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Full Name: Thomas Sebastian Scott
Nationality: American
Organization: NSA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Barry Fulton
Time Span: 2014 - 2020


Thomas Sebastian Scott is an agent with the NSA.

When we first meet him he is recovering from a terrible car accident in which the car he was riding went off a mountain road on the Khyber Pass, killing all by him and nearly taking him as well. The accident left him with a lack of memory, such that he was surprised when he talked to the nurse in fluent Urdu, like a native. It was around then that the medicine a visiting American doctor gave him took effect and he slowly sank away and died. Mostly.

Why it was deemed necessary for Franklin Lambert, the man we are talking about, to cease to exist is part of the story, so no spoiler here, but he did and in his place is Scott.

Lambert/Scott is not a young man. He was born in 1948 which makes him in his mid 60's when the adventures take place. He is described as a "hint over six feet tall, and thin as a praying mantis". He is an expert in cyber-security having been working in that field for a very long time. We also learn that he was born and partially raised in Pakistan to American parents which explains his understanding of that nation's language and customs.

He has retired from the cloak and dagger world and moved to West Virginia where he had a serendipitous reconnect with a fellow seminarian from his much younger days, Father Sean McManus, and who is now his best friend and frequent confidante.

For an older man who has retired and left all the danger and excitement behind, this fellow still gets into a ton of trouble and has to prove over and again that being old is not the same as being helpless.

Good Line:
- Said by Scott, "If I've learned nothing else in 65 years, I certainly know how to make a cup of coffee".


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2020

1 Flame: Hackers, Artists, Lovers, and Spies Flame: Hackers, Artists, Lovers, and Spies
Written by Barry Fulton
Copyright: 2014

What at first looked like a bizarre ice sculture turned out to be a frozen body and inside it are six kilos of heroin and an electronic device which has code that can disable some computer worms targeting Iranian uranium enrichment facilities. Thomas Sebastian Scott is brought out of retirement to look at it.
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2 The Lady Is Bugged The Lady Is Bugged
Written by Barry Fulton
Copyright: 2015

A sudden advancement in robotics get Thomas Sebastian Scott involved in a kidnapping and a murder and a race from Manhattan across the Atlantic to London, Rome, and Venice.
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3 Behind The Seventh Veil Behind The Seventh Veil
Written by Barry Fulton
Copyright: 2018

Several very different events around the world are somehow linked together: an NSA cyber-spy goes missing in Turkey, an American artist witnesses a ritual Japanese suicide, a top Iranian general is assassinated, and an airport bombing in Istanbul. Somehow Thomas Sebastian Scott must make sense of it all.
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4 The Irish Imbroglio The Irish Imbroglio
Written by Barry Fulton
Copyright: 2020

Asked by the NSA to help its Bluefish team with a matter, Scott will agree but wants first to take a quick trip to Ireland "to explore his roots". This will result in having to deal with being arrested for the murder of a female Italian reporter. Only after that can be resolved can he deal with NSA's problem which will involve a plot to destroy the Northeast power grid.
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The older I get, the more I really, really appreciate stories about older folks still being able to make a difference in the cloak and dagger business. Mind you, I could never have and know that completely but it is neat to follow those fictional fellows who can.

There is a good amount of action in this series but what I really enjoyed most was the thinking way in which the aged Scott approaches problems. He puts years and years of experience behind him to help deal with some pretty heady troubles that the NSA brings him.

Reading them, I couldn't help but think how much fun they would be also be on television.


My Grade: B+


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