palatine_james_bk_ls palatine_james_bk_salp
Full Name: James Palatine
Nationality: British
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Inventor

Creator: Giles O'Bryen
Time Span: 2016 - 2016


James Palatine is an inventor.

I struggled for a while on what to identify this man as. I toyed with the 'agent' description and affiliated him with MI6 for a while but then removed that. I had 'professor' in for a time and pulled it as well. I finally decided on what he is when we first meet him - an inventor of a pretty nifty and very scary surveillance device everyone wants and lots of people will kill to obtain.

Which does nothing to show just how deadly and dangerous this man on his own in. He shows that in the first couple pages of the first recorded adventure and from then on we the readers are well aware of the fact that though this man is extremely intelligent, he is also well able to take care of himself and confident enough in that ability to not shirk dangerous situations.

When we meet him, he is, in addition to other things, teaching at Imperial College. I have not determined how his students and fellow faculty feel about him but early on I learn that some of those in the Intelligence community who have to deal with him are a bit on the nervous side. One remarked, "Every time I meet him I have the feeling he's working out the quickest way to kill me". Also, in one description of him, we are told that he was "tall, rangy, with wolf-like grey eyes and an arrogant manner. He'd been standing in a group of men who seemed to be keeping their distance, as if instinctively aware that proximity to Palatine would do them no favours and might possibly be dangerous".

His dossier at MI6 informs us that "He took a commission with the Intelligence Corps, and spent much of his time on assignments with the SAS in the Middle East and Kosovo. As well as training in combat and survival to the level required for an SAS secondment, he attended courses in surveillance and counter-surveillance, explosives and artillery. He also studied Arabic and is said to have an exceptional facility for languages. Palatine endured a fractious relationship with his senior officers and intelligence service liaisons, frequently questioning orders and proving resistant to the disciplines inherent in a military career. He is reported to have shown exceptional courage and cool-headedness in combat situations, but his detractors point to an aptitude for violence that is alarming even for a serving soldier. Despite successfully completing assignments that could probably not have been carried out by any other operative, he is now regarded as unreliable."

An interesting man, Dr. Palatine is.women seem threatening?"

Good Line:
- Notable comment: "Know everything, expect nothing." his t'ai chi instructor cautioned him.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2016

1 Little Sister Little Sister
Written by Giles O'Bryen
Copyright: 2016

Besides being a trained assassin, James Palatine is also a gifted inventor what has created a item he dubbed 'Little Sister', a surveillance device that intelligence agencies around the world would love to have. So would groups like terrorist organizations it would be used against. Now it has gone missing and Palatine is out to retrieve it, no matter what. So is Natalya Korhcarian, the arms dealer who accidentally sold it. The man who bought it has a hide-out in the middle of the Sahara.
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2 Say A Little Prayer Say A Little Prayer
Written by Giles O'Bryen
Copyright: 2016

The year is 1999. The location is war-torn Kosovo. James Palatine is a part of the Army Intelligence Corps temporarily assigned to an SAS unit. It is his first mission in the field. When he finds a young girl close to dying in the woods in freezing weather, he decides to rescue her but that decision will have tremendous ramifications and will throw him up against gangsters and spies with their own agendas.
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This is an interesting series in that the first book has the main character as a inventor-professor who gets involved in some nasty business and manages to resolve things. The second book, however, appears (to me, anyways) to be a prequel and deals with some very unpleasant trouble while he was working with British forces in war-torn former Yugoslavia. It is the same character on paper but he comes across quite a bit different in each, albeit deadly in both.

The writing is top-notch. The scenes get set and described quickly and enjoyably without bogging down and the action is really fast and furious. It is the main character that sort of confuses me in that he is very, very dangerous and fully capable of taking care of himself but I am not sure whether I am supposed to like him or not. He is made out to be a cold fellow and he succeeds.


My Grade: B+


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