captain_justice_bk_abod captain_justice_bk_tps captain_justice_bk_cj
Full Name: John Valcourt Justice
Nationality: British
Organization: The Board
Occupation Agent

Creator: Anthony Forrest
Time Span: 1981 - 1984


Captain Justice is an agent for the British Naval Intelligence.

That is what one source indicated but two other sources show that Justice, full name John Valcourt Justice, is a naval officer who is seconded to shore duty to perform missions for the very mysterious clandestine organization with the odd name of Board of Beacons, Bells, Buoys and Mercantile Messengers, which I have shortened to The Board.

The period of time that Justice operates is 1804-1807. Napoleon Bonaparte has been in control of France for a handful of years since seizing power in 1799 and has just crowned himself Emperor. His ambitions for control of Europe are well known and when we first encounter Justice, he and the rest of the British Navy are preparing for war in the defense of England.

At times Justice has been given command of a naval vessel but his usual status is to be without a command, something that brings "a pang of genuine regret". for "there were time when he longed to walk his own quarter-deck again, but once a man was in the service of the [Board], it was goodbye to hopes of that sort".

Justice is described as a "trim, sandy-haired man in the full fig of a captain [of the] Royal Navy". Elsewhere he is said to be a handsome fellow, self-reliant and strong".

A deeply patriotic man, which explains why he agreed to give up a career at sea which he loves for the clandestine work that the Board asks of him, Justice nevertheless often has little good to think about those in control of the country, politically or militarily, damning those "in their cups who would blab away the fate of an army at the dinner table". He similarly has little good to say about "Whig journalists who told a war-weary nation what it wanted to hear, not what it should hear".


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1981
Last Appearance:1984

1 Captain Justice Captain Justice
Written by Anthony Forrest
Copyright: 1981

The year is 1804. Captain Justice is seconded to the Board to travel to Verdun, France to rescue an English agent held the Citadel and, if necessary, to complete the man's mission to someone immobilize Napoleon's fleet massing at Boulogne preparing to invade Britain.

2 The Pandora Secret The Pandora Secret
Written by Anthony Forrest
Copyright: 1982

It is the winter of 1804. The American inventor Robert Fulton has been secreted out of France to build the Pandora, a submarine which will change naval warfare forever. Captain Justice is again given a mission by the Board, this time to protect Fulton and his invention from French spies who want the man back and wish to either capture the vessel or destroy it.

3 A Balance Of Dangers A Balance Of Dangers
Written by Anthony Forrest
Copyright: 1984

Captain Justice is asked to look into the sinking of a vessel, an act that portends renewed activities by Napoleon against England. He discovers a French plot to get Denmark to declare war on England and to use its naval power to counter His Majesty's. This will lead up to the 1807 raid on Copenhagen.


According to his descriptions spread throughout the trio of adventures, Captain Justice (shame I could never find a real first name) is handsome, dashing, sophisticated, cultured, daring, brave ... The list could go on but why should I? I hate him enough already.

Of course I do not really hate him. He is fictional. Had he been real, then I would definitely despise him. Since he exists just in the pages of these adventures, well then I can say that I very much enjoyed his company. The man knows how to live!


My Grade: B+


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