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Full Name: Drex Ellis
Nationality: American
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: K. H. Wenman
Time Span: 2018 - 2021


Drexel Deere 'Drex' Ellis is an agent with MI-6.

Mostly. A bit with American Intelligence as well, in those early days of World War II before the OSS was established. And not a little bit working on his own as well.

Ellis was employed as a newspaper photographer in France for two years until the German invasion of France in 1940 made staying in that country less than advisable. He and his pal, Jack had made their way somewhat perilously to Tangier where Ellis figured the two would land for while and enjoy life. Then Jack, who was in the U.S. Army Reserves, was called back to active service and Ellis was alone and soon a bit bored.

He found in Gibraltar a surplus (I believe) patrol boat and used some of his funds (of which he indicated he had a good amount available) to refurbish it. His love of and knowledge of boats was extensive but what his plan for it was exactly is unclear though the use that MI-6 found for him to use it soon appeared. With the fall of France, a lot of French pilots who did not want to serve the puppet government of Vichy needed a way to get to where the British would welcome their skills fighting the Germans. Ellis began a series of high-speed smuggling of these pilots out of Spain to the British territory.

When America was attacked and then entered the conflict in Europe, Ellis contacted his pal Jack to see if Jack could help him get a commission in the Navy to join the fight. Jack, now with Military Intelligence, realized what a terrific asset was already in theater to work for them. And MI-6, of course, was not done with finding things for Ellis to do for them.

Ellis was to become a very busy man.

Good Line:
- "Bickering over two sides of the same coin."
- Regarding his dislike of flying, "He'd tinkered with all sorts of motors since childhood and never knew a boat, or car, or lawnmower engine that hadn't suddenly crapped out for any one of a hundred stupid reasons."


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2021

1 Our Man In Tangier Our Man In Tangier
Written by K. H. Wenman
Copyright: 2018

For a while Drex Ellis had played a dangerous game helping French pilots get to freedom from their occupied country at the beginning of WWII. Then he had to flee to Tangier where he met and married Neva and gave up that work for photography. The arrival in the city of a Gestapo agent looking for him is just the beginning of an adventure which would put him working for MI-6.
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2 Our Parachute Girl Our Parachute Girl
Written by K. H. Wenman
Copyright: 2019

Young Second Officer Moody was a ferry pilot for the RAF. When she failed to arrive at her destination at a base in southern England, the search started but no wreckage was found. Then a caller to the British consul in northern Spain says she is Moody but will not explain why she is where she is. Drex Ellis is asked by MI6 to verify who she is. Together Ellis and Moody will work to stop an assassination what will greatly affect the war.
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3 Our Balkan Princess Our Balkan Princess
Written by K. H. Wenman
Copyright: 2021

The year is 1943. The Nazis are holding Yugoslav Princess Aleksandra in 'protective' custody. They mistakenly agree to let her be interviews by Life Magazine, not knowing she has a valuable scientific document in her possession. MI6 knows, though, and sends in Drex Ellis to get it. The Princess has a price for it, though - Ellis must get her out.
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Not sure which I liked more, the character of Drex Ellis himself or the writing style of the author. Obviously without the quality of the latter, the interest in the former would be lessened. Luckily, that quality is pretty darn high which makes all three of these adventures (so far) well worth the money to buy and the time to read.

I felt that way after the second book and then, many months later when I discovered a third one had come out (snuck past me, the imp) I kinda sorta grinned a bunch at the chance to renew my acquaintance. Who knows, maybe there will be more!


My Grade: A-


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