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Full Name: Edward Hunter
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Doug Adcock
Time Span: 2016 - 2020


Edward Hunter is an agent with British Intelligence.

With his adventures taking place starting in 1569, it is safe to say that this was long before anything formal like an actual government department dedicated to intelligence gathering existed. It would be more accurate then to state that Hunger is an agent of Sir Francis Walsingham. That fellow was the legendary Principal Secretary to Queen Elizabeth I but he is now better remembered as Her Majesty's spymaster. He earned that designation through having established even before taking his official, exalted position a network of spies across England and Scotland and even all about Europe.

Hunter's entry into the shady world of espionage will come before he actually meets Sir Francis. It starts when he is a law student at the famous Gray's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court existing in England at the time, studying hard to become a barrister. One of his close friends attending there as well will invite him to visit up north in Yorkshire where he will meet that man's lovely sister, Mary, and it will be his infatuation with the young lady and the desire to impress her that he will see his career path change.

Hunter is 19 years old when first we meet him. He can be considered a normal young man for the time (or any other) in that he is working towards what he has been told should be his life's work but he is also interested in, and easily distracted by, the thought of adventure and excitement and, of course, the chance to get close to those of the fairer sex.

Hunter comes from wealth, his family having a fine estate called Bradhurst Hall in Hertfordshire. Being the second son of the landowner, Hunter knew for years he was not going to be the heir so would need another source of income. He chose the law but, as we discover, something a lot more clandestine will be his real career.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2020

1 Rebellion Rebellion
Written by Doug Adcock
Copyright: 2016

The year is 1569. Edward Hunter is enjoying life in Yorkshire in the company of a lovely lady. Then he discovers her older brother is preparing to join the upcoming fight on the side of the Catholics. Reluctantly he agrees to spy on the rebels by joining their cause. He is not the only one with hidden agendas.
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2 Massacre Massacre
Written by Doug Adcock
Copyright: 2018

The year is 1572. Edward Hunter is given the task of finding who is smuggling Catholic propaganda into England. The search takes him to Paris, a city holding a good number of British expats waiting for a chance to fight their side back home. Hunter's problem is complicated by the fact that Catholics think he is a Protestant and want his head while the Protestants are certain he is Catholic and needs elimination.
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3 Blood Water Blood Water
Written by Doug Adcock
Copyright: 2020

The year is 1574. Edward Hunter is looking forward to joining his friend Philip in Venice. When he arrives, he finds his friend has been kidnapped, though why is not quite certain. And then the kidnappers get killed for another unknown reason. Then the French king comes to visit and assassins try to kill him and Hunter's friend gets the blame.
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The three books (as of this writing) in the adventures of Edward Hunter are very well written and exciting tales which take the reader back several hundred years. Hunter is an interesting chap to follow as he is both earnest and adventurous. He does not necessarily dash into danger but he certainly does not hide from it, either.

One very compelling part of his stories is the fact that he proves himself to be an up-and-coming man who is not stuck in one spot. He gets around, first leaving London to have adventures in Yorkshire and then leaving England altogether in Paris and Venice.

I am very much interested in where life is taking this young man next.


My Grade: B+


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