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Full Name: Sam Noor
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Michelle Medhat
Time Span: 2018 - 2020


Sam Noor is an agent with MI-6.

Ellie Noor is ... something else.

This is an odd (read very odd) combination of spy-fi and paranormal and sci-fi.

In the first recorded adventure, we meet Sam Noor and his adored wife of many, many years, Ellie. Sam Noor is, as stated, an agent for British Intelligence and has been for more than the nearly 30 years he and Ellie have been married. Being in the clandestine business it is not surprising that he keeps his employment on the down-low but he has managed to keep it from her for all those years. He has been able to disguise his frequent trips abroad as other activities and she has been none the wiser. Until ...

The second adventure we follow of the two has Sam away again and his now aware-of-the-truth wife dealing with that truth back home. And dealing with a whole lot more as some of his own group have decided that she knows something they need to learn and what they start to do to her is something that Sam will want very much for them to pay dearly for doing. So far all the activity is in the 'normal' espionage realm and Sam is clearly the main protagonist.

Until the third adventure when as a result of her turmoils Ellie starts to change. And with her metamorphosis will come a change in the starring role. Ellie becomes the focus and what a focus she becomes. She will quickly show that she has acquired some amazing powers and she is not afraid to use it. And since terrorists have cause so much trouble for her and her world so far, she decides it is time for her to do something drastic about it. And she had learned how.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Trusted The Trusted
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2019

Finding those behind an attack that could have global consequences is always difficult but for Sam Noor, it is even harder since his wife has just learned that for all of their many years married, he has concealing his real work with MI-6.
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2 The Dominant The Dominant
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2019

When Sam Noor learns that while he was oversea interrogating a terrorist, back home his wife was having the same done to her by his own people. Now he has not only the worry of a nuclear bomb going off in England, he has major desires for revenge against his own.
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3 The Resonance The Resonance
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2019

Ellie Noor, Sam's wife, is in turmoil. She has been tortured to almost death by terrorists and then learned that her husband's efforts to save her has allowed the terrorism plan to go forward and hundreds of thousands have died. But then she discovers in her a new power that will be needed to keep the rest of the world alive.
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4 The Refracted The Refracted
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2019

Things have gotten very strange for Ellie Noor. No longer human and with powers that are frightening to others, she is working to stop terrorists all over the planet but now some of those in charge are causing trouble for her plan.
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5 The Sum The Sum
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2020

Now known as the Protector, Ellie Noor is seeing that her job on Earth has been accomplished. Peace and prosperity are felt around the world. But there is something terribly wrong with the British Prime Minister and the plan he is secretly hatching.
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2018

1 Operation Snowdrop Operation Snowdrop
Written by Michelle Medhat
Copyright: 2018

Sam Noor and his fellow agent, Matthew Kinley, are asked to leave their normal lives and go undercover to stop terrorist leader Al Douri and his sadistic second-in-command, Sabena, from unleashing a major attack against the West.


This series starts out so very normal. One member of a marriage partnership is risking life and limb for the country while the other is at home waiting. Now to have the waiting one be unaware of the true profession of the other is also by no means unheard of, for Sam Noor to have pulled it off for nearly 30 years is peculiar.

Then the big reveal which was handled quite well. Then a trope of the non-spy spouse being pulled into the mess with a threat to life. And then the series takes a major twist that moves it out, mostly, of the spy-fi area and things are never the same.

I do not mean they are bad. Just not the same.


My Grade: B


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