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Full Name: Matthew Riker
Codename: Scarecrow
Nationality: American
Organization: QS-4
Occupation Agent

Creator: J. T. Baier
Time Span: 2020 - 2024


Matthew Riker is an agent with QS-4.

QS-4 appears to be a private enterprise with deep connections to the Pentagon and to the general military-industrial complex that routinely works hand-in-fist with the DoD. The company recruited from only the best schools, which usually means an Ivy League education. They also required military service, a nice little show of patriotism for the board members, though those destined for leadership roles need not have actually seen 'serious combat'. The down-and-dirty work that QS-4 was asked to do on many occasions, the kind of work that made it so valuable, was left to people with skillsets like Riker.

Considering the kind of work that QS-4 does, work that no one would want ever acknowledged but which powerful people in the government would deem needed doing, secrecy is a key component to their operations.

Which means a strange and tenuous anonymity was vital. It was important that the key players knew of QS-4 and how well it handled sensitive matters clandestinely. It was also vital that groups like the press and the general public remain blissfully ignorant of it or its accomplishments. Killing for the State is good business if only the State knows it is being done.

That brings us back to Riker and the statement that he is an agent. It is more accurate to say that he was and that he will be an agent.

Riker hails from a low-income family with a father who sometimes had a job and sometimes did not. Often lunch at school was his only meal. He might have gone down a very bad path except for a high school coach and a penchant for wrestling. Oddly, when offered a chance to head to college on scholarship, he chose to enter the military.

He found a new home and a new discipline with the Navy SEALS and for several years was content. Then came the offer by one of his last commanders to join QS-4 and for several years he worked as one of their very best operatives. The number of confirmed kills he did for that organization was impressive.

And taxing. He decided enough for enough and he wanted out. Unfortunately QS-4 did not have an agreeable severance policy. A tense situation arose. If QS-4 decided to terminate Riker's employment, literally, it could go badly for them since Riker was very, very good as survival. It would also not go well for Riker in the end. A very strange agreement was reached. Riker could leave QS-4 as long as he never, ever used his 'talents' again.

So when we meet Riker, he has gone 6 years as a civilian, living a very quiet life on a small farm raising bees. His main source of income is the honey that he gets from his good number of hives. He is alone and for the most part content.

And then he met the young woman with the little girl who were running from some very mean men and Riker's pacific life went away and so did his agreement with QS-4.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2024

1 The Import The Import
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2020

Six years before the events of this adventure, Matthew Riker had left the world of killing he had known in QS-4. Now he needs to remember how to do those things he wanted kept locked away in order to help keep alive a woman and a small child who were on the run when they met. Helping them would mean letting his whereabouts be known again. Not helping them was never an option.
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2 Ghost Agent Ghost Agent
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2020

Once he had alert QS-4 to his location, it was not a surprise when his former employer came to call; it just was not a pleasant one. The offer made to him was to help protect a young man who had some major political connections as well as ties to a terrorist group. He wanted to reject the offer but he knew he really had no choice in the matter.
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3 Long Way Home Long Way Home
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2021

"Riker has gone up against terrorists, kidnappers, and drug cartels, but the greatest evil he faced in his QS-4 career was a man named Charles Fraction. Now Fraction has resurfaced, and Riker will stop at nothing to take him down."
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4 Relentless Pursuit Relentless Pursuit
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2022

"Riker has gone up against terrorists, kidnappers, and drug cartels, but the greatest evil he faced in his QS-4 career was a man named Charles Fraction. Now Fraction has resurfaced, and Riker will stop at nothing to take him down."
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5 Relentless Pursuit Relentless Pursuit
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2024

"After the defeat of Charles Fraction, things are going well for Matthew Riker. His relationship with Jessica has never been stronger, he has a team he can trust, and QS-4 is focused on making the world a better place. But when Riker and his team take a seemingly simple job to hand off a briefcase in a luxury hotel in Monaco, he finds himself up against a thief who has planned for every eventuality and is always three steps ahead. Things quickly fall apart."
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2020

1 No Loose Ends No Loose Ends
Written by J. T. Baier
Copyright: 2020

Details one of the missions that Matthew Riker undertook back in the days he worked for QS-4.


The key, as I see it, to handling a fellow like Riker is to leave him alone. Do not mess with him. Do not annoy him. Do not let him know you are a potential problem. And do not even look like you might be trafficking in children. Keep from doing those kind of things and you will not be hurt by him. Otherwise ...

I enjoyed this series a whole bunch because while Riker might be a tad too good to be believed, it was a hoot reading about him being that too good. More importantly, it was a lot of fun to be reading about some very nasty folk that you know are going to break those keys mentioned above which will get Riker coming to call.


My Grade: A-


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