dix_madison_nv_ring dix_madison_nv_fire dix_madison_nv_rube dix_madison_nv_tigh dix_madison_nv_flas dix_madison_nv_jugg dix_madison_nv_abra
Full Name: Madison Dix
Nationality: Canadian
Organization: British Naval Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Raven Coyne
Time Span: 2022 - 2025


Madison Dix is an agent with British Naval Intelligence.

That might make it sound like she is 'in' the Royal Navy but that is so very much incorrect. Not only would Dix never once consider joining the military at any time for any reason, considering her larcenous attitudes towards anything and everything, they would never accept her. 'They', though, is everyone associated with that organization except Admiral Cutter, known to his subordinates as the 'Owl' due to his penchant for working late into the night.

Instead of an aged, retired or nearly so, crusty individual, Cutter was someone that Dix immediately took a liking to, calling him "handsome, tall straight backed with green eyes and a sexy seaman's beard". Which is why on their initial encounter when he caught her pilfering a valuable necklace from a rich woman's safe, she immediately offered to 'pay' for her crime with a nice roll in the hay with the older man (although in this case it would be a romp on the pool table). He refused with a shocked huff and the look he gave her made Dix feel like "being caught smoking by your father".

Cutter refers to Dix as a "miracle", pleased with her expertise with four languages, not to mention being an accomplished magician and being "an acrobat extraordinaire", the former coming from the teachings of her stage magician father and the latter from her trained mother. Which is why it was no surprise, except to Dix, when he offered her a job working for him. Dix, as is her nature, immediately worried it would mean giving up her secret life as a cat burglar by having to go straight. Cutter promptly allays those fears with, "I need an honest-to-goodness talented thief, not another patriotic do-gooder".

Then worried that Dix would have to give up whatever goodies she encountered in her jobs for Cutter, she is intrigued when he vows that she would have to turn over "only the items I want. The rest you can keep". Now she was really interested.

The offer of a job did not come with immunity, he made sure she understood. "If you get pinched while freelancing I'll not lift a finger to get you out of jail.  Get caught while on Bureau time and I'll do exactly the same." That took a bit of the luster off the shine but she was still sold on the idea. That fact that she would be stealing "for the safety of your country and empire" might or might not have had a part in her agreeing, it is really hard to say for certain with Dix.

The adventures of Dix take place in the years just before the start of the Second World War and her activities will be largely in conflict with ace Italian spymaster, Count Facchini, a close friend of Mussolini and a man who will prove to be a terrifically dangerous nemesis to Madison Dix, and vice versa.


Number of Stories:7
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2025

1 Tightrope Tightrope
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2022

Madison Dix was having a very good life, stealing when she needed or wanted to and getting away clean. Then she is caught by a spymaster who very much needs someone of her talents and suddenly she finds her life changed forever.
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2 Flashpaper Flashpaper
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2022

"The murder of a known German agent pits Madison against one of the deadliest agents in Europe and forces her in a race to save England’s new wonder weapon from falling into Hitler’s hands."
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3 Juggle Juggle
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2022

"To catch a spy you have to have the right bait. Count Facchini was sure the new A-12 anti-aircraft shell was just the trap to kill Madison Dix with. He was right."
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4 Fire Eater Fire Eater
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2022

"It’s been slow for Madison, the Italians have been on their best behavior. But the German’s are another matter. The murder of a known German spy pits Madison against one of the deadliest agents in Europe and forces her in a race to save England’s new wonder weapon from falling into Hitler’s hands."
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5 Abracadabra Abracadabra
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2022

"Madison may be the best Admiral Cutter has but what are the limits of trust? Madison finds out when Cutter is arrested for treason! Now she must fight for the more than the man’s good name, she must save his life. Or, does she?"
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6 Rube Rube
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2025

"A triple murder in Sterling sends Madison to the Northlands to be confronted by an old family friend. Now turned paid assassin. An assassin looking to kill Madison."
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7 Ring Master Ring Master
Written by Raven Coyne
Copyright: 2025

"The cloak and dagger world of spy vs spy suits Madison okay, that is until Admiral Cutter has Madison arrested for murder. Now she is in a race to recover the very heart of Naval Intelligence information and her life against ruthless new adversary who plays by very different rules."
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Two widely different factors make me applaud this series.

The first is the fact that since the days of Al Mundy in It Takes A Thief, I have been a huge, huge fan of using professional thieves to operate as spies. This is largely because they have the know-how to pull off outrageous stunts and yet typically are not trained in or skilled at the more cloak-and-dagger-ish kind of things a 'real' operative might have to deal with. Author Raven Coyne pulls telling such stores very, very well.

The second plaudit is because of the use of the shorter form of novelette to tell the story. No pointless filler to bog down the excitement or slow the storytelling. I wish more authors would see the benefit of this length.


My Grade: B+


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