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Full Name: Kit Scarlett
Series Name: Kit Scarlett Tudor Mystery
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Adele Jordan
Time Span: 2022 - 2023


Katherine 'Kit' Scarlett is an agent with British Intelligence.

The time period for her adventures is the 1580's. Queen Elizabeth I is still on the throne halfway into her third decade ruling Britannia. Her health is becoming a matter of some concern and her enemies are eagerly awaiting a chance to pounce. Though she would remain in control for another twenty years, the intrigue and the scheming is rampant.

Running the show for the intelligence gathering to help protect the Throne and its occupant is Sir Francis Walsingham, private secretary to Her Majesty for a decade already and well known to be her principle spymaster. It is he who gathered operatives he knew to be both capable and loyal and then oversaw their training in spycraft.

One of his favorite agents is one very few knew anything about, as he planned. Walsingham trained Kit Scarlett from the time she was a young girl, all with the expectation that as a youthful female and thus largely overlooked when matters of state were concerned, she would be able to infiltrate places his male agents would be banned. "The most secret of intelligencers, Kit. That's what you will be," he told her at one point.

The training, as mentioned, started quite young and Scarlett has known and had considerable affection for the man she considers like her own father, so much so that she is determined to show herself worthy of being one of his operatives. Add to that an unquenchable desire for adventure and excitement and even danger, and it is easy to see why someone so young and eager can also be a bit overzealous and even reckless (though she would be loath to admit that last). Her devotion to Walsingham does have a downside, though as "she would never hear a word said against [him], she couldn't bear it".

Scarlett is described as having short dark auburn hair atop a very pretty face with "large bronze-coloured eyes and the small mouth" - all quite feminine. This does make occasionally trying to impersonate a man while undercover a challenge though she is aided by having a naturally "Husky voice".

An early mission which some, including her boss, would consider less than perfect - and she would take exception to that since she accomplished her goal - results in her being partnered with a fellow agent, Scottish born and bred Iomhar Blackwood. Their initial reaction to each other is less than friendly and their working together will prove to be challenging for them and enjoyable for us.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2023

1 The Gentlewoman Spy The Gentlewoman Spy
Written by Adele Jordan
Copyright: 2022

1584, London.
"When Walsingham discovers that a rebel alliance is planning to overthrow Queen Elizabeth and put Mary, Queen of Scots on the English throne, he summons Kit immediately.
Together with loyal Scottish agent Iomhar Blackwood, Kit is tasked with finding out the full details of the treasonous plot."

2 The Royal Assassin The Royal Assassin
Written by Adele Jordan
Copyright: 2022

1584, London 
"When Sir Francis Walsingham, spymaster to the Tudor Queen Elizabeth, learns of a Jesuit assassin landing on England’s shores, he’s determined to go to any lengths to protect his Protestant Queen.
His protégé, Kit Scarlett, discovers a letter revealing the name of the assassin – Gregorio Luca. Together with Scottish agent, Iomhar Blackwood, Walsingham sends them on a mission to track Luca down."

3 A Spy At Hampton Court A Spy At Hampton Court
Written by Adele Jordan
Copyright: 2022

1585, London.
"Queen Elizabeth is gravely ill and her spymaster, Francis Walsingham, has received intelligence that there is a plot to assassinate her.
He sends his protégé Kit Scarlett and Scottish agent Iomhar Blackwood to gather information.
To their horror, they discover there is a plot to blow up Hampton Court Palace.
With Queen Elizabeth too unwell to be moved from the palace, it is imperative the plot is foiled as quickly as possible."

4 The Lost Highlander The Lost Highlander
Written by Adele Jordan
Copyright: 2023

1586, London
"Covert espionage agent, Kit Scarlett, is once again tasked with defending Queen Elizabeth against an assassination attempt. With the attacks on the queen’s life mounting, Kit and spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham know they need to find a firm link between these deadly plots and Mary Queen of Scots.
But Kit is also keen to investigate a more personal matter. Her espionage partner, Iohmar Blackwood, did not return from his last mission set by Walsingham and has not been seen for a year. When Kit is given a task by Queen Elizabeth to deliver a letter to Mary Queen of Scots, a letter not to be read by officials or any political figure, she takes advantage of the opportunity search for Iomhar and find out what happened to him."
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There have been a few historical spy series taking place during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, particularly during those days in which her Private Secretary was Sir Francis Walsingham. No way of knowing what sort of man he was in real life but in the fictional world, he was a master schemer. This is particularly true in this series and it makes the stories quite fun. Even more fun is Kit Scarlett, his unofficial protégé.

The writing is very well done, setting the scene beautifully without slowing things down at all. I look forward to more of her tales.


My Grade: B+


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