Bruno the Kid is an agent of Globe.
That is apparently not an acronym. Calling their private number, you will hear, "Thank you for dialing Globe, the world-wide super-secret peacekeeping organization". Of course, calling that secret number is difficult since it is, well, secret.
Globe was in the need of a replacement agent since their last great agent, 86, got 86's by the forces of T.H.U.G.S. Luckily they received a fantastic dossier via email for one incredible secret agent now looking for work; Bruno.
Now we need to step back and explain something.
Bruno is really a kid. He's not yet a teenager even, being in the 6th grade and being "not quite 12" (he's 11!). He is a pretty normal kid except for a wild imagination and a special love of computer games. And that is where "Bruno the Kid" comes into play. While preparing to play more online games, real kid Bruno uses a software package to create a new persona, complete with a realistic looking avatar. He feels it necessary to tweak the credentials, adding such things as that fake Bruno, definitely not a kid and looking amazingly like Bruce Willis, speaking 6 languages, having seen a lot of action during the Cold War, last stationed in Peking, that sort of thing.
When called to dinner, real kid Bruno accidentally pressed the Send button which somehow transmit the 'dossier' to Globe HQ (how? who knows and does it matter?). Returning to the keyboard, real kid Bruno discovers that Globe has accepted fake agent Bruno and given him his first assignment. Thrilled and eager for excitement, real kid Bruno shows up at the assigned place (local airport) to meet his contact. And that is how super-secret agent Bruno the Kid became real - well sort of.
Here two points to remember. One, the people running Globe think their agent is a grown, highly experienced male operative and since whenever real kid Bruno communicates with them, they see fake Bruno the Kid avatar so they do not learn the truth. Two, the couple of agents that Bruno the Kid will interface with in person have no idea that HQ does not know their agent's real age and they figure HQ must feel it is alright so why should they make a scene.
Meanwhile, real kid Bruno's parents, a music composer dad and a successful real estate agent mom, have no idea their son is galivanting around the country and the globe fighting really bad bad guys and saving the world on a weekly basis. Bruno is having too much fun to correct either their misunderstanding or HQ's. That is why and how the short blond-haired diminutive and bespectacled real kid Bruno is called time after time to go into action as fake Bruno the Kid - secret agent.
Two taglines worth noting on the activities of this fellow: 1) "When the fate of the free world is at stake, there is only one super-secret agent for the job. He's licensed for laughs and his codename is Bruno", and 2) from his own theme song: "no time for kid's games; no time for girls. Helping the good guys; saving the world. Call on Bruno, yeah, call on the kid. When you've got a problem, call on Bruno the Kid".
And concerning the acronym used above for the main bad guys Bruno the Kid will face many times, T.H.U.G.S. stands for "The Home Underworld Group Society". This band of would-be killers and thieves and extortionists and terrorists and all sorts of other -ists is really a does-not-play-nice-with-others sort of club. But at least they have diversity nailed down, proving that men and women of all races can be naughty.
And another comment or two about his 'partners' at Globe. Jarlsburg is the fellow Bruno will spend the most time with. A tall, brawny black man with a thin mustache and a whole lot of experience, he was determined to check in with HQ concerning this pipsqueak kid until that kid saved his life a couple of times at which point Jarly (as Bruno calls him) figured HQ must know what they are doing. And there is Harris, a super brainy inventor working for Globe who is always coming up with nifty albeit sometimes odd gadgets which Bruno the Kid somehow manages to find a great use for.
Oh, in case you were wonder what real kid Bruno's last name is - not a clue!
Good Lines:
- Said by a classmate and fellow game player female friend of his, "Bruno, pretending you're someone you're not can get you into a lot of trouble", to which he responds, "You think?"