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Full Name: Hogan's Heroes
Nationality: American, British, French
Organization: Military Intelligence
Occupation Agency

Creator: Bernard Fein, Albert S. Ruddy
Time Span: 1965 - 1971


Hogan's Heroes is a team of agents working for Allied Military Intelligence.

The group operates inside Germany during the Second World War, using as their headquarters a most unusual locale, namely a Luftwaffe Stalag prisoner of war camp. Their covert operations of espionage and sabotage and prisoner rescue starts in 1942 sometime after the American entrance into the conflict and continues well past the D-Day landing. The exact location of the camp is open to argument since numerous clues left place it near the North Sea (one statement putting it 60 miles away and another less than 10) while others have it near the cities of Dusseldorf and Hammelburg, both of which are quite inland,

The troupe was founded by American bomber pilot Colonel Robert Hogan who, after getting shot down during a raid over Germany was sent to Stalag 13, run by the officious and incredibly inept Colonel Wilhelm Klink. Hogan quickly saw how easy it was going to be to escape and likely take many of his fellow prisoners with them when an outrageous idea occurred to him. Since the prisoner of war camp was so poorly run that it was virtually a leaking sieve just waiting, why not use the facility as a staging base for undercover activity. The concept of housing a trained espionage team inside a Luft Stalag was so ridiculous, it just might work.

The primary mission of the team was to rescue fellow downed pilots and facilitate their return to England, using an impressive system of tunnels beneath the camp to get the men into the camp and then, when ready, back out again, all the while making it seem as though no 'official' prisoner actually escaped. This gave the camp a perfect record, something no other camp could claim, and making sure that the General Staff did not shake up such a perfectly run organization.

Robert Hogan was not only a skilled pilot, he was a tactician genius who routinely showed a phenomenal ability to think on his feet which enabled him to ad lib plans when situations changed. He was a glib talker and a natural conman who could be insulant at times, insouciant at others, and obsequious if need be. He was also a connoisseur of beauty women and seemed able to find such delicacies everywhere, despite being housed inside a POW prison.

Hogan has a trained team assisting him:

Corporal Louis LeBeau, a French citizen who is not only a trained gourmet chef but is also an excellent dog trainer. That results in the team eating particularly well and having the ferocious German Shepherd guard dogs far friendlier to the team than to the soldiers guarding them.

Corporal Peter Newkirk, an Englishman with a decidedly blue collar background. Newkirk is the team's chief tailor and makes sure all needed clothing is made to order whether it be uniforms or civilian clothing. He is also a highly skilled pickpocket, card sharp, safe cracker, lock picker, etc. If something the least bit illegal is called for, so is Newkirk.

Staff Sergeant James Kinchloe, an African-American communications specialist who not only makes sure that the wireless work with which Hogan routinely communicates with headquarters and often with a submarine, he has also wired all the major buildings in the camp allowing eavesdropping on the Commandant's office and quarters.

Tech Sergeant Andrew Carter, an American chemistry expert who can be relied upon to concoct any liquid tool be it knockout drops, truth serum, and high explosives.

From time to time other men are used as needed but for the most part, the rest of the men being help prisoner in the camp are just waiting for their turn to be rotated out back to base making room for newcomers. Just how much these others know is never stated but the team seldom worry about betrayal.

One other key person to mention is Sergeant Schultz, a large, rotund, cheerful non-com who is the senior enlisted man on the German staff and therefore in charge of all the guards. Schultz does not know about the actual activity of the team but he is sharp enough to know strange things are always happening and it is usually best to, as he routinely puts it, "I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing!" putting extra emphasis on the 'nothing' and meaning it.


Number of Episodes:168
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1971

Bob CraneRobert Hogan [ 1-6 ]
Werner KlempererColonel Klink [ 1-6 ]
John BannerSgt. Schultz [ 1-6 ]
Robert ClaryCorporal LeBeau [ 1-6 ]
Richard DawsonCorporal Newkirk [ 1-6 ]
Ivan DixonSgt. Kinchloe [ 1-5 ]
Larry HovisSgt. Carter [ 1-6 ]
Kenneth WashingtonSgt. Baker [ 6 ]

     In 1965, CBS launched a situation comedy with an incredibly unusual concept of having POW's inside a WWII German Stalag operating a spy ring under the noses of the Germans running the camp.

     While several sources list as contributing basis for the show being the 1953 movie Stalag 17 and even more so the 1963 epic The Great Escape, neither of these was in any way a comedy and neither had the idea of a spy ring purposely sticking around.

     The show was most decidedly not Politically Correct (it was the 60's, you know) and though there was the inevitable cry of foul about making fun of a regime that did in truth murder 6 million Jews (and numerous millions of other non-desirables), the show proved incredibly popular. The fact that the two key German characters, Klink and Schultz, were portrayed by men of Jewish descent probably helped.

Note: the data for the times, people, and plots are taken from the excellent Wikipedia entry for Hogan's Heroes.

1 The Informer
Episode 1-01, first aired 09/17/1965
Director: Robert Butler
Writers: Richard M. Powell, Bernard Fein, Albert S. Ruddy

Pilot episode: At Stalag 13, a German prisoner-of-war camp, Colonel Robert Hogan and his fellow cohorts are a subversive group with many hidden talents. However, a spy has been planted amongst the men by the Germans. And when he learns of the gang's subversive operations, the team must act fast to discredit him.

2 Hold That Tiger
Episode 1-02, first aired 09/24/1965
Director: Robert Butler
Writer: Richard M. Powell

When Colonel Klink boasts that the Nazis' new tiger tank will lead the Germans to victory, Colonel Hogan devises a plan to get his hands on one of the vehicles, have it dismantled, send its blueprints to the Allies, and reassemble it-right under Klink's nose.

3 Kommandant of the Year
Episode 1-03, first aired 10/01/1965
Director: Robert Butler
Writer: Laurence Marks

To give a scientist access to a rocket being kept in Stalag 13, Col. Hogan arranges for Kommandant Klink to receive an award.

4 The Late Inspector General
Episode 1-04, first aired 10/08/1965
Director: Robert Butler
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Running a model POW camp is the only thing Klink has ever done well and he's about to be promoted if the prisoners can't succeed in making him look bad.

5 The Flight of the Valkyrie
Episode 1-05, first aired 10/15/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan's plan to smuggle a baroness out of Germany is put in jeopardy when the Stalag receives a new senior POW who doesn't believe the prisoners should be engaged in espionage.

6 The Prisoner's Prisoner
Episode 1-06, first aired 10/22/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

Having kidnapped a German general, Hogan must convince General Schmidt that he is in need of medical attention in order to learn the location of his attack center.

7 German Bridge Is Falling Down
Episode 1-07, first aired 10/29/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

After an Allied bombing mission fails to take out the Adolf Hitler bridge, Hogan's team robs the camp arsenal to get the job done via sabotage.

8 Movies Are Your Best Escape
Episode 1-08, first aired 11/05/1965
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Laurence Marks

With guards combing the woods for two escapees, Hogan will have to make the Germans nervous enough to drop their guard if he wants to deliver battle plans to London.

9 Go Light on the Heavy Water
Episode 1-09, first aired 11/12/1965
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Arthur Julian

A barrel of heavy water is on its way to Berlin where it will be used in atomic research if Hogan can't find a way to steal it.

10 Top Hat, White Tie and Bomb Sights
Episode 1-10, first aired 11/19/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

After Col. Klink bugs Hogan's quarters, the team scripts their own radio dramas in order to convince Klink that Hogan is a Nazi sympathizer.

11 Happiness Is a Warm Sergeant
Episode 1-11, first aired 11/26/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Sergeant Schultz is relieved of his post after being found drunk on duty. It's up to the POWs to get rid of the new sergeant and rescue Schultz' career.

12 The Scientist
Episode 1-12, first aired 12/03/1965
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Laurence Marks

Corporal LeBeau masquerades as a French chemist while the prisoners smuggle the real scientist out of Germany.

13 Hogan's Hofbrau
Episode 1-13, first aired 12/10/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Two ruthless officers threaten Klink into pledging much more than he can afford as a gift to the Fuhrer, leaving Hogan's team to come up with the cash to protect the commandant.

14 Oil for the Lamps of Hogan
Episode 1-14, first aired 12/17/1965
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Laurence Marks

When General Burkhalter threatens to close Stalag 13, Hogan convinces the Germans that they're sitting on an oil well.

15 Reservations Are Required
Episode 1-15, first aired 12/24/1965
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

The escape business becomes complicated when twenty unexpected escapees from Stalag 9 arrive on the doorstep, even more so when the soldier who led the break-out tries to lead an escape from Stalag 13 on his own.

16 Anchors Aweigh, Men of Stalag 13
Episode 1-16, first aired 12/31/1965
Director: Howard Morris
Writers: David Chandler, Jack H. Robinson

London reports the escape sub is out of commission, leaving Hogan to build a boat to get his current escapee back to England.

17 Happy Birthday, Adolf
Episode 1-17, first aired 01/07/1966
Director: Robert Butler
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Allies' probing raid is going to end in a very happy birthday for Hitler if Hogan's team can't knock out a line of anti-aircraft guns.

18 The Gold Rush
Episode 1-18, first aired 01/14/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Laurence Marks

When the Nazis store a truck filled with gold bricks looted from France at Stalag 13, the prisoners only have one objective: stealing as much as they can.

19 Hello, Zolle
Episode 1-19, first aired 01/21/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writers: David Chandler, Jack H. Robinson

London asks Hogan's team to keep German General Stofle occupied at Stalag 13 while the Allies attack his command post. Plans grow complicated when Gestapo agents make an inspection of the camp.

20 It Takes a Thief... Sometimes
Episode 1-20, first aired 01/28/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Richard M. Powell

When Hogan's new underground contacts turn out to be Gestapo agents, it will take some misdirection and quick thinking to save the team from their new friends. Michael Constantine guest-stars.

21 The Great Impersonation
Episode 1-21, first aired 02/04/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan recruits Schultz to play the part of Kommandant Klink after Carter, Newkirk and LeBeau are captured while on a sabotage job.

22 The Pizza Parlor
Episode 1-22, first aired 02/11/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Arthur Julian

Hogan decides the best way to win an Italian's heart is with his native food when he prepares to recruit an Italian POW commandant to his side of the war, a plan which involves a complicated game of Telephone.

23 The 43rd, a Moving Story
Episode 1-23, first aired 02/25/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writers: James Allardice, Tom Adair

Hogan's plan to relocate a mobile anti-aircraft battery is threatened when Klink's new executive officer proves to be power-hungry and very efficient at his job.

24 How to Cook a German Goose by Radar
Episode 1-24, first aired 03/04/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Phil Sharp

A new prisoner irritates everyone until he reveals himself to be a general in need of assistance in directing a bombing mission.

25 Psychic Kommandant
Episode 1-25, first aired 03/11/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Phil Sharp

The prisoners have a brief window of time to sabotage a new noiseless plane engine before the Luftwaffe high command arrives to observe its test flight.

26 The Prince from the Phone Company
Episode 1-26, first aired 03/18/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

The prisoners need cash to process escapees. Fortunately, an African prince just landed in camp whom the Germans want to bribe. Doubly fortunate, he looks a lot like Sergeant Kinchloe.

27 The Safecracker Suite
Episode 1-27, first aired 03/25/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan imports a safecracker from London to protect the secrets of a man who was in on a conspiracy to kill Hitler.

28 I Look Better in Basic Black
Episode 1-28, first aired 04/01/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Arthur Julian

The Stalag's newest prisoners are a trio of beautiful women with information which would be useful to Hogan ... if he could get past their many admirers to talk to them. Jean Hale and Jackie Joseph guest-star.

29 The Assassin
Episode 1-29, first aired 04/08/1966
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan's plan to assassinate an atomic scientist runs afoul when Group Captain Crittendon unexpectedly turns up and insists on helping.

30 Cupid Comes to Stalag 13
Episode 1-30, first aired 04/15/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Phil Sharp

Hogan plays matchmaker when Gen. Burkhalter suggests that Col. Klink consider marriage. The problem is that both Hogan and Klink think that the prospective bride is Burkhalter's niece when it's really her mother, Burkhalter's "dragon-lady" sister.

31 The Flame Grows Higher
Episode 1-31, first aired 04/22/1966
Director: Howard Morris
Writers: Laurence Marks, David Chandler, Jack H. Robinson

Hogan, Newkirk and LeBeau run the escape route toward London in search of traitors along the way.

32 Request Permission to Escape
Episode 1-32, first aired 04/29/1966
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

Sergeant Carter requests to escape back to the U.S. after his girlfriend sends him a Dear John letter.

33 Hogan Gives a Birthday Party
Episode 2-01, first aired 09/16/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan's plan to use a German bomber to destroy a refinery is challenged when the general who shot Hogan down comes to see how his prisoner has been spending his time.

34 The Schultz Brigade
Episode 2-02, first aired 09/23/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Klink is caught in a plot against General Burkhalter and sentenced to face the firing squad if Hogan can't bail him out.

35 Diamonds in the Rough
Episode 2-03, first aired 09/30/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

A Gestapo agent learns the inner workings of Hogan's operation and demands a million dollars in diamonds in exchange for his silence.

36 Operation Briefcase
Episode 2-04, first aired 10/07/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

The team is ordered to deliver an explosive-laden briefcase to a German officer who is on his way to assassinate Hitler.

37 The Battle of Stalag 13
Episode 2-05, first aired 10/14/1966
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Battle lines are drawn when both the Wehrmacht and Gestapo demand the use of Stalag 13 for their own purposes. Jacques Aubuchon guest-stars.

38 The Rise and Fall of Sergeant Schultz
Episode 2-06, first aired 10/21/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan takes advantage of Schultz' friendship with a general in order to rescue an underground agent from the Gestapo.

39 Hogan Springs
Episode 2-07, first aired 10/28/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

After the prisoners' tunneling causes a water pipe to burst, Hogan convinces Klink that there's a mineral spring beneath the camp.

40 A Klink, a Bomb and a Short Fuse
Episode 2-08, first aired 11/04/1966
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Phil Sharp

Gen. Burkhalter's radio detection unit is making it impossible for the prisoners to deliver the new German codes to London, until a live bomb shows up in camp to distract the Nazis.

41 Tanks for the Memory
Episode 2-09, first aired 11/11/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Germans are testing a remote-controlled tank at Stalag 13, motivating the prisoners to thwart their efforts.

42 A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 1
Episode 2-10, first aired 11/18/1966
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan and LeBeau head for Paris to rescue French resistance fighter, Tiger, from the Gestapo.

43 A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 2
Episode 2-11, first aired 11/25/1966
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan forms an uneasy alliance with Marya, a crazy Russian spy, in order to free Tiger and Klink from Gestapo headquarters.

44 Will the Real Adolf Please Stand Up?
Episode 2-12, first aired 12/02/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Increased security measures around the camp are making it impossible for the prisoners to get information out, unless Carter's Hitler impression proves good enough to fool the Nazis. William Christopher guest-stars.

45 Don't Forget to Write
Episode 2-13, first aired 12/09/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Klink accidentally volunteers for combat duty and must turn to Hogan for help in retaining his current post.

46 Klink's Rocket
Episode 2-14, first aired 12/16/1966
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writers: Art Baer, Ben Joelson

The plan is simple: convince the Germans to bomb a decoy rocket gun factory thus leading them into an Allied trap. Now if Carter can only remember his lines before the Gestapo drags him away.

47 Information Please
Episode 2-15, first aired 12/23/1966
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

A German spy in London sends word that intelligence reports are being sent from the Stalag 13 area, prompting the Luftwaffe to spread false information and insert a spy among the prisoners.

48 Art for Hogan's Sake
Episode 2-16, first aired 12/30/1966
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

When Burkhalter brings Manet's The Boy with the Fife to camp for safe keeping until Goring's birthday, LeBeau steals it. Hogan, LeBeau, Shultz and Langenscheidt then go to Paris to get a copy made, but when the Gestapo arrives, only Schultz can save them.

49 The General Swap
Episode 2-17, first aired 01/06/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

American General Barton may think Hogan's a traitor, but the colonel's orders are to rescue the general, even if it means kidnapping a German field marshal to get the job done.

50 The Great Brinksmeyer Robbery
Episode 2-18, first aired 01/13/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Phil Sharp

When Newkirk hides their bribe money goes up in the stove, Hogan plans a bank robbery to get more.

51 Praise the Fuhrer and Pass the Ammunition
Episode 2-19, first aired 01/20/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Jack Elinson

The prisoners celebrate Klink's birthday by swapping live ammunition for the dummy stuff meant to be used in a war game.

52 Hogan and the Lady Doctor
Episode 2-20, first aired 01/27/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan must swallow his pride and better judgment when a civilian scientist is put in charge of his team for a sabotage operation in a chemical research laboratory. Ruta Lee guest-stars.

53 The Swing Shift
Episode 2-21, first aired 02/03/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writers: Art Baer, Ben Joelson

London is too backlogged on bombing targets to deal with a local cannon factory so the team dons civilian dress and heads in to do some sabotage. Things are going well until Newkirk is drafted into the German army.

54 Heil Klink
Episode 2-22, first aired 02/10/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

The Gestapo is hot on the trail of Brauner, a financial genius Hogan is currently hiding. Defying the Gestapo is going to require building up Klink's confidence, and convincing him his orders are coming directly from the Fuhrer.

55 Everyone Has a Brother-in-Law
Episode 2-23, first aired 02/17/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

Klink's new junior officer is Gen. Burkhalter's brother-in-law. He's efficient, ambitious, and needs to be disposed of if the POWs want a chance to blow up a munitions train.

56 Killer Klink
Episode 2-24, first aired 02/24/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writers: Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen

After Schultz loses his weekend pass, Klink declares Schultz won't leave camp until he's a tired old man. Hogan will have to prove that's exactly what Schultz is if he wants the sergeant to make a delivery for him.

57 Reverend Kommandant Klink
Episode 2-25, first aired 03/03/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writers: Richard M. Powell, Art Baer, Ben Joelson

FAFL Lt. Boucher is getting close to cracking under Gestapo Major Hochstetter's questioning until Hogan arranges his marriage to the girl he left behind.

58 The Most Escape-Proof Camp I've Ever Escaped From
Episode 2-26, first aired 03/10/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

RAF sergeant Flood is systematically escaping his way out of every stalag in Germany for fame and glory. Hogan must convince him to stay behind bars before he ruins the team's operation.

59 The Tower
Episode 2-27, first aired 03/17/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Blackmailing Gen. Burkhalter becomes necessary when Klink is put in charge of security on the radio tower Hogan's team intends to destroy.

60 Colonel Klink's Secret Weapon
Episode 2-28, first aired 03/24/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Phil Sharp

After the inspector general gives Stalag 13 a near-failing grade, Klink brings in an efficiency expert to improve the camp's standing.

61 The Top Secret Top Coat
Episode 2-29, first aired 03/31/1967
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Bill Davenport

Klink accidentally comes into possession of top secret information which Hogan must steal from him before the Gestapo starts asking questions.

62 The Reluctant Target
Episode 2-30, first aired 04/07/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Phil Sharp

Klink and Hogan switch uniforms after Klink becomes convinced an assassin is after him.

63 The Crittendon Plan
Episode 3-01, first aired 09/09/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

The sabotage job London wants the team to do sounds suicidal even before they learn Crittendon apparently came up with the plan.

64 Some of Their Planes Are Missing
Episode 3-02, first aired 09/16/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

Luftwaffe pilots have been practicing with Allied planes, prompting Hogan to become social with the Germans to learn their plans.

65 D-Day at Stalag 13
Episode 3-03, first aired 09/23/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Richard M. Powell

While the Allies prepare for the Normandy Invasion, Hogan's team is given the job of distracting Hitler's general staff-so Hogan "promotes" Klink to the rank of General.

66 Sergeant Schultz Meets Mata Hari
Episode 3-04, first aired 09/30/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

There's a new romance in Schultz's life. It's too bad she's a Gestapo agent.

67 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to London
Episode 3-05, first aired 10/07/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Nazis' plan to assassinate Winston Churchill hinges on their man impersonating RAF Group Captain James Roberts. To test their plan, they'll first see if he can fool Roberts' old army buddy: Col. Hogan.

68 Casanova Klink
Episode 3-06, first aired 10/14/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

Sabotage plans have to be changed when the team is doubly hampered by a Gestapo agent among their underground contacts and by Gertrude Burkhalter haunting Klink's office.

69 How to Win Friends and Influence Nazis
Episode 3-07, first aired 10/21/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Phil Sharp

Swedish scientist Karl Svenson isn't interested enough in war to take sides.

70 Nights in Shining Armor
Episode 3-08, first aired 10/28/1967
Director: Gene Reynolds
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Allies are forced to drop a load of bullet-proof vests outside of Stalag 13, leaving Hogan's team to deal with the logistics of getting them to the French Resistance.

71 Hot Money
Episode 3-09, first aired 11/04/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Nazis begin printing counterfeit Allied money at Stalag 13. To protect the post-war economy, the team must convince the lead printer that his life is in danger.

72 One in Every Crowd
Episode 3-10, first aired 11/11/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Laurence Marks

Extremely unpopular American Jack Williams has had enough of POW life and he's willing to sell out Hogan's entire operation to earn his freedom.

73 Is General Hammerschlag Burning?
Episode 3-11, first aired 11/18/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Kinchloe and Hogan take a trip to Paris to reconnect with Kinch's old girlfriend and get a look at the Nazi plans for the defense of Paris. Barbara McNair guest-stars.

74 A Russian Is Coming
Episode 3-12, first aired 11/25/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Phil Sharp

Russian Lt. Igor Piotkin is motivated to get back to his squadron, and if Hogan won't send him back to Russia he'll escape on his own.

75 An Evening of Generals
Episode 3-13, first aired 12/02/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Laurence Marks

When the top Nazi generals plan a meeting in Hammelburg, London assigns Hogan's team to perform a mass assassination job.

76 Everybody Loves a Snowman
Episode 3-14, first aired 12/09/1967
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Arthur Julian

As a blizzard gradually buries the stalag in snow, Hogan must contend with five increasingly restless escapees and Hochsetter's agents sniffing around for tunnels.

77 The Hostage
Episode 3-15, first aired 12/16/1967
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Russian spy Marya has been telling her lover quite a lot about Hogan's operation and the general is eager to bait the team into revealing themselves.

78 Carter Turns Traitor
Episode 3-16, first aired 12/23/1967
Director: Howard Morris
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Carter's acting skills are put to the test when he must convince the Nazis that he's a chemist and willing to turn traitor. He might pull it off, if someone doesn't assassinate him before he can learn the location of the chemical plant.

79 Two Nazis for the Price of One
Episode 3-17, first aired 12/30/1967
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Phil Sharp

London orders the team to return home after the Gestapo begins pumping Hogan for information about something called the Manhattan Project.

80 Is There a Doctor in the House?
Episode 3-18, first aired 01/06/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Arthur Julian

LeBeau's mustard plaster might not be useful for curing Klink of his flu, but it could come in handy for distracting the Gestapo away from the team's current escapee.

81 Hogan, Go Home
Episode 3-19, first aired 01/13/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

When the Americans ask for their colonel back, Hogan is initially willing to head home, until he learns his replacement is Crittendon.

82 Sticky Wicket Newkirk
Episode 3-20, first aired 01/20/1968
Director: John Rich
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Newkirk is captured while on a reconnaissance mission and is scheduled for transfer. Defying orders, he flees back to Hammelburg to rescue a girl.

83 War Takes a Holiday
Episode 3-21, first aired 01/27/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Art Baer, Ben Joelson

When the Gestapo store several underground leaders in Stalag 13, Hogan decides the best way to free them is to convince the Nazis that the war is over.

84 Duel of Honor
Episode 3-22, first aired 02/03/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

To smuggle a list of names out of Germany, Hogan devises an elaborate plan involving Klink believing a woman has fallen in love with him.

85 Axis Annie
Episode 3-23, first aired 02/10/1968
Director: John Rich
Writer: Laurence Marks

In need of a trip to town to deliver maps to an underground agent, Hogan, Newkirk and LeBeau agree to record radio messages for the German propaganda ministry.

86 What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?
Episode 3-24, first aired 02/17/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

The team isn't sure what kite flying, basket making and tent building have to do with planning an escape, but they're pretty sure Hogan has finally gone crazy.

87 LeBeau and the Little Old Lady
Episode 3-25, first aired 02/24/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

LeBeau races to the rescue of his very beautiful underground contact while still trying to keep the other boys away from his girl by insisting she's a little old woman.

88 How to Escape from Prison Camp Without Really Trying
Episode 3-26, first aired 03/02/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

The team isn't sure how London expects five unarmed men to keep 10,000 German soldiers from moving for a few days, but the answer might solve their own problems of a Gestapo takeover going on in camp.

89 The Collector General
Episode 3-27, first aired 03/09/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

The team decides to steal from a thief when a Nazi general outfits a nearby mine as a storage place for looted museum pieces.

90 The Ultimate Weapon
Episode 3-28, first aired 03/16/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Schultz attracts Berlin's notice when he suddenly acquires the ability to predict Allied bombing raids and attacks on the Eastern front.

91 Monkey Business
Episode 3-29, first aired 03/23/1968
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Arthur Julian

When the Hammelburg Zoo is hit in a bombing raid, the prisoners adopt Freddy, a stray chimpanzee, as their new camp mascot.

92 Drums Along the Dusseldorf
Episode 3-30, first aired 03/30/1968
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Arthur Julian

Sabotage plans go wrong, forcing Hogan to rely on Carter's archery skills to destroy a truck carrying jet fuel.

93 Clearance Sale at the Black Market
Episode 4-01, first aired 09/28/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

Schultz stumbles into a meeting of black market dealers and abruptly finds himself transferred to the Russian front.

94 Klink vs. the Gonculator
Episode 4-02, first aired 10/05/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Phil Sharp

Carter's overelaborate rabbit trap proves excellent at catching Nazis when Hogan uses it to lure an electrical expert into camp.

95 How to Catch a Papa Bear
Episode 4-03, first aired 10/12/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Gestapo's well laid plan to catch Col. Hogan results in them bagging Newkirk instead.

96 Hogan's Trucking Service... We Deliver the Factory to You
Episode 4-04, first aired 10/19/1968
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

After Crittendon declares himself leader of the local underground, Hogan struggles to complete his current mission in spite of Crittendon's assistance.

97 To the Gestapo with Love
Episode 4-05, first aired 10/26/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

It's time to play the psychological warfare game when the Gestapo brings in three beautiful women interrogators to charm information out of the lonely POWs.

98 Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog
Episode 4-06, first aired 11/02/1968
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Phil Sharp

Handing off a roll of film to the team's contact would be much easier if LeBeau's dog would tell them where he buried it.

99 Never Play Cards with Strangers
Episode 4-07, first aired 11/09/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan suffers through several boring dinner parties while his team struggles to blow up a factory.

100 Color the Luftwaffe Red
Episode 4-08, first aired 11/16/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

The team offers to paint the new Luftwaffe headquarters in order to plant some bugs.

101 Guess Who Came to Dinner?
Episode 4-09, first aired 11/23/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

Informant Heidi Eberhardt is desperate to get out of Germany, but when her underground contact is arrested Hogan has second thoughts about her loyalty.

102 No Names Please
Episode 4-10, first aired 11/30/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan and Klink deal with a Gestapo spy among the guards after a war reporter reveals details of Hogan's operation to the newspapers.

103 Bad Day in Berlin
Episode 4-11, first aired 12/07/1968
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

To catch a spy, Hogan teams up with a deep-cover American spy and takes a trip to Berlin.

104 Will the Blue Baron Strike Again?
Episode 4-12, first aired 12/14/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

There's a secret airfield somewhere in the area which London would love to bomb. Now Hogan just has to help Klink reunite with an old classmate to learn the location.

105 Will the Real Colonel Klink Please Stand Up Against the Wall?
Episode 4-13, first aired 12/21/1968
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Bill Davenport

Carter, disguised as Klink, is spotted while on his way to a sabotage job. While the team takes out the targeted train, Hogan must concoct an alibi for Klink before the firing squad is assembled.

106 Man in a Box
Episode 4-14, first aired 12/28/1968
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

LeBeau's small stature makes him perfect for smuggling into a research facility.

107 The Missing Klink
Episode 4-15, first aired 01/04/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Bill Davenport

After a kidnapper grabs the wrong target, Hogan must convince Burkhalter and Hochstetter that Klink is worth rescuing. Will Klink escape being executed by the Underground-only to be shot by the Gestapo?

108 Who Stole My Copy of Mein Kampf?
Episode 4-16, first aired 01/11/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Phil Sharp

The team has second thoughts about following London's orders when they learn their assassination target is a woman.

109 Operation Hannibal
Episode 4-17, first aired 01/18/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan will have to play by someone else's rules when a general's daughter offers him vital information, but only on her terms.

110 My Favorite Prisoner
Episode 4-18, first aired 01/25/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

Klink's plan to use a lovely baroness to charm information out of Hogan works to the colonel's advantage when London asks him to leak a false defense report.

111 Watch the Trains Go By
Episode 4-19, first aired 02/01/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

With Klink doubling security and London demanding results, Hogan will have to rely on Gertrude to deliver a distraction while he blows up a train.

112 Klink's Old Flame
Episode 4-20, first aired 02/08/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

Klink must find a way to look worse than usual when he learns that his old girlfriend, now engaged to a Gestapo general, may still be in love with him.

113 Up in Klink's Room
Episode 4-21, first aired 02/15/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen

Hogan feigns illness to gain access to the local hospital and his wounded contact inside it.

114 The Purchasing Plan
Episode 4-22, first aired 02/22/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

Carter's solution to the Stalag's financial problems may also offer a solution to Hogan's ammunition distribution problems.

115 The Witness
Episode 4-23, first aired 03/01/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan is forced to play Marya's games when she arranges for him to be present at the testing of a new rocket.

116 The Big Dish
Episode 4-24, first aired 03/08/1969
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Ben Gershman

As the ack-ack blasts Allied fighters from the sky, the team races to destroy a new radar dish and discredit the British scientist who created it.

117 The Return of Major Bonacelli
Episode 4-25, first aired 03/15/1969
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Arthur Julian

Hogan's Italian contact has been compromised and needs to be smuggled out of the country but only if German cuisine doesn't kill him first.

118 Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan
Episode 4-26, first aired 03/22/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

Belatedly realizing the information they've sent London is a Gestapo trap, the team struggles to undo the damage they've done, without letting the colonel know.

119 Hogan Goes Hollywood
Episode 5-01, first aired 09/26/1969
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writers: Tony Thomas, Richard M. Powell

Klink turns Stalag 13 into a propaganda film set after a Hollywood movie star turned soldier is placed in the camp.

120 The Well
Episode 5-02, first aired 10/03/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

When the German's new code book ends up at the bottom of the well, the airmen will have to take a lesson from the navy to get it back.

121 The Klink Commandos
Episode 5-03, first aired 10/10/1969
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Marya's latest lover is using her as bait to scoop up her underground contacts. Hogan's team may have to volunteer for service on the Russian front to keep their operation safe.

122 The Gasoline War
Episode 5-04, first aired 10/17/1969
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

When a gas station is installed at Stalag 13, the prisoners must find a way to sabotage the war effort without revealing their home base.

123 Unfair Exchange
Episode 5-05, first aired 10/24/1969
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

The team take Gertrude hostage in order to rescue an underground operative.

124 The Kommandant Dies at Dawn
Episode 5-06, first aired 10/31/1969
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Arthur Julian

Klink spills Luftwaffe secrets at a dinner party and is sentenced to face the firing squad.

125 Bombsight
Episode 5-07, first aired 11/07/1969
Director: Richard Kinon
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

The already difficult task of sabotaging the new German bombs becomes further complicated when Newkirk is caught with his hands in Klink's safe.

126 The Big Picture
Episode 5-08, first aired 11/14/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

The camp budget begins to disappear when a Gestapo major blackmails the kommandant.

127 The Big Gamble
Episode 5-09, first aired 11/21/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

When an American bomber crashes outside the gates, the team puts their forgery and card shark skills to work to swap out a vital piece.

128 The Defector
Episode 5-10, first aired 11/28/1969
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Laurence Marks

Defector Field Marshal Rudolph Richter panics when the Gestapo comes for him and flees to Stalag 13 days before Hogan is prepared to smuggle him out of Germany.

129 The Empty Parachute
Episode 5-11, first aired 12/05/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Phil Sharp

To spook a courier into unchaining a briefcase from his wrist, the team convinces security that there's a commando somewhere in camp.

130 The Antique
Episode 5-12, first aired 12/12/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

With the underground courier network down, the team will have to find a new way to spread information across the continent. Maybe Klink's new interest in antiques will help.

131 Is There a Traitor in the House?
Episode 5-13, first aired 12/19/1969
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

Newkirk turns traitor on international radio after the team's wireless breaks before they can send London bombing coordinates.

132 At Last-Schultz Knows Something
Episode 5-14, first aired 12/26/1969
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

Finding the German's new atomic research facility is proving to be a challenge, even with Klink as its new head of security.

133 How's the Weather?
Episode 5-15, first aired 01/02/1970
Director: Marc Daniels
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

London's request for daily wind and weather reports results in the prisoners getting creative in their ways of acquiring and losing balloons.

134 Get Fit or Go Fight
Episode 5-16, first aired 01/09/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Bill Davenport

With escapes in the other stalags reaching a critical level, Burkhalter demands his officers pass a physical or be sentenced to get in shape on the Russian front. Klink doesn't look capable of passing, unless the prisoners give him a hand.

135 Fat Hermann, Go Home
Episode 5-17, first aired 01/16/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

To retrieve museum pieces the Nazis have been looting, Marya convinces Schultz to play the part of Hermann Goring.

136 The Softer They Fall
Episode 5-18, first aired 01/23/1970
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

The Nazis intend to prove they're the master race, even if it means cheating their way through a boxing match between Bruno the Stalag guard and Kinchloe.

137 Gowns by Yvette
Episode 5-19, first aired 01/30/1970
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

Wedding bells are ringing in Hammelburg and Hogan's anxious to help with the planning if it means he can get in touch with an underground operative.

138 One Army at a Time
Episode 5-20, first aired 02/13/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

Carter finds himself promoted to corporal in the Wehrmacht after he's caught in uniform while on a sabotage job.

139 Standing Room Only
Episode 5-21, first aired 02/20/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Laurence Marks

With fifteen escapees awaiting transfer and a Luftwaffe major threatening to expose Klink's theft of camp funds, Hogan has his hands full dealing with trouble.

140 Six Lessons from Madame LaGrange
Episode 5-22, first aired 02/27/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Arthur Julian

The prisoners debate fight or flight when they learn a traitor in the underground will soon be revealing their names to Major Hochstetter.

141 The Sergeant's Analyst
Episode 5-23, first aired 03/06/1970
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Bill Davenport

Schultz is headed for the Russian front after Gen. Burkhalter catches him napping in the prisoners' barracks unless the POWs can hastily convert Schultz into a respectable German soldier.

142 The Merry Widow
Episode 5-24, first aired 03/13/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writers: Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen

To deliver information on deactivating landmines to London, Hogan concocts the legend of the merry widow and sends Klink to woo the most tantalizing woman in Germany.

143 Crittendon's Commandos
Episode 5-25, first aired 03/20/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Bill Davenport

Hogan's team takes over an abduction job after Crittendon's commando team is captured. Unfortunately, Crittendon is still at large and eager to help.

144 Klink's Escape
Episode 5-26, first aired 03/27/1970
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen

Hogan allows Klink to take over the escape planning business when the kommandant decides to locate the underground station assisting escapees.

145 Cuisine à la Stalag 13
Episode 6-01, first aired 09/20/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Laurence Marks

Gen. de Gaulle's call-to-arms inspires LeBeau to leave his current post and return to service in the Free French Army.

146 The Experts
Episode 6-02, first aired 09/27/1970
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

After the Gestapo murders a Stalag 13 guard, the team rushes to the rescue of his research partner before another man can be killed.

147 Klink's Masterpiece
Episode 6-03, first aired 10/04/1970
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Phil Sharp

To smuggle maps out of camp, Hogan encourages Klink to feed his artistic side.

148 Lady Chitterly's Lover: Part 1
Episode 6-04, first aired 10/11/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

When Lord Chitterly arrives in Germany to negotiate the surrender of England, Hogan will have to rely on Crittendon to perform a decent acting job for once.

149 Lady Chitterly's Lover: Part 2
Episode 6-05, first aired 10/18/1970
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Hogan may not trust Lady Chitterly, but he'll have to follow her plan or else both he and Crittendon are in a world of trouble.

150 The Gestapo Takeover
Episode 6-06, first aired 10/25/1970
Director: Irving J. Moore
Writer: Laurence Marks

Hogan resorts to blackmail after the Gestapo begin a takeover of the Luftwaffe Stalags.

151 Kommandant Schultz
Episode 6-07, first aired 11/01/1970
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

Absolute power corrupts instantly when Schultz is given full command of Stalag 13.

152 Eight O'Clock and All Is Well
Episode 6-08, first aired 11/08/1970
Director: Richard Kinon
Writer: Laurence Marks

New prisoner Captain Martin seems legit, but with the Gestapo sniffing around the colonel isn't taking chances-especially with an ammunition train in need of destroying.

153 The Big Record
Episode 6-09, first aired 11/15/1970
Director: Richard Kinon
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

The team is forced to get creative when heightened security won't let them anywhere near a top secret meeting going on in the rec hall.

154 It's Dynamite
Episode 6-10, first aired 11/22/1970
Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: Laurence Marks

The dynamite the Gestapo is storing in the cooler is making everyone uneasy. To further alarm the POWs, the dynamite trucks leaving camp seem to be mysteriously disappearing.

155 Operation Tiger
Episode 6-11, first aired 11/29/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Laurence Marks

London declares rescuing Tiger from the Gestapo to be too dangerous a task to perform, but Hogan is willing to disobey orders when it involves someone he loves.

156 The Big Broadcast
Episode 6-12, first aired 12/06/1970
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Bill Davenport

With Hochstetter monitoring radio transmissions in the area, the team will have to find a way to make their setup portable to safely broadcast a bombing location.

157 The Gypsy
Episode 6-13, first aired 12/13/1970
Director: Richard Kinon
Writers: Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen

After being struck by lightning, LeBeau begins making increasingly amazing predictions about Col. Klink's future glory.

158 The Dropouts
Episode 6-14, first aired 12/27/1970
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Laurence Marks

Carter slips up and speaks English while on a sabotage job, leading two scientists and a Gestapo agent straight to Stalag 13.

159 Easy Come, Easy Go
Episode 6-15, first aired 01/10/1971
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Laurence Marks

Burkhalter offers Hogan one million dollars to go to England and steal a P-51 fighter for the Nazis.

160 The Meister Spy
Episode 6-16, first aired 01/17/1971
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: R. S. Allen, Harvey Bullock

Major Martin, AKA Hans Strausser, believes the hard part of his information gathering in London is over when he arrives safely in Stalag 13. But with Hogan out to learn what he knows, his troubles are just beginning.

161 That's No Lady, That's My Spy
Episode 6-17, first aired 01/24/1971
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Arthur Julian

Newkirk does some creative cross-dressing to deliver life-saving medicine to a wounded underground agent. Alice Ghostley guest-stars as Mrs. Mannheim.

162 To Russia Without Love
Episode 6-18, first aired 01/31/1971
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Arthur Julian

Kommandant Becker of the Eastern front wants a transfer to a warmer assignment. He's willing to trade Hogan battle plans for Stalag 13. Now Hogan just has to convince Klink that Russia is where he wants to be.

163 Klink for the Defense
Episode 6-19, first aired 02/07/1971
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Bill Davenport

Luftwaffe Col. Hauptmann is on trial for his life and with Klink as his defender, he's doomed to die unless the prisoners can fabricate some evidence.

164 The Kamikazes Are Coming
Episode 6-20, first aired 02/21/1971
Director: Edward H. Feldman
Writer: Richard M. Powell

Marya convinces Hogan to defect to the Nazis in order to get access to a new rocket.

165 Kommandant Gertrude
Episode 6-21, first aired 02/28/1971
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Laurence Marks

Gertrude's fiancé is assigned as Klink's new executive. He's a pushover, but the woman behind the throne is smart enough to turn Stalag 13 into a real prison.

166 Hogan's Double Life
Episode 6-22, first aired 03/07/1971
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writer: Phil Sharp

His search for the Hammelburg sabotage leader leads Gestapo major Pruhst to Stalag 13 and Col. Hogan is in the crosshairs unless he can find a plausible alternative suspect.

167 Look at the Pretty Snowflakes
Episode 6-23, first aired 03/21/1971
Director: Irving J. Moore
Writer: Arthur Julian

An avalanche hangs over the pass near Hammelburg in the perfect position to halt a Panzer division. Hogan's team would love to do a little noise-making, if a particularly nasty general didn't have them in chains.

168 Rockets or Romance
Episode 6-24, first aired 04/04/1971
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Arthur Julian

Three mobile rocket launchers are aimed at London and awaiting detonation, or destruction. With radio detection trucks patrolling the area and one rocket sitting inside Stalag 13, directing the Allied bombers could turn into a suicide mission.


Number of Stories:15
First Appearance:1966
Last Appearance:1967

During the first couple of years of its regular run, Hogan's Heroes was successful enough to interest Dell Comics, a legend in the television and movie tie-in comic market.

Its stable of gifted writers and artists came up with a series of entertaining comics over the next couple of years. As was common with Dell, the regularity of releases was nowhere to be found. Several months might separate issues and several months in a row with issues might comes next.

The first four issues contained single adventures, although the first three were in the form of 3 parts each. Issue #5 had two separate stories in it. The next 3 had three stories each.

Two years after #8 came out, a #9 was released but it was simply a reprint of #1, albeit with 3¢ increase.

1 The Big Break-In The Big Break-In
Published by Dell
Contributors: Paul S. Newman (writer), Dick Giordano (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1966

Printed in Hogan's Heroes #1, June 1966 - 32 pages.
Colonel Hogan has one day to get 20 prisoners out of Stalag 13. Unfortunately, civilian clothing is going to be a problem.

2 Operation Double Klink Operation Double Klink
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Steve Ditko (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks), Jon D'Agontino (letters)
Copyright: 1966

Printed in Hogan's Heroes #2, September 1966 - 31 pages.
Hogan's Heroes must get hold of new bombsights which are being transported on a train. To hijack it, they decide to use a double of Colonel Klink.

3 Operation Goat Operation Goat
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Ely (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Hogan's Heroes #4, March 1967 - 31 pages.
Germany's most famous spy is coming to Stalag 13 for the quiet to work on the plans for the invasion of England. Hogan's Heroes are determined to get a good look at those plans.

4 Operation Flick Flak Operation Flick Flak
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Ely (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

Printed in Hogan's Heroes #4, March 1967. - 31 pages.
The plan is for Hogan's Heroes to make Stalag 13 the staging base for a commando team coming in to conduct a raid on a missile base.

5 Fly Now ... Crash Later Fly Now ... Crash Later
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Jose Delbo (pencils and inks), Charlotte Jetter (letters)
Copyright: 1967

1st of 2 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #5, April 1967. - 10 pages.
Klink has an airplane sent to him to once again become the ace he thought he once was. He insists on Hogan giving him lessons. Meanwhile, the Heroes has a mission of getting a downed colonel back to London within 72 hours for a meeting.

6 Cheese It Cheese It
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Jose Delbo (pencils and inks), Charlotte Jetter (letters)
Copyright: 1967

2nd of 2 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #5, April 1967. - 20 pages.
Hogan's Heroes must put together a series of time bombs and then find a way of smuggling them to various underground saboteur groups.

7 Klink Must Go Klink Must Go
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Jose Delbo (pencils and inks), Charlotte Jetter (letters)
Copyright: 1967

1st of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #6, May 1967 - 12 pages.
While digging a new escape tunnel as a backup, Hogan's Heroes discover a previously unknown underground supply vault. Meanwhile they have been ordered to get plans currently in Klink's safe in his office. Hogan decides to use the first to achieve the second.

8 Driving Klink Kookoo Driving Klink Kookoo
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Molno (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

2nd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #6, May 1967 - 10 pages.
Using Klink's staff car to smuggle a vital prisoner out of camp, Hogan's Heroes are in a pickle when they accidentally crash the car. Meanwhile parts are needed to repair the radio and their black market supplier demands real money, not counterfeit. Hogan again uses the first situation to help the second.

9 Secret Weapon Secret Weapon
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Molno (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

3rdd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #6, May 1967 - 10 pages.
The Germans have come up with a combination tank-submarine. Hogan's Heroes must get hold of those plans.

10 Klink, Klank, Klunk Klink, Klank, Klunk
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Molno (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

1st of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #7, July 1967 - 12 pages.
Klink is frustrated by repeated bombing nearby ruining his sleep. He orders an anti-aircraft gun delivered to Stalag 13 to fight back. Headquarters insists that Hogan's Heroes destroy it immediately.

11 General Nuisance General Nuisance
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Molno (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

2nd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #7, July 1967 - 11 pages.
As Klink's stinginess causes living conditions to deteriorate in the camp, Hogan's Heroes come up with a plan to use a fake visiting general to force improvements.

12 Klink's Office Party Klink's Office Party
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Bill Molno (pencils), Sal Trapani (inks)
Copyright: 1967

3rd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #7, July 1967 - 9 pages.
[plot unknown]

13 The Great Stone Klink The Great Stone Klink
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Henry Scarpelli (pencils and inks)
Copyright: 1967

1st of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #8, September 1967 - 11 pages.
The mission for Hogan's Heroes today is to find a way to destroy a nearby oil refinery.

14 Klink's Housewarming Klink's Housewarming
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Henry Scarpelli (pencils and inks)
Copyright: 1967

2nd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #8, September 1967 - 10 pages.
When his request for a 2-week furlough is denied, Klink decides he will use the prisoners to build him a small cabin in a glen outside camp to relax in. It does not go like he hoped.

15 General Klink General Klink
Published by Dell
Contributors: Alan Riefe (writer), Henry Scarpelli (pencils and inks)
Copyright: 1967

3rd of 3 graphic adventures printed in Hogan's Heroes #8, September 1967 - 11 pages.
Wanting desperately to get promoted to General, Klink comes up with a plan to get enough signatures on a petition to present it to Field Marshal Bauschneider for approval. Hogan's Heroes, not wanting the promotion to go through, step in to 'help'.


Number of Entries:1
First Appearance:1967
Last Appearance:1967

1 Hokum's Heroes Hokum's Heroes
Published by Mad Magazine
Contributors: Larry Siegel (writer), Jack Davis (pencils and inks)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Mad Magazine #108, January 1967.
Mad Magazine's typically wonderful mashing of Hogan's Heroes.
Click here to read the story.


Number of Collectibles:2
First Appearance:1968
Last Appearance:2023

1 Hogan's Heroes Sing the Best of World War II Hogan's Heroes Sing the Best of World War II
Item Type: LP Album
Created by: Sunset Records
Copyright: 1966

A long-playing record album was released with songs from the WWII era, performed by several cast members from the television show. Additionally there were a couple of songs by a band under the generic Hogan's Heroes name:
"Hogan's Heroes" - Hogan's Heroes March
Ivan Dixon - Shoo Shoo Baby
Robert Clary - Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree
Ivan Dixon & The Heroes - Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition
"Hogan's Heroes" - This Is The Army Mister Jones
Richard Dawson & Larry Hovis -        Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
Larry Hovis - Lili Marlene
Robert Clary - The Last Time I Saw Paris
Larry Hovis - Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year
Richard Dawson - This Is Worth Fighting For

2 Hogan, Schultz & Klink Hogan, Schultz & Klink
Item Type: Caricature Art Sketch
Created by: Tom Richmond
Copyright: 2023

A pencil drawing of the 3 main characters from the popular TV series or Colonel Robert Hogan (Bob Crane), Sergeant Hans Schultz (John Banner) and Colonel Wilhelm Klink (Werner Klemperer).


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2013

1 Hogan's Heroes: Behind The Scenes At Stalag 13! Hogan's Heroes: Behind The Scenes At Stalag 13!
Written by Brenda Scott Royce
Copyright: 2013

"If your fondest TV memories involve the POWs of Stalag 13 cleverly outwitting their captors, Schultz stammering "I know nothing!" and Hochstetter threatening to send everyone to the Russian front, then this is the book for you. This fun and informative book takes you behind the scenes of the classic 1960s sitcom to reveal:
· the story behind the creation, production, and eventual cancellation of the series
· the controversy surrounding the show's unlikely premise
· interviews with many of the show's stars and crew
· biographies of the stars and supporting actors
· a detailed guide to each of the 168 episodes
· a guide to collecting Hogan's memorabilia
· and more..."


I was a newly-minted teenager when this show came on the air and I never missed an episode if life allowed. Years later when the show had one of is many, many periods of re-runs in syndication, I watched again with all the same enjoyment I had back then. And then when the shows became available to viewing on Netflix, once again I was there. No doubt, I 'tolerated' the show repeatedly and affectionately.

It was ludicrous, of course. Wonderfully so. The Germans were never so inept. The concept was outrageous. Still, it was tremendous fun and made glorious fun of a very not fun subject.

This series belongs in this compendium because in addition to being a waystation for the Underground repatriation of would-be Allied prisoners, the team routinely did espionage work of all sorts as well as considerable sabotages and harassments of the German forces.

And it did so hilariously and within 30 minutes each mission, including commercial breaks!


My Grade: B


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