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Full Name: Hugo Dare
Nationality: British
Organization: SICK
Occupation Agent

Creator: David Codd
Time Span: 2019 - 2020


Hugo Dare is an agent with SICK.

That strange acronym stands for Special Investigations into the Criminal Kind, ergo S.I.C.K. although no one uses the periods. For reasons I have not yet discerned, the headquarters is referred to as the SICK Bucket. The Bucket might be because the HQ is underground. Or it could be something else entirely. The Director of SICK is called the Big Cheese, not by just the employees but by the Chief as well.

When we first meet Dare, he is 13 years old and is obsessed with being a spy. Obsessed is a nice way of putting it. He lives and breathes dreaming about being an operative and has taken over the plant shed to make a "shedroom" where he can practice his spycraft and imagine the different ways he can vanquish the bad guys and show the world how good an agent he would be.

Dare is not an agent when we first encounter him but he is soon to become one, even if at his age he is rather young for the job. When he does make the grade, pun sort of intended, he is Agent Minus Thirty-Five. Codename Pink Weasel. You can call him Pinky.

Dare's mother is named Doreen. We know this because Dare insists on calling her by her first name instead of 'mom' because, well, he has "standards to uphold". If that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to you, it doesn't to Doreen either.

Dare's father, Dirk Dare, is an employee at SICK. Because he works there, in whatever capacity he actually does, he is a big hero to Dare especially since he has gotten Dare a chance to visit. To Dare Dad is the "greatest spy who never was". To Doreen, Dad has been "a huge disappointment to me since the moment we met. He's nothing but a pork pie of a man" defined further as "small and round and unnaturally crusty".

Interesting family environment.

In the first adventure, Dare recounts to we readers some important lessons of the spy business. Several I found particularly fun ate:

Secrets of a Spy Number 56 - always judge a person by their smell.

Secrets of a Spy Number 22 - never trust a man - or woman - with a beard.

Secrets of a Spy Number 77 - if in doubt, stop thinking altogether.

Secrets of a Spy Number 25 - when answering a particularly awkward question, think of the most outrageous lie you canĀ ... and then say it!

Secrets of a Spy Number 18 - always expect the unexpected even if the unexpected isn't that unexpected because you've been expecting it for some time.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Greatest Spy Who Never Was The Greatest Spy Who Never Was
Written by David Codd
Copyright: 2019

Hugo Dare has wanted to be a spy for years but was happy to just get a weekend job as a toilet boy for SICK. Imagine his surprise when he is suddenly promoted eight levels and is now on an assignment assisting Agent One. That assistance will include bank robbery, diamond smuggling, and the theft of a priceless artifact. Not bad for a 13-year old boy.

2 The Weasel Has Landed The Weasel Has Landed
Written by David Codd
Copyright: 2019

Maya, the daughter of the Mayor of Crooked Elbow, the town where Hugo Dare lives and SICK has its headquarters, has been kidnapped. She is being held in "the most dangerous places known to mankind", nearby Elbow's End. Only one person can find and free Maya. Unfortunately, he is busy. That leaves it up to Hugo to do it.
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3 The Day of the Rascal The Day of the Rascal
Written by David Codd
Copyright: 2020

The Day of the Rascal is apparently a traditional yearly event when pranks by one individual goes city-wide. This time, though, the Rascal in question has a different objective - to eliminate the Chief of SICK. It will fall to Hugo Dare to keep the Big Cheese safe.
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For a while I was not sure if everything that happened to Hugo Dare was just in his quite vivid imagination. Then I decided that it most definitely was and that nothing I read happening to him really was taking place. Then I decided that I might be wrong. Then I ....

You get the idea.

Now in the parts that I think were actually happening, I had a blast. In some of the other parts, not so much. But in the Secrets of a Spy, I found something I really enjoyed. Too bad they were only in the first adventure. I looked with excitement in the next two books but alas found nothing.


My Grade: B


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