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Full Name: Max Sargent
Nationality: British
Organization: MI5
Occupation Businessman

Creator: Ben Colt
Time Span: 2020 - 2021


Max Sargent is a business executive.

More specifically, he is an experienced and highly valued business Procurement Officer, considered one of the best in the U.K. "with twenty years' experience leading Buying departments for some of the world's largest companies".

We learn straight off how when Sargent was nineteen, he joined the Royal Marine Commandos, receiving the normal rigorous training that that esteemed military unit is known for. Then on his first deployment, a mission went very wrong very quickly and several of his unit were killed. Suddenly and not surprisingly, Sargent lost his interest in remaining with the military and headed to the corporate world.

He chose this line because as a teenager he had worked for his father's small plastics molding business and had learned how the "raw materials, equipment and sundries were being bought". Seeing the importance the cost of goods were to the bottom line, he also saw he had a knack for negotiations, getting better prices and terms and helping improve end profits. He could easily have stayed in that line after his A-levels (high school for us Yanks) but wanted something different than the office or the university, thus his foray into the Marines.

Now, when we first meet him, he is forty years old and described as "six-foot-tall, slim, dark hair and a discerningly handsome face". He is at the top of his game and would have likely stayed there for another twenty years or more but for one error in judgment that threw it all into turmoil.

That is when MI5 came to visit. They needed someone with his skill set and his experience and his integrity. Here then was a chance to make amends for his mistake and to have a chance to get his life back on track.

That is, of course, that this one little assignment did not get him killed.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2021

1 Dark Corporation Dark Corporation
Written by Ben Colt
Copyright: 2020

A director at the global security firm Dark Corporation contacted MI5 wanting to blow the whistle on something very wrong at the company but then is killed en route the meeting. Max Sargent, an experienced corporate official, is offered a chance to fix an 'indiscretion' by going undercover at the company to find what the man was about to reveal. This will see him following a trail from England to India, then Hong Kong, and then to the Caribbean in pursuit of a plot with terrible consequences for the world.
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2 Omega Trail Omega Trail
Written by Ben Colt
Copyright: 2020

Someone at a large British armament company is selling Britain's military secrets. To learn who, MI5 calls again upon Max Sargent to go undercover at the firm, dangling the designs of a new long range sniper system as bait. But MI5 is not just after who is doing the selling; it wants who is brokering the deal as well as who the end buyer is which means that Sargent must not just play detective - he must play the traitor.
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3 Treason Trap Treason Trap
Written by Ben Colt
Copyright: 2021

MI5 Cyber calls again on Max Sargent to help him investigate a bank robbery which left no sign of the perpetrators. As he closes in on the culprits he and they are blackmailed by a foreign government to perform a heist meant to deeply embarrass the UK government. Sargent has to decide how far he is willing to go.
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4 Masonic Renegade Masonic Renegade
Written by Ben Colt
Copyright: 2021

"Max investigates the surprising assassination of an influential Chief Executive of a large utility firm.
As he digs into the victim’s background, associates and business dealings, the likelihood of favoritism, bribery and insider trading becomes more apparent.
His leads start to point to a revived sinister and secret business networking organisation, fronted by a large, expanding corporation.
Max chases down evidence and suspects in the UK, Italy, West Indies and America, whilst the order decide he must be silenced."
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While Max Sargent may have been at the top of his game in the business world when the series starts but about to lose it, his forced transition into the spy game shows he can be pretty darn good in that arena as well.

All this makes for very entertaining reading which, since the books are so recently penned, I hope will continue for some time. Sargent is a very decent man having to work in a very indecent profession which puts him in a quandary at times. He is also a man who does not like bullies and many of the power-players he will be put up against fit that description.


My Grade: B+


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