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Full Name: Scott James
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Surgeon

Creator: Glenn Shepard
Time Span: 2015 - 2016


Scott James is a surgeon.

He is no spy. No black-ops expert. No counter-intelligence operative.

He mostly fixes people.

I say mostly because of two things. The first is that he is a plastic surgeon and while he prefers to concentrate on repairing broken or damaged parts of the human face, he also handles the typical nose touches and cheek bone tweaks that are not needed but just wanted by the patient to be 'perfect'. The second reason is that he is by-and-large a passive sort of fellow but if pushed, he will shove back and being a skilled doctor well versed in an understanding of the human anatomy, he knows where to push to get the job done.

Still, he is a surgeon, not a spy, and he loves it. "Each day I look out on a waiting room, and when I see broken pieces, I try my best to put them back together. I grew up on a farm, working in the fields. Now I am the founder of a surgery center for craniofacial reconstruction, with an emphasis on facial deformities, such as cleft lips, deformed mandibles and maxillae, and orbits that are too widely separated, or compacted." [I only understand some of that but it sounds impressive.]

When we first meet him, he has left the lucrative hospital practice he enjoyed in Jackson City, North Caroline, about twenty minutes from Raleigh [don't look it up, it does not exist] to start his own plastic surgery center much to his wife's annoyance. The fact that it would soon, if left alone, make him a lot happier than the hospital gig is irrelevant to the soon-to-be ex-wife. Nothing would make her happy except more money and less him. He also has a couple of young sons that are his delight. He is 40 years old and in pretty good shape.

He is also possibly the most unlucky surgeon around considering the fact that he finds himself, through no action on his part, going up against terrorists and criminals and pirates and so on not just once but several times. Very bad juju. Except that he finds a way to survive each of these encounters and come out on top so the juju is not necessarily bad, just out of whack.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2016

1 The Missile Game The Missile Game
Written by Glenn Shepard
Copyright: 2015

ISIS has set up a secret missile base in rural North Carolica from where it can strike the nation's capital. Dr. Scott James learns of it and when help is not coming, it will be up to him and his new companion, the lovely freelance agent Elizabeth, to stop them.
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2 The Zombie Game The Zombie Game
Written by Glenn Shepard
Copyright: 2015

The plan by ISIS was to take over a hospital ship in Haiti, turn it into a missile launcher, and then peacefully sail to Miama where the visiting Pope would then be an easy target. On that ship, though, is Dr. Scott James and he has the backing of a squad of Haitian zombies.
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3 The Ebola Game The Ebola Game
Written by Glenn Shepard
Copyright: 2015

Once again ISIS terrorists are attack America. This time they are using the Ebola virus to launch an epidemic and the action starts with a bomb exploding at a hospital. At that hospital is Dr. Scott James and he will use anything he can to stop the dying, including the beautiful freelance operative, Elizabeth, and a Vodoun princess in Haiti.
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4 The Encryption Game The Encryption Game
Written by Glenn Shepard
Copyright: 2016

An unnamed group is out to steal nuclear weapons from America. All their communications is encrypted making learning their plans next to impossible, according to the CIA and the NSA. Dr. Scott James and his people may have a way, though, but that help is definitely coming from left field.
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Okay, I want to say right off that the adventures Dr. Scott James gets into are totally unlikely and far-fetched and just ain't a-gonna happen. They stretch all sorts of logic way out proportions.

I loved them. Really.

My appreciation of them makes as much sense as the troubles he gets into but the stories are fun and if you just say 'what the hay?' and go with it, they give you several hours of fun.

The writing is good and solid and the people are fairly realistic although a tad stereotypical. The plots, as I say, are 'out-there' but once they get going, they are fun to follow.


My Grade: B+


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