Michael Poe is an agent with Homeland Security.
When we first meet him, Special Agent Poe is an ambitious "twenty-four years old and impatient" man who "wanted to light the world on fire". In his mind he has yet to do it but in the minds of his superiors, he has definitely set something on fire one too many times. Poe, it seems, attracts trouble and the occasional spot of mayhem a bit too often.
For being still so relatively young, it is surprising that Poe is already an experienced field agent who has acquired a bit of a reputation. He is known to be someone who got the job done but, unfortunately for his supervisors who have to handle the paperwork, things tended to get messy when he is around. Mind you, he does not instigate the mayhem but he is definitely not someone to walk away from it.
And if the trouble-makers should flee the scene and pursuit looked important and Poe had no immediate transportation of his own, he was not the least bit reluctant to 'borrow' any car or motorcycle convenient. Of course more often than not the vehicle is not in the same condition after his use but that is usually the fault of the chased.
It would not be said of Poe that he is especially patient. And being annoyed or bristling at his superiors is not an uncommon condition. Luckily for his evaluations, Poe usually gets the job done.
Working with Poe on each of his missions so far is his best friend, fellow Special Agent Robert Griffin, a man one year older than Poe and quite a bit different in personality and temperament but the two work extremely well together and their lists of successful assignments speak for themselves.