knockout_cb_15 knockout_cb_01 knockout_cb_20 knockout_cb_14 knockout_cb_09 knockout_cb_19 knockout_cb_21 knockout_cb_13 knockout_cb_05 knockout_cb_04 knockout_cb_07 knockout_cb_00 knockout_cb_10 knockout_cb_08
Full Name: Angela St. Grace
Codename: Knockout
Nationality: American
Organization: G.O.O.D.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Robert Rodi, Louis Small jr.
Time Span: 2001 - 2003


Angela St.Grace is an agent with G.O.O.D.

That rather bizarre acronym stands for the Global Organization for the Obliteration of Dastardliness. That last word has for some time been in my collection of words we don't hear enough of these days. According to what we can read about the group, it has been in existence for several decades. The current leader of the agency, Celeste St.Grace, was herself an agent with G.O.O.D. when she had a brief liaison and conceived her daughter, Angela, so we can see the the group is by no means new.

Angela's father, she learns as the recorded adventures go along, is Damon Devlin who was a young agent for a different intelligence organization back in the day and is now its head. That group has the appropriate name, since it runs afoul of G.O.O.D. all the time, is Extralegal Vendors of Iniquity and Licentiousness. Those letters, of course, allow it to be called E.V.I.L.

At one point, Angela explains to her best friend the difference in philosophy between the two organizations. Both, she says, are about regulating human affairs. "It's just that one wants to do it through authoritarianism, the other through revolutionary subversion". Clear enough, right?

As the stories progress, by the way, another group causing trouble for both will come along and it is named H.E.L.L. And there is yet another one with the acronym of H.E.A.V.E.N. Clever name. You can read the stories yourself to learn what they stand for.

Angela is, when we first meet her, a 24-years old recent college graduate who has been planning for most of her life for the same career her mother had, although the idea she would tell her mother is, well, just no. She is in the best condition anyone could ask of an agent and has fighting skills worthy of any experienced operative. She does, however, like to do things her way and if she could find a way, she would put an "I" in "team.

Being the daughter of a white father and a black mother, Angela has beautiful cream colored skin. She also has gorgeous blonde hair which is odd since neither parent does. As mentioned she is in fantastic shape and her figure is to die for. We know this because her missions are depicted as graphic adventures and she spends more time out of her apparel than in.

She is assisted by her partner Go Go Fiasco, a young, handsome, gay fellow agent who shares Angela's apparent dislike for clothing. The two have a brother-sister relationship that is a lot of fun to follow.


Number of Stories:14
First Appearance:2001
Last Appearance:2003

1 Fox and Hound Fox and Hound
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Louis Small (penciler), George Freeman (inker), Moose Baumann (colorist), Jack Morelli (letterer)
Copyright: 01/2001

Published in Codename: Knockout #0
Introductory story in which Angela St.Grace, worried that her partner, Go-Go, is in trouble (he is), breaks into the lair of a terrorist leader to rescue Go-Go who has stolen microfilm with the names and locations of all members of the group.

2 The Devil You Say The Devil You Say
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Louis Small (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Moose Baumann (colorist), Jack Morelli (letterer)
Copyright: 07/2001

Published in Codename: Knockout #1-#3 - Angela St.Grace, and her partner, are attacked by ninjas sent by the head of E.V.I.L. It is the opening gambit in a scheme to have her leave G.O.O.D., run by her mother, and work for E.V.I.L. run by her father.

3 Fleshback '73: St.Grace Under Fire Fleshback '73: St.Grace Under Fire
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Louis Small (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Moose Baumann (colorist), Jack Morelli (letterer)
Copyright: 10/2001

Published in Codename: Knockout #4 - Go-Go recounts the first time, back in 1973, that G.O.O.D. agent Celeste St.Grace meets E.V.I.L. agent Damon Devlin. Both would go on to become Angela's parents.

4 Arms [And Legs] For Hostages Arms [And Legs] For Hostages
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Louis Small (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Jack Morelli (letterer)
Copyright: 11/2001

Published in Codename: Knockout #5-#6 - Angela St.Grace, Codename Knockout, and Go-Go are now fully vetted agents with G.O.O.D. Their first mission is to rescue from kidnappers two daughters of a new African nation's first President.

5 Go-Go A-Go-Go Go-Go A-Go-Go
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Yanick Paquette (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Archie Tuthis (letterer)
Copyright: 01/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #7 - When Angela St.Grace, Codename Knockout, tells her partner Go-Go that she is switching sides to work for E.V.I.L. he has a catharsis.

6 Fleshback '97: A Is For Anarchy .. B Is For Bomb! Fleshback '97: A Is For Anarchy .. B Is For Bomb!
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Yanick Paquette (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Archie Tuthis (letterer)
Copyright: 02/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #8 - Go-Go explains in a flashback to 1997 how he and Angela St.Grace first met and became best friends and eventually partners.

7 Enigma Variations Enigma Variations
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Amanda Conner (penciler), Jimmy Paliotti (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Archie Tuthis (letterer)
Copyright: 03/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #9 - On a flight layover in Paris, Angela St.Grace and Go-Go encounter in an airport lounge Enigma, an android who once worked with her mother at G.O.O.D. in the 90's. Angela is determined to know what Enigma has been and is doing.

8 Undressed To Kill Undressed To Kill
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Yanick Paquette (penciler), Jason Martin (inker), Lee Loughridge (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 04/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #10-#12 - On their first mission with E.V.I.L., Angela St.Grace and Go-Go work on an assignment taking on a growing rival organization that is eating into profits. Since its primary income is from white slavery, Angela lets herself get lured in.

9 Fleshback '32: Arrivederci, Roma Fleshback '32: Arrivederci, Roma
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Amanda Conner (penciler), Jimmy Paliotti (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 07/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #13 - Finished with their mission, Angela St.Grace and Go-Go vacation in Italy at the home of Angela's grandmother, a former operative for American Intelligence. Go-Go recounts a mission the woman had back in 1932.

10 H.E.A.V.E.N. Sent H.E.A.V.E.N. Sent
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Amanda Conner (penciler), Jimmy Paliotti (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 08/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #14 - Flying into London, Angela St.Grace and Go-Go are kidnapped by agents of the British organization H.E.A.V.E.N. because they believe the pair are still working for E.V.I.L. even though Angela explains they had quit.

11 Amok In Ameria Amok In Ameria
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Ed Benes (penciler), Alex Lei (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 09/2002

Published in Codename: Knockout #15-#18 - A crazed homicidal prisoner held by the G.O.O.D. Director has gotten free. She is a "sister" to Angela St.Grace but is not happy at all about her sibling's existence and would like to see it end.

12 Fleshback '69: Queen, Castle, Pawn Fleshback '69: Queen, Castle, Pawn
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Mark A. Robinson (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 02/2003

Published in Codename: Knockout #19 - G.O.O.D. had tried a cloning processing at the end of the 60's but had found it fraught with problems. Then an attempt with a new, young agent named Kevin proved its only success. This is how the story of Kevin's first mission and why he was chosen.

13 Rebel Yell Rebel Yell
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), Mark A. Robinson (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 03/2003

Published in Codename: Knockout #20 - A strange confusing affair in which H.E.A.V.E.N. is working with G.O.O.D. at the same time E.V.I.L. is dealing with H.E.L.L. agents and there is a black-clad female ninja who is very upset with Angela.

14 Secrets And Thighs Secrets And Thighs
Published by Vertigo
Contributors: Robert Rodi (writer), John Lucas (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Wildstorm FX (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Copyright: 04/2003

Published in Codename: Knockout #21-23 - Who is the mysterious agent known as Malevola and why does she seem to have a problem with, well, everyone, G.O.O.D. or E.V.I.L. Angela wants to find out.


Research. That is why I looked into the series. Research for this site so I can honestly claim to have look at everything. That has to be the reason, right? Not the incredibly hot, wonderfully drawn female figures (and guys, too, I guess) whose attire, when wearing any, leaves little question. Of course the anatomy of those ladies would make Barbie look minuscule.

Back in the day we would claim we were perusing the publication for the articles. In the case of Angela St.Grace, aka Codename: Knockout, it would be for the plots and the pithy dialogue.

Now, before you roll your eyes too much. There is some clever dialogue and some interesting characters and some outrageous plotlines. This is a send-up of spy fiction and it is kinda fun. For a while. Then again, the magazines came out once a month which would have been a good way to read them, not all in one day. Bit of a bosom overload for one day.


My Grade: B


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