Samantha Starr is an airline pilot.
She is quite new in the pilot chair for Luxury International Airlines, a "small airline that caters to wealthy passengers". She had occupied the position for just one month when we first meet her but she has put in her time and paid her dues in training and in the second seat so she is ready for command. She quickly shows right off in the first recorded adventure that she has what it takes to handle stress and danger and life will not ease up with either on her as the series progresses.
Starr was no stranger to excitement and dealing with trouble even before that incident having been raised with two older brothers who, while they adored and watched over their little sister, were nevertheless boys and off doing adventurous things which the littler Starr wanted to join in on. That made her have to try harder and be more tenacious. That in turn will set a pattern for her life.
She is 26 years old as the stories begin. When Starr was 18 years old, another of her brothers, 12 at the time, was kidnapped and murdered. This tragedy will have a lasting effect on her and will be the impetus for her actions early in the series, actions which will create for her a very powerful and very determined enemy. The troubles which follow will task her greatly as well as the Scottish special operations soldier she connects with and her two brothers, one a Navy fighter pilot and the other a Navy SEAL. All three have more experience and more training but invariably each will find she is the natural leader.