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Full Name: Cord Devlin
Nationality: American
Organization: NSA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Michael J. Foy
Time Span: 2020 - 2020


Cord Devlin is an agent with the NSA.

He has been one for a while already when we meet up with him. He has created a track record for completing his missions that is very impressive and is likely the only thing that keeps him from being canned because he also has earned a reputation for doing things his own way, never a welcome trait in any government agency, as well as being, well, rather peculiar.

Devlin, who is likely in his late 20s or early 30s, is a huge fan of Star Trek. That is putting it far too mildly, of course. He is absolutely obsessed with it to the point of dreaming about it. That would be bad enough but sometimes he day-dreams about it as well and that can be very disconcerting to his co-workers. Those close to him known he is darn good at his job but they also know that he is not a little crazed, if not crazy. "Your man lives in a different reality" is what the psychiatrist said about Devlin to his supervisor. 

Still, as Devlin works on a couple of assignments for the NSA that we can follow, and then later goes it freelance because he and it finally decided to part ways, his intimate knowledge of every fact there is to know about a fictional television program will come in handy on more than one occasion.

As the series progresses, Devlin's world will change in some pretty incredible, and pretty unbelievable, ways; ways that even the crew of the Enterprise might find it hard to grasp and they went through some similar events. His Star Trek experience will help him stay sane, despite all the opinions of the NSA leaders and medical staff, not to mention more than one of his own relatives.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2020

I strongly recommend reading the novellas before either of these books. Things will make more sense (sort of) if you do.

1 Ghosts of Forgotten Empires, Volume I Ghosts of Forgotten Empires, Volume I
Written by Michael J. Foy
Copyright: 2020

Artifacts from another age are discovered in Egypt but their origins do not appear to be from this planet. Agent Cord Devlin is sent to investigate but his life will change drastically, as will a rival agent from Russia, as possession of these artifacts will grant god-like powers
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2 Ghosts of Forgotten Empires, Volume II Ghosts of Forgotten Empires, Volume II
Written by Michael J. Foy
Copyright: 2020

Dying will definitely change your life, as freelance agent Cord Devlin found out in the previous adventure. But with the help of his Uncle Jamie, using powers no one knew he had, Devlin is able to return, gaining knowledge about his family's past along the way.
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Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2020

As mentioned above, read these three stories before you read the books. I strongly recommend it. Very strongly.

1 Where No Agent Has Gone Before! Where No Agent Has Gone Before!
Written by Michael J. Foy
Copyright: 2020

Though Cord Devlin completed his mission, his failure to take advantage of an enemy agent reflects badly on him according to his NSA bosses. So does the house shrink's report on his dominating fixation with Star Trek.
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2 Some Unseen Events at the O.K. Corral Some Unseen Events at the O.K. Corral
Written by Michael J. Foy
Copyright: 2020

An Season 3 episode of Star Trek had several bridge members of the Enterprise put into an imaginary reliving of the fight at the O.K. Corral. So why does a young boy living in the real Tombstone in 1881 dream of the Earps being called Kirk and Spock? And what of the real-life phaser that was excavated from the area. These questions are posed to Cord Devlin due to his fascination with Star Trek.
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3 Inca City on the Edge of Forever Inca City on the Edge of Forever
Written by Michael J. Foy
Copyright: 2020

A reading from a satellite shows a very unusual power signature coming from an ancient Inca settling. Cord Devlin is one of two agents sent in to investigate despite the misgivings of the NSA and CIA over his strange fascination with Star Trek. That love of the show will come in extremely handy for keeping him alive
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I enjoyed the novellas a fair amount. They were good-ish spy adventures with a lot of Star Trek lore/connection thrown in and since I was and still am a Trekkie, what's not to like?

Then it was time for the two books and the time travel and space travel and the this and the that and I was lost more times than I wasn't. For me whenever the story spotlight was on Cord Devlin, I could follow things (mostly) but otherwise. I know I wore a constant look of confusion.

I give the author kudos for trying something different. I wish he had stuck with the novellas. Them I liked and understood.


My Grade: B-


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