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Full Name: Jamie Austen
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Terry Toler
Time Span: 2020 - 2022


Jamie Austen is an agent with the CIA.

This very attractive female operative with long blonde hair and a determination for getting the job done even if it means, as it usually does, going into extremely dangerous places on her own, has a specialty within the Agency. She is probably the top sex-trafficking expert that government organization has, at least out in the field.

When we first meet her, Austen is just concluding the rescue of a young girl in Thailand sold into slavery by her extremely poor parents. It was the last of a group of 100+ girls freed in the past quarter year and the word had gone out throughout that region to be alert for a pretty blonde girl who was disrupting a very profitable operation. As a 'reward' for her success and to get her far from where her new enemies had a price on her head, Austen's handler had booked her on an ocean cruise; she vowed it would be the last.

Though her expertise is in fighting the female slavery trade, she is fully trained in all elements of spycraft having graduated from the Farm run by the Agency. Her specialization was personally decided and gets her total concentration.

Austen grew up never knowing her father; her mother had decided that she was not cut out to be the wife of an astronaut, someone who would rocket out into space and might never come back, so she elected to divorce him instead. She also chose to not tell him she was pregnant. To Austen when she was old enough to ask about her father, the mother replied that he had died before she was born. The truth partially came out when Austen was 17 with the rest being told at age 19 as her father was about to fly off on a one-way mission to another planet!

In the first recorded mission adventure we have of Austen, she meets and grows to like a young man named Alex Halee, a man who would learn later was also employed by the Agency. While they would have separate missions from time to time, they would become close and eventually marry.


Number of Books:11
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2022

0 The Longest Day The Longest Day
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2020

Adam Lang is an astronaut about to leave Earth forever on a one-way flight to a far-distant planet. As the hours count down near launch time, Jamie Austen struggles to make it to him having only recently learned he was her father.
Note: the first half of the book deals with Austen, Lang, and a host of problems just before his departure. The second half deals with his activities off-world. That first half was itself released as a standalone novella The Launch.
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1 Save The Girls Save The Girls
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2020

Jamie Austen's specialty with the CIA is breaking up sex traffickers. Her current mission takes her to Belarus where a particularly nasty organization has signed up several hundred young women wanted to be mail order brides in America but actually ending in Russia and the Middle East as sex slaves.
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2 The Ingenue The Ingenue
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2020

Billed as an Alex Halee thriller with Jamie Austen having a small role in it.
CIA operative Alex Halee has the mission to sneak into North Korea and into a cybercrime facility to take out its head. When things go very wrong, he is surprised to get help from a 13-year-old girl named Bae Hwa. She was thrown into the same prison cell as the captured Halee, her crime being stealing a backpack for profit but picking one that held nuclear codes.
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3 Saving Sara Saving Sara
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

In Tampico, Mexico, to rescue four American girls who had been snatched off the street while on a senior class trip. She is also asked to look into the disappearance of a woman named Sara who went missing in the Cayman Islands which will pit her against a powerful, deadly drug lord and his killers. And there is a hurricane heading their way.
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4 Save The Queen Save The Queen
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

Billed as an Alex Halee and Jamie Austen thriller.
Alex and Jamie are on their honeymoon in London. No matter where they go, terrorists show up with an assortment of attack methods; knives, acid. They soon figure out their nemesis Pok is behind it; he has hacked into London's vaunted security camera system and is tracking them. In three days a Royal wedding will take place and Halee and Austen are certain the Royal Family is a targer.
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5 No Girl Left Behind No Girl Left Behind
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

Jamie Austen is in Abu Dhabi on an unusual mission for her. She is to purchase on behalf of AJAX a $30mil painting. In the women's restroom at the art gallery, she sees a message HELP ME written on the mirror. There is no way she would ever not investigate and this time she will find four young women in very bad danger.
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6 Body Count Body Count
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

Billed as an Alex Halee and Jamie Austen thriller.
Alex Halee discovers on the dark web a $10mil contract on Jamie Austen. Is it from Pok or is someone else gunning for his wife? Pok is supposed to be dead but who knows with that man. To complicate things, Halee learns that his mentor, Curly, is being chased by gun runners in Costa Rica. How can he save both his friend and his wife?
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7 Save Me Twice Save Me Twice
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

Bae Hwa has returned and once again the young woman is in trouble. This time the mission for Jamie Austen in at home in the States for someone has snatched Bae and Austen is furious.
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8 Powerful Enemies Powerful Enemies
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2022

"New CIA director, Neal Fuller, has it in for Jamie and Alex. He's determined to shut down AJAX and have the two of them arrested for treason. Alex and Jamie have their own plan. But their enemies are powerful. Good vs. evil. Who will win in the end?"
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9 Deadly Games Deadly Games
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2022

"Jamie and Alex are at the Olympics. Posing as athletes. The entire world is watching. When they discover that terrorists intend to launch an apocalyptic attack, it's a race against time. Who will win in the end?"
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10 Don't Be Careful Don't Be Careful
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2022

"A plane crash. (Sorry ladies. Alex might be dead.) A Russian Missile Crisis. Pok is back and more dangerous than ever. Of course, girls need rescuing.
'Don't be careful' is a Curlyism. Jamie's beloved trainer told her, 'Careful will get you killed.'
Those words have saved Jamie's life on more than one occasion. They'll be put to the test as she has to throw caution to the wind and travel halfway across the world to save her husband and maybe America."
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11 Wintervention Wintervention
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2022

"Jamie's next CIA mission takes her to the Arctic Circle. Where there's only one hour of daylight every day and the temperature is fifty below zero.
Complicated when she confronts a Tuniit. A giant who stands more than seven feet tall."
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2021

1 The Launch The Launch
Written by Terry Toler
Copyright: 2021

Part of the Eden Stories series.
"Jamie Austen has been looking for her father for two years. Adam Lang, Jamie’s father, has been looking for her, ever since he learned he has a daughter. She knows where he is. Kennedy Space Center. Adam is an astronaut about to leave earth on a one-way journey to the ends of the universe. It’s a race against time.
Will she make it before the launch? Will there even be a launch or will a terrorist fire a missile into the spacecraft killing thousands including her father?"
Note: this novella is really the first half of The Longest Day.
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The writing style of this author is great for smooth sailing and before you know it, you are fifty pages beyond where you expected and eager for more.

I quickly fell in love with the tenacious and daring Jamie Austen and when I finished the first book, I was pleased that I already had at digital hand the next two, both of which I devoured. Then I took time to read the novella, which I probably should have earlier.

As of this entry, there are 8 adventures for her on the shelves and two more coming. I look forward to them as well.


My Grade: B


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