a lot of real spying going on - okay, let me amend that to say spying on the enemy. Guys spying on Pussycat, oh yeah! Lots - and with awesome reason.

As for the quality of the stories and the coherence of the plotlines and the validity of the dialogue and the development of the characters - oh you are such a kidder!!!


My Grade: B-


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