Bruce Helmerdyne and Gregory Wanless are agents with British Intelligence.
Well, certainly Helmerdyne is active as an operative out in the field. Wanless, definitely connected with the organization, is more of a stay-in sort of fellow.
A bit more specifically regarding Helmerdyne, we are told that he is attached, during the period of time we follow his activities, to "His Brittanic Majesty's Intelligence Service, Political", also known as "The Secret Service departments". within that organization he holds, or perhaps retains from military days, the rank of Major.
His senior partner in the few adventures that exists to follow, is Professor Gregory Wanless, a member in good standing with the Fellowship of the Royal Society allowing him to follow his name with the prestigious "F.R.S." This learned man prefers to do his work, comprised largely of thinking about puzzles and mysteries and coming up with plausible and likely solutions, in his "cozy chamber" with "its seried books [that] rather overawed Helmerdyne, the man of action". Wanless's accomplishments are described as being a "subtle master of intelligence work" while also being a "sometime professor of physics and reader in natural philosophy". Wanless is constantly, it seems, able to produce from his memory an amazing amount of diverse pieces of trivia and knowledge which aids him in solving the myriad of perplex conundrums that are sent his way.
The handful of adventures that exist on this pair are brought to them because other departments or agencies are flummoxed by clues that do not make sense or by events that seemingly defy belief and yet definitely did occur. Helmerdyne would be the first to admit that when it comes to understanding these events and solving these mysteries, he is very much out of his depth and is there for when the situation turns dangerous and physical action is demanded; that is where Helmerdyne is useful.
Wanless has his forte in the solving of these puzzles and the man relishes every delicious second of the investigation.