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Full Name: Gibson Vaughn
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Computer Hacker

Creator: Matthew Fitzsimmons
Time Span: 2015 - 2020


Gibson Vaughn is a computer hacker.

He is a convicted felon for breaking into highly protected cyber-systems and pulling large amounts of incriminating data out of them. It was all for what he truly considered a very good cause but that did not mitigate his actions in the eyes of the law. As sentence was about to be handed down, he was given an in camera interview with the judge who understood both the crime and the mitigation and offered to Vaughn a simple choice: ten years in prison or at least five years in the Marines. For a hacker like Vaughn, the binary element to the offer was appropriate. Yes for Marines. No for prison. He chose Yes.

In the Marines Vaughn had found a new pasttime; fitness. He had already been in fairly decent shape but after the years in the Corps, which he had stretched to 8, he was in fantastic shape. Back in the civilian world, he maintained it. As one person hired to monitor him as the first recorded adventure begins would note: "Say what you would about Gibson Vaughn, the man gave predictable a bad name. On the upside, it made surveillance on him simple; on the downside, it got tedious quickly. The daily logs were virtually interchangeable. Vaughn's morning began at five thirty with a five-mile run. Two hundred push-ups, two hundred sit-ups, followed by a shower. Afterward, he ate the same breakfast at the same diner at the same counter stool. Every damn morning, like it was his church."

The trouble for Vaughn, and the reason he is in this compendium, is his father had run afoul of then Senator Benjamin Lombard and paid dearly for it. Young Vaughn wanted very much to get vengeance and ended up paying for that. Now 28-year-old Vaughn, ou

Gibson Vaughn is a computer hacker.

He is a convicted felon for breaking into highly protected cyber-systems and pulling large amounts of incriminating data out of them. It was all for what he truly considered a very good cause but that did not mitigate his actions in the eyes of the law. As sentence was about to be handed down, he was given an in camera interview with the judge who understood both the crime and the mitigation and offered to Vaughn a simple choice: ten years in prison or at least five years in the Marines. For a hacker like Vaughn, the binary element to the offer was appropriate. Yes for Marines. No for prison. He chose Yes.

In the Marines Vaughn had found a new pasttime; fitness. He had already been in fairly decent shape but after the years in the Corps, which he had stretched to 8, he was in fantastic shape. Back in the civilian world, he maintained it. As one person hired to monitor him as the first recorded adventure begins would note: "Say what you would about Gibson Vaughn, the man gave predictable a bad name. On the upside, it made surveillance on him simple; on the downside, it got tedious quickly. The daily logs were virtually interchangeable. Vaughn's morning began at five thirty with a five-mile run. Two hundred push-ups, two hundred sit-ups, followed by a shower. Afterward, he ate the same breakfast at the same diner at the same counter stool. Every damn morning, like it was his church."

The trouble for Vaughn, and the reason he is in this compendium, is his father got too close to then Senator Benjamin Lombard and paid dearly for it. Young Vaughn wanted very much to get vengeance and ended up paying for that. Now 28-year-old Vaughn, out of work and struggling to support a daughter and an ex-wife, is about to be thrown back into action.t of work and struggling to support a daughter and an ex-wife, is about to be thrown back into action.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Short Drop The Short Drop
Written by Matthew Fitzsimmons
Copyright: 2015

Ten years ago, 14-year-old Suzanne went missing. To Gibson Vaughn she had been like a sister and her disappearance disturbed him greatly. Now her father is a VP running for President and his head of security asks Vaughn to help with her case. Vaughn will find some very powerful people involved.
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2 Poisonfeather Poisonfeather
Written by Matthew Fitzsimmons
Copyright: 2016

Merrick is a billionaire in prison for bilking a lot of people out of a whole lot of money. He has hinted that he has stashed a lot of somewhere. A lot of people want to find it. One of them is Gibson Vaughn, not for himself but for a Judge Birk who was hurt badly in the swindle and who had once help a teenaged Vaughn.
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3 Cold Harbor Cold Harbor
Written by Matthew Fitzsimmons
Copyright: 2017

Freed from captivity, most of it in isolation, at a CIA black-site, Gibson Vaughn is struggling with reality. He is also wanting very much to get even with the person who put him in that pit. Unfortunately, to get that vengeance means going back to the life that got him there in the first place.
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4 Debris Line Debris Line
Written by Matthew Fitzsimmons
Copyright: 2018

Hiding out from the CIA and other federal agencies is tough in the modern world but Gibson Vaughn is trying. He is lounging on the coast of Portugal but he knows it can't last much longer. And the powerful drug smuggler who is financing their hiding wants payback - finding a fortune in stolen narcotics. That is tough and dangerous enough without throwing in the other forces behind the theft.
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5 Origami Man Origami Man
Written by Matthew Fitzsimmons
Copyright: 2020

What would you do when the man who killed your father and almost killed you showed up again asking for help? Tinsley is the assassin in question and he has a thumb drive that holds the facts about a major terrorist attack. It is also heavy encrypted which is where Gibson Vaughn comes in. And there are others after it.
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I am a computer programmer like Vaughn but not a hacker like Vaughn so while I enjoy all his thinking and reasoning and scheming and implementing, I can only pretend to think I could do what he does. Then again, I do not have to worry of pretending to have the bad things happen to me that happen to him.

And there is a whole lot of bad that will happen to him. If you are like me you will cheer when things to right but still be apprehensive because you know things are gonna go bad, too.

At least we can enjoy some really good writing and excellent storytelling while we await the next set of trouble to plague our hero.


My Grade: A-


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