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Full Name: Brian Webb
Series Name: White Dove Chronicles
Nationality: American
Organization: Unknown
Occupation Agent

Creator: Scott Murdock, Ben Bradley
Time Span: 2017 - 2021


Brian Webb is an agent with White Dove.

Was and is again would be more accurate. We learn very early on that Webb had been an operative working for the mysterious man that he knew only as Uncle Mark. Mark was not really his uncle; it was unknown if he was anyone's uncle. That is just what everyone called him.

Webb had met Mark "just after he had gotten his second degree in Cambridge. He was invited for a job interview. He entered the offices with one name and exited few months later with a different one. He had become Brian Webb". Webb had worked for Uncle Mark for several years until six years before we meet him. At that time his connection ended (how and why is a bit vague to me) and he changed his name and moved to Amsterdam "leaving behind everything he was and trying to start a new life".

That new life would involve moving to America, changing his name to Kevin Butcher, and becoming a professor. And trying to forget the other life in the hope that it would forget him. It didn't.

Prior to his life as Butcher and even prior to his life as Webb, the man we know as Webb had an interesting though lonely life. "He was alone since the age of six. Boarding schools and Orphanages were his world. A child that nobody wanted to adopt. A child who was considered a monster because of his intelligence. A child who scared all the couples looking for a baby to adopt. He had learnt very early in his life that he could count only on himself. He had learnt early in his life that deception was everything."

This nomadic life made him an excellent candidate for White Dove.

White Dove, as Mark explains, was created 20 years before. Mark had been a director of the antiterrorist branch at the CIA. "That time we realized, I mean I realized that we started relying too much on technology. Soon we would have lost the old fashion way of gathering intelligence. We had to go back to using humans and not satellites. I thought it was high time to put back in the field agents that could become part of the place and gather information that we could not get just using satellites, internet or drones. It was given presidential order to create the White Dove branch. It was kept secret, only the President and the Director were aware of the project. We started recruiting special people some of them from different universities in the world. We selected each one of them because of their peculiar skills. I do not want to enter into details. We trained them and we sent them out. The organization was waterproof I was the only one they knew. None of the operative knew any of the others."

Apparently, though, a subsequent Adminstration had different thoughts on such matters and White Dove was ordered shut down, its people released. Now it is back and Webb, now 44 years of age, has been asked back.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2017
Last Appearance:2021

1 The Man With The Key The Man With The Key
Written by Scott Murdock, Ben Bradley
Copyright: 2017

"A crown prince deprived of the throne he thought he deserved, a man betrayed by his best friend, a greedy hacker willing to do anything for money, a young lady with a mysterious past: the lives and stories of four seemingly extraneous people intersect in this old fashion spy story. Each one of them has its own story, each one of them has its own goal: who thirsts for power, who for vengeances, who does it simply for money. It will be up to Brian Webb to find out the common thread and try to stop the incoming and unknown disaster before it's too late. To do so he will have to chase his ghost all around the world."
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2 Red Heron Red Heron
Written by Scott Murdock, Ben Bradley
Copyright: 2020

"What are the secrets behind the death of an American scientist in Canberra? What might have been so special in his work that led to his death? Once again a team of selected shadow men are trying to understand what lies behind the obvious. One other race against the time: gathering information all around the world in a duel that becomes dangerous from the beginning. A new case for the White Dove team but this time the situation is different. Who is the prey and who is the hunter?"

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3 The Breath Of The Hydra The Breath Of The Hydra
Written by Scott Murdock, Ben Bradley
Copyright: 2021

"Enemies are not always visible, sometimes they hide from the view. So many events apparently disconnected from each other are waiting for an explanation and for White Dove it is time to get back into action. Connecting all the dots will be a real challenge for Brian, Louise and the rest of the team. The new operation of Brian will end with a success for White Dove but the ending will reserve some surprises and as happened in the past, the line that divides the good from the bad is not clear neither sharp."
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     I had trouble getting into this series.

     The first trouble was that I wanted to like the main character (usually do) but getting a grasp of the man proved to be too elusive. 

     Then there is a problem with, I hope, the editing. The grammar is consistently off in places, as though the prose was written in a different language and translated using an excellent but fallible program. There are quite a few passages that read just a tad off, strange enough to make me re-read it a couple of times before moving on.


My Grade: B


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