1 |
The Lone Raider
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #288, 08/24/1957. "Join Britain's ace undercover agent on his action-packed exploits behind enemy lines!" Max Malone is sent by sub to a jungle island held by the Japanese to rescue a British intel officer held prisoner there. Click here to read the story.
2 |
A Mission For Max
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #289, 08/31/1957. "To save the vital British food convoy, he joined the Japanese army!" "Vital British food convoy cut off behind the enemy lines! Only one man can save these precious supplies for our hard-pressed troops - Max Malone, secret agent No. 1." Click here to read the story.
3 |
Parachuting Into Danger
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #290, 09/07/1957. "What was the hidden threat on the mystery island?" "How'd you like to raid a secret Japanese submarine base? Then join Max Malone on his next assignment!" Click here to read the story.
4 |
The Menace of the Gorge
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #291, 09/14/1957. "British train-buster in action behind enemy lines!" "Max takes a new pal with him on a perilous mission." This mission marks the first time that Max Malone works with his new partner, Hutch Hall. Their mission is to plant dynamite to take out a viaduct. Click here to read the story.
5 |
A Night Attack!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #292, 09/21/1957. "Can Max discover the enemy's plan to invade Australia?" "Only one man could gain the secret information that would smash a Japanese invasion! That man was Max Malone." Click here to read the story.
6 |
Prisoner of the Japs
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #293, 09/28/1957. "They outwitted the enemy – by becoming floor polishers." "A vital blue-print buried in the heart of Jap-held barracks! Can Max fool the guards with his astounding elbow-grease ruse?" Click here to read the story.
7 |
The Ambush In The Cave
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #294, 10/05/1957. "Betrayed to the enemy by a mystery traitor." "Who set out to rescue an Allied agent who'd been captured by the enemy? Why - Max Malone!" Click here to read the story.
8 |
Hutch Disappears
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #295, 10/12/1957. "Roaring into battle – aboard an 80 m.p.h. battering ram!" "The pride of the enemy's war fleet lies hidden in a secret Pacific stronghold. Can Max detect and destroy the Jap ship before it raids British shipping?" Click here to read the story.
9 |
The War of the Radio Waves
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #296, 10/19/1957. "He fooled Japanese soldiers – by setting a lake on fire!" "You'll gasp with excitement when Max sets out to smash a secret radio-jamming station, so that a vial Allied convoy can be warned of an ambush." Click here to read the story.
10 |
Underwater Ambush!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #297, 10/26/1957. "Into perilous action on a two-man torpedo!" "Why have the Japs suddenly decided to fortify a barren atoll? Only one man can pierce this mystery - Max Malone." Click here to read the story.
11 |
Front Line Assignment
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #298, 11/02/1957. "Menaced by a deadly swamp and snipers' bullets in 'No Man's Land'!" "Max's next target is an enemy arms dump, which lies behind impregnable defenses. Can Max foot the defenders with his sensational mud-bath ruse?" Click here to read the story.
12 |
Unarmed – In Enemy Territory!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #299, 11/09/1957. "In search of a hidden enemy airfield." "Zooming earthwards in a flaming plane, with Hutch wounded and the radio out of action, how can Max warn H.Q. of a deadly enemy invasion threat?" Click here to read the story.
13 |
The Coast of 1000 Creeks
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #300, 11/16/1957. "Their two-man canoe was rammed by a three-thousand-ton warship!" "It's touch and go for the Secret Service pals when three 'shipwrecked survivors' lead them into a perilous trap on the 'Coast of a Thousand Creeks'." Click here to read the story.
14 |
The Vanishing Prisoners!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #301, 11/23/1957. "They solved the riddle of 'Operation Mountain' by throwing away their guns!" "Why does Max Malone give himself up to the Japanese military police? You'll gasp when you learn the astounding reason." Click here to read the story.
15 |
Dawn Attack
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #302, 11/30/1957. "Daring stunt-man foils enemy bridge-busters!" "Max, Hutch, and twelve picked men fight a ding-dong battle with overwhelming enemy forces when they set out to save a vital railway bridge and tunnel from destruction." Click here to read the story.
16 |
Wanted – Dead Or Alive
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #303, 12/07/1957. "He fooled the enemy by pitching a coconut into a plane!" "A deadly panther - and an ordinary coconut! Those are the 'weapons' Max Malone uses in a brilliant bid to save hundreds of British lives." Click here to read the story.
17 |
Duel With A Sting-Ray
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #304, 12/14/1957. "When a magnifying-glass destroyed an enemy oil-tanker." "A giant sting-ray and an ordinary magnifying-glass both play a big part in Max Malone's next action-packet exploit." Click here to read the story.
18 |
The Mystery Message
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #305, 12/21/1957. "Out to save a fellow secret agent from a Japanese firing squad!" "Can Max prevent a fellow Secret Service agent from being shot by a Japanese firing squad?" Click here to read the story.
19 |
Traitor In The Camp!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1957
Published in Lion #306, 12/28/1957. "Vital British war plans were menaced by a 'hidden eye'!" "Cheerful Barney Slade was the most popular officer at British Headquarters. Was he also the skulking spy who had betrayed on Allied invasion attempt to the Japs?" Click here to read the story.
20 |
Sailing 'Blind'!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #307, 01/04/1958. "Their two-man submarine was trapped under a 10`000-ton enemy cruiser!" "When out to free a famous British scientist who has been captures, Max and Hutch are cornered by the enemy." Click here to read the story.
21 |
Appointment At Midnight!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #308, 01/11/1958. "Q: How could a secret agent escape from the Japanese? A: by being taken prisoner!" "The famous Secret Service ace and his pal star again in another smashing yarn of war in the East." Click here to read the story.
22 |
Night Encounter
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #309, 01/18/1958. "British major 'promoted' to Nazi general – to foil 'Operation Fire Balloon'!" "In the next high-tension yarn, Max and Hutch 'join' the Nazi Secret Service - in order to put a step to a Japanese terror-plan!" Click here to read the story.
23 |
Dive For Your Life!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #310, 01/25/1958. "He planned to scupper a train-load of enemy tanks!" "A train-load of monster enemy tanks presents a terrible menace to the Allies. It has to be smashed, and max is the man to do it. But aboard the train Hutch to held prisoner!" Click here to read the story.
24 |
Jungle Trek!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #311, 02/01/1958. "When two British agents destroyed an enemy invasion fleet!" "Two men versus an entire enemy invasion fleet!" Click here to read the story.
25 |
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #312, 02/08/1958. "The Allies' war plans were menaced – because a bandit was greedy for ransom." "To capture a vital jungle pass, Max risked his life 'assisting' the enemy!" Click here to read the story.
26 |
Calm Before The Storm!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #313, 02/15/1958. They hunted a Pacific island that dodged from place to place! Click here to read the story.
27 |
Max Malone – P.O.W.
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #314, 02/22/1958. He wanted to stay in prison – but the guards forced him to escape! Click here to read the story.
28 |
Drifting Into Peril
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #315, 03/01/1958. The 'secret weapon' that could scupper British agents was a cement mixer! Click here to read the story.
29 |
Message In Music
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #316, 03/08/1958. Out to warn the undercover agent whose war-weapon was – a piano! Click here to read the story.
30 |
Marooned In A Minefield
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #317, 03/15/1958. To scupper the enemy guns he had to dig up buried land-mines. Click here to read the story.
31 |
Vanishing Villagers!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #318, 03/22/1958. How did two hundred men get into a hut that was only five feet square? Click here to read the story.
32 |
Destination Formosa!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #319, 03/29/1958. He gate-crashed an enemy research depot – to capture a white handkerchief! Click here to read the story.
33 |
Jungle Encounter
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #320, 04/05/1958. "North` south` east` west – Max's compass stunt was the best!" Click here to read the story.
34 |
Sky Chase!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #321, 04/12/1958. Astounding vanishing trick by British spy-hunters! Click here to read the story.
35 |
Under-Sea Trap
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #322, 04/19/1958. An enemy bucket helped British agents to sink an enemy warship. Click here to read the story.
36 |
Pole Vault Into Peril
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #323, 04/26/1958. Two British agents captured a two-ton secret by 'recruiting' twelve enemy soldiers! Click here to read the story.
37 |
Traitor's Vengeance
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #324, 05/03/1958. When he went into action his weapon was – a wall of water! Click here to read the story.
38 |
Race For Time!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #325, 05/10/1958. Enemy officers were 'taken for a ride' – by British undercover agents! Click here to read the story.
39 |
War Of Nerves!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #326, 05/17/1958. The enemy general's guard helped British agents to capture him! Click here to read the story.
40 |
Fishing For Victory!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #327, 05/24/1958. The enemy planned to win a battle – by shelling one of their own ships! Click here to read the story.
41 |
Operation Jail-Buster
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #328, 05/31/1958. No one could break out of Kulang Prison – until two British agents broke in! Click here to read the story.
42 |
Jungle Mystery!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #329, 06/07/1958. The enemy's twenty-ton tanks could 'fly' over mountains! Click here to read the story.
43 |
Aerial Hide-And-Seek!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #330, 06/14/1958. Ordered to locate an enemy oil-well that had vanished. Click here to read the story.
44 |
Dangerous Disguise!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #331, 06/21/1958. Their canal-busting plan threatened – by British prisoners of war! Click here to read the story.
45 |
Max Malone – Decoy!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #332, 06/28/1958. The British agents who wrecked an enemy H.Q. - by mixing grain and water! Click here to read the story.
46 |
Operation 'Mailed Fist'
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #333, 07/05/1958. They fired harmless thorns from blow-pipes – and punctured an enemy plan! Click here to read the story.
47 |
Perilous Patrol!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #334, 07/12/1958. While enemy guns bombarded the surface` Max's pal was trapped underwater! Click here to read the story.
48 |
The Island Of Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #335, 07/19/1958. Can a phoney mine help them escape from a deadly underwater trap? Click here to read the story.
49 |
Collision With Danger!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #336, 07/26/1958. They hitch=hiked into deadly peril – on the deck of an enemy submarine! Click here to read the story.
50 |
An Air-Sea Duel
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #337, 08/02/1958. Fifty lengths of perforated piping could destroy a British invasion army! Click here to read the story.
51 |
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #338, 08/09/1958. He planned a crushing defeat for the enemy – by getting 'fired' from his job! Click here to read the story.
52 |
Underwater Trap
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #339, 08/16/1958. When the enemy went fishing – for British frogmen! Click here to read the story.
53 |
Max's Snake Stunt
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #340, 08/23/1958. British agents + a packet of 'sweets' saved a city from an all-out bombing attack. Click here to read the story.
54 |
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #341, 08/30/1958. They were sentenced to death by an enemy officer – and the same man saved their lives! Click here to read the story.
55 |
Assignment In Sarawak
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #342, 09/06/1958. He outwitted enemy sentries by 'steering' an ox with a pencil! Click here to read the story.
56 |
Max Malone – Gatecrasher!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #343, 09/13/1958. The British agents' 'ally' was an invisible man! Click here to read the story.
57 |
In Danger From a Friend!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #344, 09/20/1958. Two cloth caps saved British agents from a hail of deadly machine-gun bullets! Click here to read the story.
58 |
Tripwire Trap!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #345, 09/27/1958. Two British agents faced death to solve 'The Riddle of the Ripe Bananas'! Click here to read the story.
59 |
Operation Dawnlight
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #346, 10/04/1958. Out to wreck an enemy parachute invasion – by tossing pebbles in the air! Click here to read the story.
60 |
Dark Secret!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #347, 10/11/1958. British agents faced death to smash the spy-gang that threw money away! Click here to read the story.
61 |
Max To The Rescue
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #348, 10/18/1958. British agents wrecked an enemy fortress – by saving the life of an elephant. Click here to read the story.
62 |
Invisible Orders
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #349, 10/25/1958. The paper was blank – yet it carried a vital enemy message. Click here to read the story.
63 |
Island Peril!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #350, 11/01/1958. Why did the enemy move a huge hill fifty miles? Click here to read the story.
64 |
The Walking Tree!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #351, 11/08/1958. The baffling riddle of patrols that vanished on the Ridge of Silent Peril. Click here to read the story.
65 |
Mission To Japan!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #352, 11/15/1958. British agents 'hitch-hiked' into Tokyo Bay – aboard the warship that sank their sub! Click here to read the story.
66 |
The Treacherous Messenger
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #353, 11/22/1958. A trickle of dust brought danger to the daring jail-busters! Click here to read the story.
67 |
The Sniper's Mistake!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #354, 11/29/1958. British troops faced a terrible menace – from a town that wasn't there! Click here to read the story.
68 |
Aerial Ambush!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #355, 12/06/1958. They carried out a daring rescue mission – in a play that had 'crashed in flames'! Click here to read the story.
69 |
Cap Snatcher!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #356, 12/13/1958. The 'recruit' who gave British agents a super 'secret weapon' was – a monkey! Click here to read the story.
70 |
Suspicious Business!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #357, 12/20/1958. The treacherous fisherman's 'catch' came from an enemy submarine! Click here to read the story.
71 |
Underwater Menace
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion #358, 12/27/1958. British agents beat an enemy secret weapon with one of their own – a paperweight! Click here to read the story.
72 |
A Rocket-Firing Stunt
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #359, 01/03/1959. British agents cheated disaster by cutting their life-line! Click here to read the story.
73 |
Bike-Ride Into Danger!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #360, 01/10/1959. They ran a 'seaside excursion' for saboteurs – on a train that was due to explode! Click here to read the story.
74 |
Unlucky Landing!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #361, 01/17/1959. British agents ordered to 'get on parade' – with the Imperial Japanese army. Click here to read the story.
75 |
Vanishing Voyagers
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #362, 01/24/1959. "Shot down by the crew of a British cargo ship!" "The mystery of British seamen who sailed into a mid-ocean trap." Click here to read the story.
76 |
Dawn Intruder!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #363, 01/31/1959. It's the deadliest gift ever when a group of loyal Burmese patriots are given - a radio set! Apparently harmless, it could bring destruction to a band of gallant men - and it meant a nerve-tensing mission for Max Malone. Q: Why did British agents go behind enemy lines? A: To stop loyal resistance fighters from listening to their radio! Click here to read the story.
77 |
Adventure 77 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #364, 02/07/1959. [plot unknown]
78 |
High Dive!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #365, 02/14/1959. A Japanese 'secret weapon' saved British agents' lives! Click here to read the story.
79 |
Adventure 79 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #366, 02/21/1959. [plot unknown]
80 |
Peril of the Monsoon
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #367, 02/28/1959. Max uses astounding tree-trunk stunt in daring bid to rescue prisoners from the Japs. Click here to read the story.
81 |
Warm Reception!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #368, 03/07/1959. The 'welcome committee' for British agents was a squad of enemy troops! Click here to read the story.
82 |
Photo Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #369, 03/14/1959. The riddle of a jungle fire that burned for days – yet never grew any bigger! Click here to read the story.
83 |
Two Against The Sea!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #370, 03/21/1959. He hoped to escape from the Japs – by pouring fuel into the water! Click here to read the story.
84 |
Peril In The Night!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #371, 03/28/1959. To get vital information he went surf-riding – in a breakdown lorry! Click here to read the story.
85 |
Silent Peril!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #372, 04/04/1959. The 'bait' in his trap for Japanese troops was – a man-eating tiger! Click here to read the story.
86 |
Escort For An Enemy!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #373, 04/11/1959. He fought a savage hand-to-hand combat with a champion judo wrestler! Click here to read the story.
87 |
Volcano Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #374, 04/18/1959. Two leather belts prevented the Japanese army from launching a mighty attack! Click here to read the story.
88 |
Mission To Maymo
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #375, 04/25/1959. To wreck a ruthless enemy war-plan – they had to rescue a sacred white elephant! Click here to read the story.
89 |
Mystery In Burma
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #376, 05/02/1959. A 'successful' mission by British agents would mean disaster – for British forces! Click here to read the story.
90 |
Operation Landslide!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #377, 05/09/1959. A British commando task-force doomed – because of Max's wrist-watch! Click here to read the story.
91 |
Kidnap Double-Cross
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #378, 05/16/1959. 20 cigarettes helped him to carry out a sensational sub-busting mission! Click here to read the story.
92 |
Behind Enemy Lines
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #379, 05/23/1959. British agents on a mercy mission were hunted by – jungle 'dragons'! Click here to read the story.
93 |
The Mystery Submarines
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #380, 05/30/1959. Why were Japanese sailors allowed to speak nothing but English? Click here to read the story.
94 |
Jungle Terror!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #381, 06/06/1959. To escape from a wall of flames – they lit a fire! Click here to read the story.
95 |
Adventure 95 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #382, 06/13/1959. [plot unknown]
96 |
Pontoon Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #383, 06/20/1959. When captured British agents escaped – to please their jailer enemy! Click here to read the story.
97 |
Gliding Into Peril!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #384, 06/27/1959. The 'landing-ground' for a British agent's glider was – the bottom of an icy lake! Click here to read the story.
98 |
Messenger Of Disaster
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #385, 07/04/1959. British agents tried to escape – by using a 'three-wheeled bomb'! Click here to read the story.
99 |
Jungle Dog-Fight
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #386, 08/29/1959. To escape from Jap pursuers they left a trail that couldn't be missed. Click here to read the story.
100 |
Midnight Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #387, 09/05/1959. The strange riddle of enemy troops whose 'parade-ground' was the bed of a deep river! Click here to read the story.
101 |
A Daring Disguise
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #388, 09/12/1959. Betrayed by a Nazi salute – that's the strange plight of Max Malone` when he sets out to recapture one of the most important men in the Japanese army! Click here to read the story.
102 |
Intruders From The Sky!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #389, 09/19/1959. Betrayed to Jap parachutists – by a radio 'watchdog'. Click here to read the story.
103 |
Night Intruders!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #390, 09/26/1959. They faced deadly peril from Arctic cold – in the heart of tropical Burma! Freezing to death in the tropics! This seems to be the strange fate in store for Max and Hutch when they attempt to rescue a Burmese patriot from the Japs. Click here to read the story.
104 |
Adventure 104 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #391, 10/03/1959. Dark treachery ceaselessly searched the eerie jungle glades of a Pacific island` and its luckless prey was – Max Malone!
105 |
Blue River Mystery
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #392, 10/10/1959. The Japanese 'car park' was hidden underwater! Click here to read the story.
106 |
Adventure 106 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #393, 10/17/1959. “There was no misunderstanding the order - Max was told to execute Hutch or forfeit his own life! Why?”
107 |
"Welcome, Battler Britton"
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #394, 10/24/1959. "Max and Battler join forces to wipe out enemy plotters." Click here to read the story.
108 |
The Vanishing River
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #395, 10/31/1959. Max Malone and Battler Britton 'boomerang' a terrible enemy secret weapon! Click here to read the story.
109 |
Mystery Of The Map
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #396, 11/07/1959. Enemy tank attack wrecked – by one hand-grenade! What a superb fighting team Battler and Max make! Click here to read the story.
110 |
Call From The Blue!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #397, 11/14/1959. The 'secret weapon' that routed an enemy task force was – Max's pocket knife! - Earth's toughest trouble shooters on the run – from the thing from outer space! Click here to read the story.
111 |
Silent Witness!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #398, 11/21/1959. Combined ops' starring secret agents Max Malone and Battler Britton! - When top secret war plans are betrayed to the Japs` it's a sure thing a spy is at work!o Click here to read the story.
112 |
Railroad To Danger
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #399, 11/28/1959. "[Max and Battler are forced to ride a train that they'd booked for destruction!" Click here to read the story.
113 |
Mystery Jap Fighters
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #400, 12/05/1959. They gained a few vital minutes – by 'losing' a watch! Click here to read the story.
114 |
Secret Entry – Under Canvas
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #401, 12/12/1959. Why did a British war hero join forces with an enemy spy? Click here to read the story.
115 |
So Near And Yet...
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #402, 12/19/1959. When Jap marauders planned to gain a victory – by surrendering! - Has Max turned coward? This startling question flashed into Battler's mind when his pal decided to surrender a jungle patriot to the Japs! Click here to read the story.
116 |
Mystery In Sumatra
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion #403, 12/26/1959. Why did enemy assault troops hurl themselves from a high cliff? - It looks like mass suicide when the pals see Jap after Jap leap over the edge of a towering cliff. But Max finds a sinister reason for the enemy's amazing move. Click here to read the story.
117 |
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #404, 01/02/1960. British agents aimed to escape the japs – by jumping into a furnace. - Trapped inside a top-secret Jap factory` the pals seek to fool their pursuers – by leaping into a furnace! Click here to read the story.
118 |
Adventure 118 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #405, 01/09/1960. Two pieces of polished steel are all Max needs to throw a Jap task force into confusion!
119 |
Peril In the Night! (2)
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #406, 01/16/1960. Why did Jap invaders build a railroad that led to nowhere? Click here to read the story.
120 |
Adventure 120 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #407, 01/23/1960. - Max and Battler are astounded when they discover that the Japs have built a single street of houses in the midst of the jungle!
121 |
Target Practice For Japs!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #408, 01/30/1960. Jap war plans were blasted – by a bomber plane that didn't exist! Click here to read the story.
122 |
Too Close For Comfort
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #409, 02/06/1960. Strangest disguise ever for intrepid secret agents was – a million tiny bubbles! - To outwit the Jap defenders of a secret bast` Max and Battler cover themselves with a mass of tiny bubbles! Click here to read the story.
123 |
Secret Of The Rocks
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #410, 02/13/1960. The War's strangest riddle – when British agents joined the Jap Navy! - When Max and Battler join the Jap Navy they cause a whole heap of trouble! Click here to read the story.
124 |
Waiting For A Ghost!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #411, 02/20/1960. What was the astounding news that made starving natives destroy their own food? - Why were precious rice fields ruthlessly laid waste by hungry nativs? Where did the 'ghost' plane come from? Click here to read the story.
125 |
Riding The Rods!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #412, 02/27/1960. Amazing jungle berries that turned a British agent into a traitor! Click here to read the story.
126 |
On The Track Of The Green Dragon
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #413, 03/05/1960. British agents fooled Jap pursuers – by wearing snowshoes in the Tropics. - There's only one way the Secret Service pals can escape Jap pursuers – by making boots of bamboo for themselves. Click here to read the story.
127 |
Surprise Packet!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #414, 03/12/1960. The most dangerous member of the Jap Armed Forces was a man made of wood! Click here to read the story.
128 |
Adventure 128 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #415, 03/19/1960. - A shot rang out in the silence of the jungle – and Max Malone crashed to the ground. The man who pulled the trigger was none other than – Battler Britton!
129 |
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #416, 03/26/1960. British agents hope to smash an enemy war plan – by torpedoing the Japanese coast! Click here to read the story.
130 |
Operation Green Arrow!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #417, 04/02/1960. Deadly peril for the Japs – when Max Malone turns traitor! - Why did Max Malone tell the Japs all about a vital Allied War Plan? Click here to read the story.
131 |
Operation Blockbuster
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #418, 04/09/1960. The most astounding weapon of the war – a tape measure! - In the hands of the Gestapo in enemy-occupied France! It's a fate that would freeze te blood of any ordinary man. But this time the prisoner is Max Malone.,Start o0f Operation Blockbuste Click here to read the story.
132 |
Adventure 132 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #419, 04/16/1960. - A crack scientist with war-winning know-how is imprisoned in Nazi-occupied France – and it's Max's task to rescue him.
133 |
The Phantom Army
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #420, 04/23/1960. Nazi invaders face their greatest peril when Max is sacked by the French Resistance! Click here to read the story.
134 |
The Train-Busters
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #421, 04/30/1960. "Finger of suspicion" "In deadly danger because a Nazi safe was too easy to crack!" Click here to read the story.
135 |
Parachute Drop!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #422, 05/07/1960. "Odd man out!" "It's the weirdest battle ever when Max Malone takes on a column of armored cars - with no other weapon than a cartload of vegetables!" Click here to read the story.
136 |
The Bare-Foot Raiders
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #423, 05/14/1960. Max's most powerful ally was an unexploded bomb! "In the heart of enemy-occupied France, Max aims a shattering blow at the Nazi oppressors - by raiding a boot-store!" Click here to read the story.
137 |
Nazi Avenger!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #424, 05/21/1960. "Max v. the Maquis" The lives of two hundred and fifty innocent Frenchmen are endangered because a Nazi commandant was hated by his own men! Click here to read the story.
138 |
Wreck That Bridge!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #425, 05/28/1960. The bridge of silent menace! British agent's victory effort – tracking down saboteurs for the Nazis! Click here to read the story.
139 |
Adventure 139 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #426, 06/04/1960. - There's only one way Max can get a man wanted by the Gestapo to safety – by filling his uniform with air!
140 |
Adventure 140 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #427, 06/11/1960. [plot unknown]
141 |
Gestapo Defeat!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #428, 06/18/1960. Why should ten medicine bottles mean a dose of danger for the Nazis? Click here to read the story.
142 |
Bombers' Booby-Trap
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #429, 06/25/1960. The amazing order from a ruthless Gestapo chief was – 'Aid Max Malone'. - Max takes on the strangest Secret Service job ever when he sets out to scrub the floors of a Nazi HQ. Click here to read the story.
143 |
Snatched From The Gestapo
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #430, 07/02/1960. Wanted – Dead or Alive! - To rescue a wounded Polish pilot from the clutches of the Gestapo` Max Malone performs an incredible feat. He multiplies the prisoner by ten! Click here to read the story.
144 |
Adventure 144 – Title Unknown
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #431, 07/09/1960. - Branded as a traitor by his comrades of the French resistance! That's Max's fate when he crosses swords with the wiliest spy-catcher of the Gestapo.
145 |
Bazooka Ambush!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #432, 07/16/1960. "News for the Maquis" Max Malone was busy training the Maquis the use of modern weapons of war when it is learned that the time-table for a planned attack by the Gestapo has been advanced. Click here to read the story.
146 |
Commando Attack!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #433, 07/23/1960. "Escape plan 'X'" - It falls to Max Malone to get a local resistance cell to safety after it is learned that the identities of nearly everyone in the group has been compromised to the Gestapo. Click here to read the story.
147 |
Spitfire's Secret
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #434, 07/30/1960. Perilous sky-trails. When Max tried to shield a fugitive – by hiding him beneath a handkerchief! Click here to read the story.
148 |
Freed From Nazi Terror
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #435, 08/06/1960. When Max tried to hole a prison wall – by blasting it with buttons! - Denounced to the Gestapo! That's the fate of Max Malone – and the traitor is none other than Jules-the-Fox! Click here to read the story.
149 |
Phoneys Wreck The War Phones!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion #436, 08/13/1960. "Max comes a cropper!" There's a hot time in store for the Nazis when Max and the men of the Maquis turn their hands to making firemen's uniforms! Click here to read the story.
150 |
The Bird Calls That Spelt Deadly Danger
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1958
Published in Lion Annual 1959. A gripping story of tense jungle adventure during World War II. Click here to read the story.
151 |
Operation Mystery Island
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1959
Published in Lion Annual 1960. Crash dive! A daring mission into the Heart of enemy territory during World War II. Click here to read the story.
152 |
Peril From The Skies!
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1960
Published in Lion Annual 1961. [plot unknown] Click here to read the story.
153 |
Ambush In The Sky
short story
Written by Trevor Hugh
Copyright: 1961
Published in Lion Annual 1962. Behind enemy lines on a daring prison-break mission. Click here to read the story.