Cord Devlin is an agent with the NSA.
He has been one for a while already when we meet up with him. He has created a track record for completing his missions that is very impressive and is likely the only thing that keeps him from being canned because he also has earned a reputation for doing things his own way, never a welcome trait in any government agency, as well as being, well, rather peculiar.
Devlin, who is likely in his late 20s or early 30s, is a huge fan of Star Trek. That is putting it far too mildly, of course. He is absolutely obsessed with it to the point of dreaming about it. That would be bad enough but sometimes he day-dreams about it as well and that can be very disconcerting to his co-workers. Those close to him known he is darn good at his job but they also know that he is not a little crazed, if not crazy. "Your man lives in a different reality" is what the psychiatrist said about Devlin to his supervisor.
Still, as Devlin works on a couple of assignments for the NSA that we can follow, and then later goes it freelance because he and it finally decided to part ways, his intimate knowledge of every fact there is to know about a fictional television program will come in handy on more than one occasion.
As the series progresses, Devlin's world will change in some pretty incredible, and pretty unbelievable, ways; ways that even the crew of the Enterprise might find it hard to grasp and they went through some similar events. His Star Trek experience will help him stay sane, despite all the opinions of the NSA leaders and medical staff, not to mention more than one of his own relatives.