Maggie de la Cruz is an agent with the Agency.
Exactly what the name of that Agency is remains a mystery. Nowhere in the two recorded adventures we have of this woman are the initials 'CIA' found but the location name of 'Langley' is mentioned more than a few times. So does she work for the Central Intelligence Agency or for some other department that just is referred to as the Agency like the CIA is? Unknown.
Regardless of her employer, it is important to note that while she is an employee of the Agency, she is not a field agent per se and is not exactly trained to be one. Her specialty is in Forensic Accounting and her skillset there is quite extensive. This is very good for her gathering enough information to make a mission out in the real world a necessity but is not that helpful when bullets start flying or a bomb goes off.
De la Cruz does not have much misconception as to her place in the hierarchy of the department. She is first and foremost a 'bean counter'. On the first mission we follow her on, she is reminded early on that she is just 'along for the ride', largely there to keep track of a lot of money being used as bait. Nevertheless, her presence in that mission came about because of her desire "to branch out, climb up from the rut she was stuck in". That and the fact that it was her analysis that detected the illegal activities she was now trying to help shut down. She finds herself in an interesting position in that she would like to be more of an actual field agent but her work in analysis was still proving very rewarding. That and the awareness that in today's highly technical world, "being able to crack a firewall was often more valuable than kicking down doors".
De la Cruz is described as having "her mother's looks: dark, Indian, striking". Her physical condition was quite good thanks to "the miles pounded out in her Asics on San Francisco's hills". She is said to have long raven-colored hair.