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Full Name: Jeff Stone
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: Colin Guest
Time Span: 2018 - 2020


Jeff Stone is an agent with an unnamed American Intelligence group.

The group really has no name because it is not only top secret, it is off the books. Its operations were under the direct control of the President and known to him, his Chief of Staff, and Ian Merideth, the commanding officer of the team. Stone was the head of Operations in charge of first planning and then leading his people into action. Their primary reason for existing was to fight the constant war on terror. By being as covert as they were, their methods were not under the scrutiny of Congress or the Press.

Headquarters for this team that did not officially exist was appropriately a "non-existent import-export company". Since most of the team was out of the office on one job or another or getting some deserved but seldom provided down time, the facility did not need to be large, especially as the business did no real business.

For an outfit that did not exist, and certainly had no line item on the Federal budget, the people of Stone's team lacked nothing in the way of provisions or transportation at the drop of a hat. Similarly documentation and false identities were quickly and expertly available making it likely that unofficial connections to established organizations like the DOD or CIA had to exist.

We do not get a feel for, and are certainly not specifically told, how old Stone is nor where he comes from. No mention is ever made about his history or his relationships (if he ever had time for one). It seems certain that he was once, if not still is, in the military, likely Special Forces, but that is conjecture.

What we do know is that the missions we see Stone embark on are highly dangerous and vitally important and Stone has absolutely no hesitation putting his life on the line.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2020

Each of the first three adventures take place in a very small period of time with the second and third picking up immediately after the previous one.

These have been released as books but considering the sizes of each, they are at best novellas. I have chosen to include them in the Book section for now to separate them from the one 'related' novella.

1 Desperation Rules The Day Desperation Rules The Day
Written by Colin Guest
Copyright: 2019

Nathan is the captain of a cargo ship who has gotten himself in a heap of trouble with gambling debts. When he is offered the change to make a ton of money, enough to get out from his obligations, he reluctantly agrees. It will put him in the middle of a terrorist plot that will find Jeff Stone being brought in to stop.
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2 Never Pull The Tiger's Tail Never Pull The Tiger's Tail
Written by Colin Guest
Copyright: 2019

After the near destruction of the Golden Gate, the President sends Jeff Stone out to find who was behind it. This will take him and a colleague to Panama and two containers loaded with rocket launchers. They will also find there are powerful people who want them to fail.
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3 Death On The Move Death On The Move
Written by Colin Guest
Copyright: 2020

Last in a trilogy. After he was shown proof that Iran was behind the Golden Gate plot, the President wants a severe blow struck against that country and he chooses Jeff Stone to do the striking. Stone learns that the IRGC, the group most behind the plot, is having a secret meeting in Lebanon and Stone wants to take out its leader.
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2018

The character in the novella mentioned below is named Jeff Danes, not Jeff Stone. However, this Jeff is an experienced black-ops specialist whose brother was killed in Yemen and who blamed the President of that country and ended up helping to take the man out. The first Jeff Stone adventure lets us know that Jeff was an experienced black-ops specialist whose brother was killed in Yemen and who blamed the President of that country and ended up helping to take the man out.

Same man? Not for me to say.

1 For The Greater Good For The Greater Good
Written by Colin Guest
Copyright: 2018

Jeff Danes learns that his brother died while in police custody in Yemen. He is not happy with the story he hears but going there to look himself, he ends up in a plot to eliminate the man ultimately responsible - the President of Yemen.
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Major fast and furious stories, really just one big, ongoing adventure really, these show a man who does not have time to catch his breath before moving on to the next problem. And based on what we see here, there is always another problem. Kinda makes you wonder when Jeff Stone has time to do laundry.

I would not be surprised if these three books/novellas were not one day packaged into one volume since they do flow from one to the other.

I would also not be shocked to have some more adventures coming with this fellow. Things do not seem settled at the end so far.


My Grade: B-


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