winter_bk_dark winter_bk_dawn winter_bk_rising
Full Name: Winter
Nationality: British
Organization: GCHQ
Occupation Agent

Creator: Alex Callister
Time Span: 2020 - 2021


Winter is an agent for GCHQ.

The British government organization called the Government Communications Headquarters is "an intelligence and security organization responsible for proving signals intelligence and information assurance. It is largely to the U.K. what the NSA is to the U.S. Most of the people working for this agency, largely based in Cheltenham, England, are technicians and analysts, not field agents. Winter is, however, just that.

We get a brief glimpse of her at age 17 at the beginning of the first recorded adventure. There she is described as the highly unusual phrase "sexually omnivorous"; unusual because very few people would really fall into such a category and even fewer who were 17 years old as she was. She was a dreadlocked girl with a nose ring. She was further said to have "long dark lashes, striking green eyes, and sharp angular features". It was said she "had the kind of looks that bypass beautiful and go straight to unobtainable", in short, "not pretty. Spectacular".

She was also said to be exceptional on the snowboard showing superb athletic abilities. She was blessed with a photographic memory and a keen analytical mind. Throw in a good amount of martial arts training and you had physically impressive operative material. But then there was that "omnivorous" reference to her proclivities and the question of whether she was at all manageable came to mind.

Apparently she was because after that brief introduction, the story skips up a decade and she is an extremely experienced and vital agent with that secretive organization. She has during those ten years shown over and over that she lived up to the potential people saw in her back then. She has also proven that the "sexually omnivorous" comment was not unwarranted.

Good Line:
- Concerning the benefit of the Internet to the intelligence communities: "When we found we could hack vibrators, we thought we'd hit nirvana."


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2021

1 Winter Dark Winter Dark
Written by Alex Callister
Copyright: 2020

A girl is being held prisoner somewhere in London. A clock is ticking down and when it reaches zero, she will be dead. She is not the first to be a victim and thousands watched the last one die just as they are watching her now. One person trying to find and rescue her is Winter, who is also determined to find the person responsible and to exact vengeance.
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2 Winter Rising Winter Rising
Written by Alex Callister
Copyright: 2020

The young woman names Lucy was brutally stabbed and left to die on a cold, wet grave. On her forehead was left a message to Winter. It was from the assassin called the Guardsman. To get at him, Winter knows she has to draw him out so she puts out a contract on herself. One of them will be the big loser.
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3 Winter Dawn Winter Dawn
Written by Alex Callister
Copyright: 2021

In a prequel describing how Winter was back in the day, we follow her as she takes on Colosseum, a 'sinister online phenomenon' in which a huge cash reward to offered to the person successfully hunting and removing those dubbed targets.


The first book's exploration of the dangers of the Internet are really, really frightening. Mind you, there have been a fair number of cop shows on television concerning people being tortured and killed online in response to or in hope of views and votes by a disgusting audience. This book takes it to a different level.

The second book takes the storyline in a totally different direction but is still as chilling in its way as the first.

I have not yet tackled the third, a prequel, but will as soon as my heart can take it.

These are crime dramas set in a spy-fi environment by the fact that the people doing most of the investigation work for GCHQ. The books belong on the crime and suspense shelves just as much as they belong with the spy dramas. That is how good they are, which is really good!

And that is not at all taking in the whole "sexually omnivorous" aspect mentioned up top. The author states she approached Winter with the idea of a "female James Bond" and his "louche, promiscuous ways". [I had to look up 'louche'. Wow!]. She certainly caught my attention.


My Grade: A-


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