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Full Name: Conor Thorn
Nationality: American
Organization: OSS
Occupation Agent

Creator: Glenn Dyer
Time Span: 2018 - 2021


Conor Thorn is an agent with the OSS.

The date is October, 1942, when we meet him. The locale is the port of Tangier, Morocco, and situation is one in which gut instinct on Thorn's part saves the life of a valuable asset but does cause some ruckus and earns him the enmity of his chief of station. Hardly the sort of beginning to a new line of work that Thorn was wanting and one he will now have to live with. "Reckless" is the term the COS uses for him and it is a term that likely will be appended to him in the future.

Thorn is 26 years old. He had been a lieutenant in the US Navy before being moved to the OSS. We learn at bit at a time why Thorn left the Navy and it was not a pleasant separation that was not his fault but there is some understandable bitterness. It was obviously not enough to stop him from wanting to serve his country which explains why he is now in the OSS.

So at our first meeting, Thorn is a recent addition to Bill Donovan's OSS (considering that we catch up with Thorn in October and the OSS was only established in June, he could easily be one of the first).

Working very closely with Thorn in his adventures is the excellent MI6 operative Emily Bright. She was recommended By Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt and General Eisenhower as Britain's part in the first major mission Thorn is assigned. His words were, "She's a newly minted MI6 agent. I did everything I could to keep her with me. She operated as the secretary for the Joint Planning and Joint Intelligence Committee and general staff. She was indispensable to me during the early years of the war, in the dark days. With time being of the essence, she'll help the OSS navigate the wartime landscape here in Britain, which can be a bit challenging."

She will prove to be an equal partner to Thorn as together they handle some very nasty situations.

In addition to the notables mentioned before, there will be a smattering of other interesting people from history that will pop up on occasion, the most entertaining, albeit brief, one being Lt. Cmdr. Ian Fleming of the Naval Intelligence Division.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2021

1 The Torch Betrayal The Torch Betrayal
Written by Glenn Dyer
Copyright: 2018

After a mission in Tangier goes badly, Conor Thorn knows he is all but ousted from the OSS so this new mission is vital for his career. It is also vital for the war effort as plans for the invasion of North Africa, codenamed Operation Torch, have gone missing. The year is 1942 and the job for Thorn is to get them back before the Nazis get hold of them. Joining him is MI6 agent Emily Bright.
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2 The Ultra Betrayal The Ultra Betrayal
Written by Glenn Dyer
Copyright: 2020

It is the Fall of 1942. A Swedish cryptographer working for the Allies in London has gone missing. The information that person had could cause a lot of damage if the Nazis got hold of it. Conor Thorn is tasked with finding and retrieving the codebreaker but his colleague from MI6, Emily Bright, disappears while in Stockholm.
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3 The Unquiet Genius The Unquiet Genius
Written by Glenn Dyer
Copyright: 2021

"December, 1942. Conor Thorn will stop at nothing to end Hitler’s terror. So when a brilliant nuclear physicist is discovered holed up in Italy, the elite OSS agent reunites with his MI6 counterpart and slips behind enemy lines on a recruitment mission. Now pitted against rival forces also on the hunt, Thorn is hell-bent on preventing the key to an atomic weapon from falling into ruthless Nazi hands. With the clock ticking on the escalating war, his operation falls under threat when his objective proves elusive. And as Russia, a double-dealing Italian monsignor, and the Vatican all converge on the reluctant theoretician’s hideaway, Thorn struggles to keep clear of an ever-tightening deadly trap."
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Reading about Conor Thorn is a terrific way to pass some time. Reading about his cohort, Emily Bright, is even more fun. Together they make one heckuva great team, one that I hope will continue for some time (there are three adventures as of this writing).

To me, Thorn has a bit of a chip on his shoulder when we first meet but it is there for a good reason. It will go away after time but he will keep his edge. He is a very capable operative but is honest enough with himself to have his doubts; he will keep those largely to himself, though.

I liked the way that the author worked in a couple of prominent players in the spy game during the War; notably Kim Philby and the above mentioned Ian Fleming. Gave a nice twist to things.


My Grade: A-


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