Jamie Austen is an agent with the CIA.
This very attractive female operative with long blonde hair and a determination for getting the job done even if it means, as it usually does, going into extremely dangerous places on her own, has a specialty within the Agency. She is probably the top sex-trafficking expert that government organization has, at least out in the field.
When we first meet her, Austen is just concluding the rescue of a young girl in Thailand sold into slavery by her extremely poor parents. It was the last of a group of 100+ girls freed in the past quarter year and the word had gone out throughout that region to be alert for a pretty blonde girl who was disrupting a very profitable operation. As a 'reward' for her success and to get her far from where her new enemies had a price on her head, Austen's handler had booked her on an ocean cruise; she vowed it would be the last.
Though her expertise is in fighting the female slavery trade, she is fully trained in all elements of spycraft having graduated from the Farm run by the Agency. Her specialization was personally decided and gets her total concentration.
Austen grew up never knowing her father; her mother had decided that she was not cut out to be the wife of an astronaut, someone who would rocket out into space and might never come back, so she elected to divorce him instead. She also chose to not tell him she was pregnant. To Austen when she was old enough to ask about her father, the mother replied that he had died before she was born. The truth partially came out when Austen was 17 with the rest being told at age 19 as her father was about to fly off on a one-way mission to another planet!
In the first recorded mission adventure we have of Austen, she meets and grows to like a young man named Alex Halee, a man who would learn later was also employed by the Agency. While they would have separate missions from time to time, they would become close and eventually marry.