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Full Name: Brad Willis
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Tom Boles
Time Span: 2021 - 2022


Brad Willis is a scientist.

He is not an agent despite the fact-sheet above listing an affiliation with MI6.

As we are told very early in the first recorded adventure, "Willis wasn't a spy - not in his estimation, at any rate. He wasn't an agent. The Secret Intelligence Service merely considered him a useful asset." A blurb for it tells us that "Brad Willis is an unlikely investigator, and an even less likely spy. He is a scientist, not a hero, but when it comes to finding technical solutions, there is none better. That's how MI6 uses him; that's how he lands himself in trouble."

With that explanation in mind, Willis does work closely, at times, with an MI6 official named Mike Reilly who "wasn't his handler. Spies had those. No, he was merely a communication point when the SIS needed some freelance work done". Still, whenever Reilly and Willis meet up, it would be safe to say that there was going to be trouble somewhere; either Reilly brings a matter to Willis for investigation or, as we find also happens, Willis contacts Reilly and MI6 with some worrisome observation.

Willis is an interesting fellow to observe in that he is quite happy in his academic settings, especially in his position with the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, relatively safe to spend time with his research, but he often did long "to go on trips that would take him from his cozy office and transport him halfway across the world to exotic places with palm trees, white sandy beaches and food that even the most critical aficionado would appreciate". Hence his willingness to answer any call from the government.

Willis is described as having a six-foot frame, "solidly build but by no means heavy" with large hands he kept strong enough to handle a hand gun, something he practiced routinely "for the little sideline he sometimes got involved in" (i.e., MI6). This is smart on his part because when he does get the call, he has already learned that he has no idea where he might be heading next or what kind of trouble might be waiting for it, if not already trying to stop him before he even leaves.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2022

1 Dark Energy Dark Energy
Written by Tom Boles
Copyright: 2021

"Members of the scientific community around the world are being systematically murdered, and for no obvious reason. Who is killing them and why?
That is until Willis uncovers a mystery. A discovery has been made but not reported by the largest research facility in the world. Why should that be? Why would someone want it hidden?
His travels take him across four nations. He forms liaisons with a Russian General and an oligarch. Can he trust either? If he chooses badly, he is as good as dead. He suspects everyone, so can trust no one…"
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2 Shades Of White Shades Of White
Written by Tom Boles
Copyright: 2021

"On the coldest continent on earth, something is causing heating systems to fail and planes to fall from the sky.
Brad Willis is sent to Antarctica by Mike Reilly of MI6, his mission, to find its source and disable it. Willis is a great scientist but only a part-time spy.
Will his knowledge and skills be sufficient? His visit was shrouded in secrecy. But someone knows…
The South Pole has several scientific instruments. He plans to use one in a novel way to help with his search. Will it be accurate enough? Will it even work?"
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3 Murder Comes By Limo Murder Comes By Limo
Written by Tom Boles
Copyright: 2022

"For the past three years, Brad Willis has been guilt-ridden and revengeful. He has only recently discovered his first substantial clue, pointing to who killed his wife. While following it, he stumbles on something much, much bigger. Theft, smuggling, and killings abound. Meanwhile, a young man is in prison. Framed for a murder he didn’t commit.
He is an unlikely investigator, and an even less likely spy. But he must succeed. He must follow this, wherever it leads, to stop himself repeatedly reliving the mental trauma of his wife’s murder."
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I love a good spy-fi adventure series that mixes other genres into the mix and the three books by Tom Boles (as of this writing) does that with bells on. The science that gets thrown at the reader is super cool and interesting and kind of really scary and the best thing about these stories talking about such spooky possibilities is that the author does not make me feel the least bit ignorant about the subject matters.

The way he explains things, I feel like I have a glimmer of an idea what is going on. Of course, that knowledge is enough to make my eyebrows raise and me to go "Yikes!" but then somehow Brad Willis will help bring it under control. And there will be lots and lots of excitement and action and adventure while he does so.


My Grade: B+


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