Tony Falcon is an agent with the CIA.
One blurb found on his opening adventure states that Falcon does not take himself too seriously and that is definitely true. It does not mean, however, that he is frivolous in things that matter, such as his missions, which is good because he gets involved in several very dangerous and very important operations. What it does mean is that he enjoys life and what he does and is able to see the foibles he and others have and appreciate them.
Falcon is likely in his early to mid 30's. He is described as looking "normal, dark medium length hair with a hint of a wave, average height and build although with a movement that betrayed a hidden fitness". He is noted to have "the head and eye movement of a man who assessed everyone for threat level and noted the exits for potential escape. But to the uninitiated he looked every bit the average guy who wouldn't get a second look".
In the first recorded adventure, Falcon is teamed with agents from MI6 and the special relationship that he will establish with them will be used in other missions. One especially important connection is that with Rebecca 'Becca' Johnson, an agent with that British intelligence service with whom he will start to have a much closer association. She will prove to be very important to him not only personally but also professionally as she proves she is certainly not just a pretty face, though she does have one.
That blurb mentioned earlier also indicated that Falcon was into Star Trek. He is by no means a fanatic about it and there are not constant references to it but he does enjoy watching the episodes in his spare time and has mentioned that "you can learn a lot from Star Trek", including the very important "First Rule" which is that "red shirts always die".
Good Line:
- Regarding his devotion to Star Trek, Becca retorts, "What concerns me is that you really believe this s**t."
- Said by Falcon, "If we ever get attacked by shape shifting aliens then I'm your man."
- Advice by Falcon to a colleague on using false identities, "To make the magic happen all you gotta do is to believe you are the person it says you are."