SPY GIRL (2005)

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Full Name: Jazmin Dawson
Nationality: British
Organization: ISA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Carol Hedges
Time Span: 2005 - 2021


Jazmin Dawson, aka Spy Girl, is an agent with the ISA.

That acronym stands for the International Security Agengcy, an organization "responsible for tracking down individuals and groups that threaten world security". That sound pretty cool, and it is, though when I first read of it early in the initial recorded adventures, we are told that "the precinct where they worked was the London headquarters of the GID - the Global Intelligence Department". That made me wonder if somehow the ISA was part of the GID or vice versa. Never got that one figured out so let's just ignore the GID part.

When I say that Dawaon is an agent with them, well, not really and not officially and not ... The truth is, her mother is an agent, and has been one for quite a few years. Since Dawson is totally aware of her mother's profession and quite envious of it, she aspires to be an operative as well and though she is still quite young, too young to be a real agent, when we first meet her, life is going to give her a chance to fulfill her dreams.

As the blurb for her first recorded adventure puts it, "Jazmin Dawson is a super-cool secret agent with hi-tech kit and a hi-octane life of crime-busting ... in her dreams! In reality, Jazmin Dawson is a fourteen year old teenager, whose biggest battles are with her homework and her addiction to snacks. But suddenly, everything changes". When her operative mother goes missing, young Dawson is called upon find her. Suddenly her aspirations for the job become frighteningly answered.

One fun aspect to Dawson and her desire to be like her mother is that her concept seems to waver between being a kick-butt trenchcoat-wearing figure lurking in the shadows for a clandestine brush-pass and being a clue-reading logical-minded detective ferreting out the solution to a crime. As a result, she kind of wanders into both realms and it is fun to follow her.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2005
Last Appearance:2021

1 The Dark Side Of Midnight The Dark Side Of Midnight
Written by Carol Hedges
Copyright: 2005

"Tasked with locating a stolen dead body, [Jazmin Dawson's mother] goes missing in action, and Jazmin is sent to find her. Stepping off a plane in Prague, Jazmin finds herself at the centre of an international mystery, and with a dangerous mission: to infiltrate a rogue scientific institute."
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2 Out Of The Shadows Out Of The Shadows
Written by Carol Hedges
Copyright: 2006

"[When] her secret-agent mum sets her a mission, and Jazmin ditches her homework to befriend a crucial witness in a case of international identity-theft. But when the witness vanishes, Jazmin is pitted against powerful enemies in the race to find him."
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3 Once Upon A Crime Once Upon A Crime
Written by Carol Hedges
Copyright: 2007

"Spy girl Jazmin Dawson is on a mission. Not to save the world ~ though she likes to think she could, given the right outfit and gadgetry ~ but to deal with the deadlines and discipline issues that her mum Assia keeps nagging about. Assia, a real-life secret agent, is investigating her most shocking case yet ~ the seemingly accidental death of a young freerunner. But nothing can prepare her for the terrifying truth, or the fact that Jazmin will soon be on the run for her life."
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4 Dead Man Talking Dead Man Talking
Written by Carol Hedges
Copyright: 2008

"Jazmin Dawson, Spy Girl, is back ~ just in time to save the world again. Well, not quite. But Jazmin does have a two-cake problem on her hands, what with looking after the new weird twins at her learning centre, and the fact that she's Enemy Number One with the class bully. 
Meanwhile, Jazmin's secret-agent mum, Assia, also has problems of her own to deal with. She is trying to identify a man found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in the early hours of the morning. When the trail leads her to a long-buried secret, Assia is forced to confront a man more evil than she could ever imagine.
The trouble is, Jazmin has got there first."
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5 Ready, Deadly Go Ready, Deadly Go
Written by Carol Hedges
Copyright: 2021

"Why are so many teenagers suddenly going missing off the city streets? Why are all the adults in her life not listening? And why is Scotland Yard not returning her calls?
It is high summer; Jazmin Dawson's mum is out of the country, and in her absence, Jazmin finds herself unexpectedly with a lot on her plate ~ and it's not just cookies! Her investigation into the mysterious kidnappings that are baffling the police is going to take her to some very dark, dangerous places. And for the first time, she is investigating on her own.
So nothing had better go wrong!"
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This series is designed for teenaged girls and I am decades past the former and never been the latter so any grade I give this fun, totally implausible yet endearing series must be considered with one gigantic truth in mind: I am in no way qualified to grade these books.

So, of course, I am doing just that because it is what I do.

If you are a female teenager (or a tad younger), you should definitely give this series a try because it is a lot of fun. If you are not, well, give it a go anyways but do so knowing that it was not crafted for you so be willing to go with it. I did and I enjoyed the trip.


My Grade: B


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