cybertech_bk_redem cybertech_bk_run cybertech_bk_resur cybertech_bk_broke cybertech_bk_gods
Full Name: John Black
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Other - Pilot

Creator: John D. Trudel
Time Span: 2011 - 2019


John Black is an agent with the CIA.

Well, he would be if he actually existed, which he does not, really, when we first meet him but will later on. Confusing? Yep, but interesting.

Also interesting is Jack Donner, which may or may not be the real identity of Black. I say that because I thought at first that Donner was the real identity, someone why just used the John Black persona on a few missions. Then we are told that investigators into Donnor's history start finding "strange gaps. He's a man with little history except night and fog". I believe I will stick with Donnor being the original name and Black being a fake name that Donnor will have reason to adopt for good later on.

One reviewer of the first Donner/Black adventure says, "Jack Donner, the main protagonist, possesses enough cynicism and hardened experience to effectively tackle and defeat any espionage bureaucracy that might stand in his way or sabotage his efforts in his fight against corruption and iniquity." He definitely shows that he is one very resourceful and resilient operative.

Black is, for most of the time we follow his actions, part of the team of a government agent named George Raven. Normally, a team member does not qualify having his or her own page in this compendium but Black does because he not only had a solo adventure of note, it actually came before he was introduced to Raven and became a valued member and friend.

Inside that team, he is invariably referred to by Raven as "the kid", not because he was particularly young but because he apparently looked it, at least to the highly seasoned and by no means young himself Raven.

Black, however, is not a kid. He is an experienced operative who is also an trained engineer and a skilled pilot who does occasional contract work for the U.S. Air Force when he is not needed for his more clandestine work.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2019

The John Black series is part of the author's larger universe which consists of three series, George Raven, Cybertech, and this one.

1 God's House God's House
Written by John D. Trudel
Copyright: 2011

Book 1 in the overarching series.
"With his hopeless mission to Nigeria falling apart, CIA agent Jack Donner (John Black) disobeys orders to protect an American businessman. After his charge is killed, Jack brings his body home as he promised. When he meets the widow, Anne Davis, at the funeral, she demands to know the circumstances of her husband’s death and who killed him. Leaving Anne to grieve, Jack goes to Langley to face charges. Worlds apart, they do their best to move on. But sinister forces will not leave the two of them at peace. To survive, Jack and Anne must work together, solve his friend’s murder, and uncover secrets that powerful people want to keep buried."
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2 Raven's Run Raven's Run
Written by John D. Trudel
Copyright: 2014

Book 1 in the George Raven series. Book 4 in the overarching series.
"A patriotic rogue agent, RAVEN, is saved by JOSIE, a gentle woman with mystic powers. They face terrorists with Iranian nukes. When Raven is terminated with prejudice by the government, they must work together to rediscover censored history, expose high treason, solve two historic assassinations, and prevent an apocalyptic attack that would destroy America." Joining their team will be John Black.
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3 Raven's Redemption Raven's Redemption
Written by John D. Trudel
Copyright: 2016

Book 2 in the George Raven series. Book 5 in the overarching series.
George Raven had felt his main job was to protect Josie Lynch but he failed. Now he has to find a way to redeem himself and that will involve stopping Islamic terrorists who have a new plan of action - "directly attack America’s leaders and the thin black line of agents that protect us. Remove the protectors and the sheep will be helpless." An intricate part of Raven's team is John Black.
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4 Raven's Resurrection Raven's Resurrection
Written by John D. Trudel
Copyright: 2018

Book 3 in the George Raven series. Book 6 in the overarching series.
Iranian Quds operatives are active in the States, teaming with a Mexican drug cartel as well as "Cal-Exit" radicals who want their state to become its own nation. To combat their plan of action, George Raven and Josie Lynch will have to team up with a beautiful Russian spy that they know they cannot really trust.
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5 Broken Oath Broken Oath
Written by John D. Trudel
Copyright: 2019

Book 4 in the George Raven series. Book 7 in the overarching series.
"A threat is growing along the invasion corridor from Venezuela up into Mexico and across America’s southern border. Venezuela has replaced Syria as the global chessboard. The players are a toxic mix of enemies: drug cartels, Russian spies, Cuban thugs, socialist dictators, and some traitors in Congress." Combating the danger is George Raven and his team.
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This is the first book in what I believe the author calls the Cybertech Thriller series, a group of players operating in the same universe. This is followed by two books in which Black does not play any part, then the remaining four (so far) in which he is a major but not the key player.

I liked the Black character. I think the author was working out the kinks of his writing style with him in that first book but it could be that the character was just better suited in a supporting role rather than as the lead.


My Grade: B


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