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Full Name: Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Reporter

Creator: Andrew Raymond
Time Span: 2018 - 2023


Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell are reporters for The Republic.

That American publication is a weekly news magazine which been around for quite a while taking its place on the newstands right next to rivals like Newsweek and Time. And like others of its type, in the days of the Internet and browsers on every electrical device, it has fallen on hard times. Without frequent major stories to drive circulation, it is in danger of shutting down.

Two of the reporters on the staff tasked with providing those breaking stories are Novak and Mitchell. Of the two, Novak is the more well known one in the States having been active here for several years and having won a couple of very prestigious awards doing so. Mitchell is far better known in her native England where she was for a good while known for incisive investigating.

Novak, I learned from a dossier provided me, was born in 1981. His father was for several years the anchor for NBC Nightly News so he comes by his investigating via heredity. He describes his upbringing in Brooklyn with a famous father as "liberal without the idiocy and conservative without the guns". He graduated from Columbia's School of Journalism before becoming a reporter. He was a co-winner of a George Polk award for reporting on US involvement in conflict-diamond mining. His biggest success came in 2017 with a non-fiction book The Hidden State: How the NSA Steals Elections which was not only a huge bestseller but also garnered for him a Pulitzer, as well as governmental scrutiny and a possible prison sentence.

Mitchell is less known to the American public but not to the people in her field. When she elected to leave The Guardian in England to become take on the job of Foreign Affairs correspondent, it was met with considerable surprise she would leave her previous position and some happiness that she was now part of the team. Her tenacity and her drive were already well known.

Together these two will join up to get involved in several matters that more than one government will not want known as well as a large number of trained killers who know how to put a story to bed in a different way.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2023

1 Official Secrets Official Secrets
Written by Andrew Raymond
Copyright: 2018

Tom Novak hasn't had a good news story since his expose on the NSA six months before for which the government is still trying to put him behind bars. He needs a new one and he and fellow reported Stella Mitchell think they have found it in the mysterious death of an employee of GCHQ. But the more they dig, the deeper they get - in trouble.
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2 Capital Spy Capital Spy
Written by Andrew Raymond
Copyright: 2019

A dissident reporter from Russia has one heckuva scoop - a Kremlin mole inside the American Congress. He is killed in an accident before he can get the story out. Now Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell are on to something suspicious in his death and the FSB would rather they not get the story out.
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3 Traitor Games Traitor Games
Written by Andrew Raymond
Copyright: 2020

The Prime Minister of England is given a choice by terrorists - either resign or watch a series of attacks around the country. As she ponders her choices, Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell learn more about the back story and about a traitor in the government.
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4 True Republic True Republic
Written by Andrew Raymond
Copyright: 2021

The murder of a thriller writer named Ferguson makes his publisher certain his research for an upcoming novel touched something deadly. Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell are asked to look into it and they soon find a connection to a rather infamous member of the royal family. They also find a link to Mitchell's estranged mother.
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5 Blood Money Blood Money
Written by Andrew Raymond
Copyright: 2023

"When the anti-corruption unit of the UK’s intelligence agencies is attacked by gunmen, its director Rebecca Fox quickly finds herself framed as a conspirator. Now a fugitive from her own agency, she turns to the only people she can trust her life with: fearless journalists from The Republic, Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell.
Enlisting allies old and new, Novak and Mitchell must risk their own lives to prove Rebecca’s innocence."
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There is terrific sub-genre of spy thrillers dealing with reporters whose intrepid nosiness puts them in the thick of things that the alphabet agencies might not want them to know - or worse yet, secret organizations that exist by staying secret.

This wonderful series belongs to that category and each wonderful book cements its place in the upper echelons.

Both Novak and Mitchell would qualify for their own series but since they are together, each book is just that much better.

The author has this and another great series going on at the same time and apparently a new one just coming out so, which one do I want more of? You know me - all of them!


My Grade: A-


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