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Full Name: Joseph Michael Barber
Nationality: American
Organization: Orion Bellicus
Occupation CEO

Creator: Dennis A. Tosh
Time Span: 2019 - 2022


Joseph Michael Barber is the CEO of Orion Bellicus.

Courtesy of an extensive description given us by the author, we know that company is a "personally-owned security firm [whose name] loosely translated means 'fierce hunter'. The firm provides services to a global client base that includes multinational companies, global banks, global securities firms, and numerous national and state and local governments. Services include the personal protection of high-net worth individuals, business executives, governmental officials and other "high value targets", along with industrial intelligence and cyber security. Barber and the Orion Bellicus team also do some "off the books" contract work for the C.I.A., but we can't talk about that here! His firm hires the brightest, best educated, and best trained persons in their respective fields and pays them extraordinarily well. Employees are recruited from the ranks of former tier-one operators, the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NSA, and distinguished scientists in the fields of computer science, mathematics and physics.

"Joe Barber has extensive experience in the SEAL Teams and the CIA Special Activities Division as a younger man. He is now middle-aged, and finds his "Ninja skills", as his friends call them, are on the decline. He often finds himself in circumstances where "his ego is writing checks his body can no longer cash", but remains extraordinarily resourceful in finding his way out of tough spots by occasionally summoning his intelligence and creativity if not his waning physical prowess. These things are important because, even though he is the CEO, he loves working in the field and always finds an excuse for being in the middle of the action. One of his biggest fears is the constant reminder that his time as an operator, like for all such men and women, has an expiration date.

"Barber's best friend and alter-ego is his COO, or Chief Operation Officer, Marcus Day. Day is a six foot seven inch African American who weighs over 250 pounds with the build of a ripped NFL linebacker. Although close to Joe's age, nobody seems to question whether his skills are on the decline. He is often described as having such an imposing presence that he almost projects his own gravity field. Day served in the Teams with Barber in their younger days and is responsible for most of the day to day operations of the personal-protection side of the business.  The two men practically grew up together, as their fathers also were best friends in a life-long relationship that was given birth during their time as a Navy sniper team during the Vietnam War, as described in the prologue to The Orion Affair. Day has an off-the-charts IQ and is fluent in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. He is working on his Mandarin.

"Barber is married to an attorney, Diana, and has no children."


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2022

1 The Orion Affair The Orion Affair
Written by Dennis A. Tosh
Copyright: 2019

After a terror attack on Disney World, the President creates a new covert anti-terror group to use the latest tech in the fight. Joseph Michael Barber is asked to investigate the deaths of a friend's family and he learns it was the government making a horrible mistake. Now that new agency is determined to hide its culpability.
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2 Command And Control Command And Control
Written by Dennis A. Tosh
Copyright: 2020

After Brexit, the European Union begins to collapse. France and Germany decide to create a new superpower in Europe, able to challenge the US and China. Iran sees an opportunity to get revenge on old enemies with new cyber attacks. Joseph Michael Barber gets involved when he is asked to look into the assassination of a client's CEO, a German defense contractor. Soon he will be needing to put a stop to a new world war.
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3 Operation Chaos Operation Chaos
Written by Dennis A. Tosh
Copyright: 2021

China has decided the time is right to reacquire Taiwan but first they have to keep the U.S. occupied. A terror attack inside America with Islamic extremists the fall-guys looks perfect. Joseph Michael Barber is pulled into the operation while investigating a series of attack on him by old enemies. In learning who his enemies are, he also learns what China is up to.
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4 The Quantum Protocol The Quantum Protocol
Written by Dennis A. Tosh
Copyright: 2022

China is still determined to become the dominant world power and it is stealing America's military secrets to achieve that goal. Meanwhile the U.S. is working with a California tech company, which has just created a prototype quantum computer, to create the tech needed to track China's missile submarine fleet. Joseph Michael Barber becomes involved when he looks into the actions of a duplicitous Senator lining his own pockets at the nation's expense.
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The older I get, and I have gotten quite a bit older since I started this compendium a couple decades ago, the more I appreciate reading about characters like Barber who is also not as young as he used to be. Mind you, he is not yet quite as old as I and is now in a whole lot better condition that I was when I was his age. Still, aging has slowed us both down and I can empathize.

Of course, I luckily do not have to deal with people trying to kill me like he does. Which makes his life a whole lot more exciting to read about than mine and I want to keep it that way - I want my life calm and boring and spent reading about people like Barber whose life is definitely not calm and boring.


My Grade: B+


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