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Full Name: Harry Bauer
Nationality: American
Organization: Cobra
Occupation Agent

Creator: Blake Banner
Time Span: 2020 - 2023


Harry Bauer is an agent with Cobra.

Cobra is an unofficial organization created by the Five Eyes nations (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) to "take out the trash". As was explained to Bauer, the Director of Cobra, Russell Bertrand, convinced people in high places in those nations to allow and to fund Cobra.

"We are not officially recognized, but we sit uneasily within the gray area of national security, where the executives of the member nations have special powers. We identify targets that we feel should be eliminated, we propose them and, usually, we eliminate them. Sometimes member governments come to us and ask us to take out a particular target. Our criteria for elimination is that the target in question should be truly and unambiguously evil beyond any doubt, they should be a significant threat to other human beings, and must have committed a crime, or be, demonstrably, about to commit a crime, that is truly and unambiguously evil."

To carry out the mission of Cobra, it needs highly trained and capable agents like Harry Bauer to be its assassins. Bauer would take a good deal of convincing to join, largely because while he knew he had the skill and the talent for what Cobra was looking for, he had issues with what Cobra was all about.

Bauer was born and "raised" in New York City. The quotes around raised is because he did most of his raising himself. Being left at an orphanage as a baby, named by the people there, he left the institution as soon as he felt able to take care of himself and spent his teen years living on the streets. It was there that his sense of outrage at the frequent incidents of injustice he routinely saw started eating at him and he started to do something about it. To help him survive this new avocation, he studied tae kwon do, getting a black belt in it, and then becoming good enough in jeet kune do to be an instructor.

When a personal issue pushed him to leave, he left the country and worked his way across the Atlantic on a ship. Once in England, he applied for and got accepted to try out for the Special Air Service (SAS). He discovered that as incredibly difficult as the training was, he relished it and he was good at it.

And the eight years he would go on to serve were the best years of his thus far unhappy life for in the Regiment, he had found the family he never had before. Which is why when his actions fell afoul of Whitehall and he was given the choice of resigning or getting thrown out, he reluctantly chose the former and made his way back to the States.

Being a trained and experienced killer as he had been with the SAS made Bauer a valuable asset (until he wasn't) but that sort of skillset does not translate at all to the civilian life. Unless you want to work for organized crime, like he was doing when a job for the Russian Mob came along. It does, though, make you a candidate for working for the ultra-covert Cobra.

Awesome Line:

Talking of his leaving New York a decade before, Bauer tells us, "I had left ... a pregnant wife. If she had been my wife I would have stayed."

Good Line:

Replying to Bauer's request for who she was and who she worked for, Cobra bigwig Jane Harris replies, "I don't have to tell you anything or explain anything or abide by any rules or protocols. I don't exist. I am not even here, and never was."


Number of Books:17
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2023

1 Dead Of Night Dead Of Night
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2020

After trying to kill the man known as the Butcher of Al-Landy, Harry Bauer is tossed out of the SAS and returns to New York. Not sure what he will do to earn a living, Bauer is suddenly given two options; work for the Russian mob to take down the Albanian one, and the job from Colonel Jame Harris to work for Cobra.
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2 Dying Breath Dying Breath
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2020

The job in Manhattan for Cobra was quite simple - eliminate two of China's top biochemists, men who had very bad reputations. But then Cobra asked Harry Bauer to find out why those two were in New York in the first place and the job got very complicated, and dangerous.
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3 The Einstaat Brief The Einstaat Brief
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2020

Considering his life and his occupation, Harry Bauer never figured romance to be a part of his future but when he finally met the right woman, he changed his mind. Then a kill squad came looking for him and he knew he needed help. Cobra said it would protect the woman he loved if he took one last job. It was to get into a gathering of the top experts in AI and take them out before their plan could go into effect.
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4 Quantum Kill Quantum Kill
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2020

Taking considerable pride in being the best there is at assassination, taking out the very worst of the human garbage, Harry Bauer is more than a little annoyed when his boss at Cobra tells him his latest mission is to bodyguard a woman from Canada to D.C. This is not what he does, he thinks. That's when the hit squad attacks and Bauer knows he needs all his killing skills to keep someone alive.
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5 Immortal Hate Immortal Hate
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

Harry Bauer's latest target is Colonel Marcovic, one of the leaders behind a horrific hospital massacre. The man has taken refuge on St. George Island in the Caribbean, the same spot where a Columbian cartel leader is using to open a new drug pipeline to the US. Bauer wants to get the Colonel. He really needs to get a strike in against the cartel.
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6 The Silent Blade The Silent Blade
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

Harry Bauer had just finished his latest mission in the Caribbean when he learns that he is suddenly the target for a whole lot of powerful people and organizations, from the CIA and MI6 to the Russian Mafia to the drug cartels. Some want to know who he is working for. Some just want him dead. Some want both.
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7 LA: Wild Justice LA: Wild Justice
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

Senator Cavendish is not only a power in the government, he is a billionaire who runs a renowned Foundation known for charitable works all over the world. He is also a secret sponsor of terror groups and Cobra has decreed he be eliminated. Considering that he lives in a heavily armed compound in LA, this might prove more than Harry Bauer can handle.
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8 Breath of Hell Breath of Hell
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

Colonel Jane Harris, The Head of Operations for Cobra, the organization Harry Bauer works for, has been kidnapped and the Director of Cobra assigns the task of getting her back to Bauer. This will put him up against a particularly nasty and violent secret organization.
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9 Invisible Evil Invisible Evil
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

The latest assignment handed to Harry Bauer by two members of Cobra appears to him more like murder than his usual type of work. He is told to find a civilian hiding out in south-east New Mexico among a motorcycle gang and to kill him. This is no enemy leader or terrorist. This is a private American citizen.
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10 The Shadow of Okupacha The Shadow of Okupacha
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2021

Harry Bauer has no problem taking out terrorists and other threats to democracy. The request from a US senator to head to Peru and a remote village in the land of the Incas to kill a archaeologist strikes him as very wrong. This is still his thoughts after he is told rumors say the man was unleashing the Supay, the daemons of Ukupacha.
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11 Sweet Razer Cut Sweet Razer Cut
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2022

"But he has one more job to do: Marco Benini, a mobster who traffics in women and children, a monster the FBI can’t touch because sometimes the law protects the devil instead of the angels. But as Harry struggles to finish the job, it seems the ghosts from his past might overwhelm him and take him down, with that last, sweet razor cut."
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12 Blood Of The Innocent Blood Of The Innocent
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2022

"When Harry Bauer’s holiday is cut short by COBRA, it is not just to send him on a routine job like any other.
A cargo, classified as above top secret, which was being transported in a container truck, from the Groom Lake testing grounds in Nevada to the Navy Shipyards in Norfolk Virginia, has been hijacked and stolen. There is no trace of the hijacking, nobody knows exactly where it took place, and nobody knows where the container has been taken. And that is not all, the container was being transported by a Delta Force team who were the best of the best and above suspicion."
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13 Blood On Balthazar Blood On Balthazar
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2022

Harry Bauer's decision to take a vacation trip to Maine seemed like a good idea until he got there. Then he learned of the "unseasonable snowstorm" headed there. And then there was the sheriff who strongly recommended he not poke his nose where it did not belong. And then Suzy and Polly go missing and Bauer is in the thick of trouble again.
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14 Simple Kill Simple Kill
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2022

Harry Bauer is given a simple assignment to take out a mercenary responsible for several thousand innocent deaths. He just had to fly into New York, go up to the man, and eliminate him. Nothing is ever that simple.
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15 Riding The Devil Riding The Devil
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2023

"Harry Bauer is the best assassin in Cobra. So when the brigadier gets a call from his old FBI friend, Ash Cooper, telling him he believes a Gulf Cartel drugs baron known only as Otropoco, is extending his operation to Pinedale, Wyoming, pushing drugs to school kids and out on the reservation, the brigadier doesn’t hesitate. He sends Harry to pick up the scent, find Otropoco and kill him.
But when Harry gets to Pinedale Ash Cooper has disappeared, and so has Sonia, his sixteen year-old daughter. The only people who seem to know anything are Sonia’s pals, and among them Slick, the town punk and drugs pusher, but he’s not talking."
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16 The Unavenged The Unavenged
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2023

"When he is sent to take out the Chechen war criminal, Abbas Magomadov, a colonel in the infamous Kadrovitsy, the 141st Special Motorized Division, Harry Bauer finds that somebody got there before him and, literally, took Magomadov apart. Was it Magomadov’s personal assistant, Salambek Bazurkaev, who has now gone missing? Or the amiable, courteous but inscrutable Bohdan Fedorko, a Ukranian refugee, secretary to the cult of Nergal, in which Magomadov had become involved? Or was it the mysterious and beautiful Anna Molyboha, who had been seen visiting Magomadov on several occasions before his death?"
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17 The Devil's Vengeance The Devil's Vengeance
Written by Blake Banner
Copyright: 2023

"Harry is at peace. He has found his little bit of heaven. He has closed up his house in Manhattan and moved to Pinedale with Dr. Claire Erickson. They are making a new life together…
But Dr. Erickson is about to discover just how new life can get when you hook up with Cobra’s most deadly assassin. Only, Harry no longer works for Cobra. He has hung up his Sig Sauer P226 and his Fairbairn and Sykes fighting knife. Now he breeds horses on his ranch, goes shopping with his woman and even participates in the annual July Rendezvous on the first weekend in July. Or that’s what he thought. But Harry should have known, assassins of his caliber never resign. They just die."
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     I am a big fan of this series and really enjoy the fact that the author is still giving us exciting adventures following Bauer.

     The action is hot and heavy and almost constantly present, enough to make me exhausted just reading about what Bauer is doing.

     Add to that the fact that some of the dialogue is really a hoot to follow and it is easy to see why I am a fan and why I keep snatching up new adventures the minute they come out.

     I was a fan of the author's other series, Lachlan Walker, and continue to be so but I really like Bauer.


My Grade: A-


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